AV Linux 2020.4.10 Released!!



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AV Linux 2020.4.10 RELEASE NOTES!


AV Linux 2020 Desktop

Harrison Mixbus 32C with Auburn Sounds, Cut Through Recordings and OvertoneDSP Demos

Cinelerra-GG Video Editor

Shortly after the Christmas holidays some time opened up for me to work on an AV Linux update and as time went on the rumours about a new respiratory virus started to permeate the mainstream media and now here we are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic! So it is with mixed feelings but much gratitude I release the latest ISO of AV Linux 2020. I am very thankful for the multitudes of talented developers and collaborators from all over the world whose incredible work I get to present and share on this little DVD-sized serving platter, my compliments to the chefs!! It occured to me recently that with the exception of Ubuntu Studio and perhaps the CCRMA project AV Linux is the longest running Linux Audio Distribution out there, As with many DIY spare time projects there have been times of ebb and flow and even a few times when continuing seemed to be impossible but I have to say the odds were never great for a Canadian farmer to pull this off in the first place and it's still here!

Unlike older versions of AV Linux this LiveISO is not aiming to provide an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink experience, running Linux Distros live off thumbdrives is fun but in the real world nobody is going to spend a sustained amount of time using any Operating System to it's full potential from a USB Key... what's possible isn't necessarily practical. The idea here is to focus on a fast, efficient and attractive base and complement it with strong front-running applications to showcase good performance and reliable software with an eye toward practicality and economy. Ardour and Mixbus32C are great included DAW examples but what makes AV Linux a good platform for Ardour also makes it a good platform for Qtractor, Reaper, Bitwig, Renoise, Waveform or whatever DAW you prefer. For those not experienced with Linux Audio the intention is to answer your questions before you know to ask them and provide most of the laborious 'next steps' that would be required if you were to start with a basic vanilla Linux Distribution and configure it for the best Audio performance.

For those who may doubt the seriousness or potential of such an independent homespun DIY project to be of any value I ask you to to simply try it and see, download it, copy it to a USB Key with Unetbootin and boot it. Read the User Manual (the only one of its kind in Linux Audio) and hopefully you will see that the countless hours invested in curating, compiling, maintaining and 'fixing problems you didn't know you had yet' since 2007 have some merit and will provide you with a fast, productive and powerful platform to create top shelf multimedia content that can go toe to toe with any platform out there...

Now go and create a masterpiece!


Moved to Debian 10 "Buster"
New 5.4.28 RT and lowlatency Kernels (Thanks Trulan Martin!)
New Systemback fork with NVMe support - *not tested here, plz give feedback!
Added Pulseaudio Bluetooth module and BT support frontends
Disabled Automounting of External drives on LiveISO, it can be re-enabled post-install
*Some Users viewed automount as a security intrusion..*shrugs
Removed all KDE libs and Kdenlive, too much bulk and ISO space for one application
*Kdenlive can easily be installed from Debian or Flatpak post-install
Added latest KXStudio Repositories compliant with Debian Buster
Added New Thunar Custom Actions including Sample editing and Image manipulation
Completely rewritten 'AV Linux Assistant' with many new features
Consolidation of many small AVL scripts and apps into AV Linux Assistant
Consolidation of extra Plugins into a single 'avlinux-extra-plugins' Package
Added many new Fonts for Graphics projects
Added new feature to update 3rd Party Repo GPG Keys from 'Quick Update'
Added new extended software platforms 'Flatpak and Docker' and their Repos
Now featuring the Demo Version of Mixbus 32C 6.0.652
Added Applied Computer Music Technologies Demo Plugins
Added Auburn Sounds Demo Plugins
Added Cut Through Recordings Demo Plugins
Added OvertoneDSP Demo Plugins
It's SFZ Heaven! added SFizz and LiquidSFZ to complement SFZero and linuxsampler
Added Surge Synthesizer *gui doesn't work in Ardour/Mixbus
Added Tunefish4 Synthesizer *gui doesnt work in Ardour/Mixbus
Added Sitala Drum sampler
Added "B" Plugins
Added Airwindows VST Plugins
Added Flameshot Screenshot editor to replace deprecated 'Shutter"
Added FAudio packages and repository to support Wine Staging 5+


Updated AV Linux User Manual for latest Release
Updated Theme and Icons to recent Numix GIT
Synced to latest KXStudio Updates
Synced to latest Cinelerra-GG build
Synced to latest Wine-Staging version
Updated linvst to 2.8
Updated pajackconnect script to 1.0
Updated Hydrogen Drum Machine to 1.0.0 beta
Updated Polyphone to 2.0.1
Updated Yoshimi to
Updated Dragonfly Reverb Plugins to 3.0
Updated Ninjas2 Plugins
Updated Noise-Repellent to 0.1.5
Probably much more... I didn't write it all down..


Download (and please only) download from the mirrors on the AV Linux Webpage. If you find AV Linux useful after a reasonable evaluation period please consider supporting my time invested by using the PayPal Donate button. Any amount is very much appreciated and to those who have donated in the past you have my sincere gratitude, I'm not always available to send a personal thanks but please know your donations are very important to support upstream applications and Kernel development and they let me know that you think this work is worth continuing!

Hold on! Please RTFM First: http://www.bandshed.net/pdf/AVL2020UserManual.pdf
AV Linux Web Page: http://www.bandshed.net/avlinux/

For tech support issues please post in this thread:viewtopic.php?f=4&t=21286


# Source: https://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?p=116996#p116996
Ich habe mir gerade ein gebrauchtes Laptop bestellt auf dem "Kiosk"-maessig nur Renoise laufen soll, so gesehen passt das timing. Wollte sonst Ubuntu Studio nehmen oder vielleicht ganz minimalistisch Arch.
Edit: OK, RTFM ;-)
It is strongly suggested to NOT install AV Linux using the “Boot System Installer” menu option and to instead choose the top “Boot Live System” option and follow the instructions in the next section closely

Als ich die lokale auf "Deutsch" .de gestellt habe hatte ich merkwürdige Probleme. Der Eintrag in der "/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/org.freedesktop.consolekit.pkla" hat das Problem gelöst.

# https://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?p=117581#p117581
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich hab Xubuntu + Kx-Studio repos installiert, hat sich so ergeben.
Am laptop haengt ein M-Audio Fast Track Ultra USB interface, funzt alles prima und war ein schnaeppchen auf ebay :)
  • Daumen hoch
M.i.a.u.: khz
AVLinux begeistert mich:

  • Echtes Debian-stable
  • Schlank, minimal, schnell, ...
  • Im Audio Bereich alles 100% RT konfiguriert
  • Kx-Studio repos und andere mit drin
  • Trotz Debian-stable aktuelle Software dank den repos - z. B. 5.4.28 RT Kernel

  • Debian-security und buster-updates muss man momentan noch nachträglich in die source.list eintragen
  • Den Kanada Mirror kann man nachträglich auf Debian oder .de umstellen
  • Verwendet nicht den "AVLinux installer" - RTFM ;-)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
