Aentitainment presents Eletrc-Ohm

Ab heute gibt's ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen des renomierten japanischen Labels Electr-Ohm ( ) bei Aentitainment. Wir starten mit dem aktuellen Album des Labelgründers Sunao Inami und einer wirklich großartigen Compilation, die namenhafte Künstler des elektronischen Undergrounds aus aller Welt vereint.

V.A. / electr-ohm compilation 1 ... ion-1.html"

This CD is taken as an answer from the japanese label electr-ohm to the question about the next generation of IDM. Some of the bestknown names in electronic music (when we talk underground) have laid their hands on this one. 13 international artists (including Flint Glass, Empusae, Noize Creator, Sunao Inami and more) joined from 7 countries to make this compialtion a piece of art that lasts.
Highly recommended to everyone who's into IDM, Rhythmic noise, Dark Electro,BrokenBeats and Breakcore.


Igloo Magazine
"...there is something for everyone who has hard experimental electronica pumping through their veins and wants fresh meat for the beast."

Connexion Bizarre
"...this is an excellent compilation which should be checked by anyone interested in good music, and electronica fans should be buying as soon as possible."

Sunao Inami "Laid Back Computing" ... ing-_.html

Sunao Inami never sleeps. That's the first line from the Cuemix Magazines Review for "Laid Back Computing". And maybe he really doesn't. Because if the abstract and complex beats you hear on this record are meant to be "laid back", sleeping means something like shaking and rocking (the literal term). The 2008th studio recording sticks with the "Clicks n Cuts"-style without giving a old fashioned taste. The cutted beats to give a rhythmical guide to complex and dark arrangements and carefully designed sounds, created to reach high and wide.
If you don't have the chance to catch him live somewhere on the globe, this record is very well recommended.


Connexion Bizarre
" good as one would expect from an artist like Sunao Inami, sure to please his fans and appeal to appreciators of abstract electronic music."

Cuemix Magazine
"Suano handles sounds and patterns like a magician without any narcissism. This is the reason what makes this album so great, its honest electronic experimental music. "

Side Line
"This an album which I really like and would like to recommend in its style!"

Gerade "Laid Back Computing" könnte interessant sein, da sich eine gewisse Nähe oder sagen wir Verwandtschaft zu Moogulators letztem Album nicht leugnen lässt.
Für Forenmitglieder entfallen natürlich die Versandkosten.
Isao ist prima. Hab ihn auch mal live gesehen. Das lohnt sich, wenn er mal in der Nähe ist.

Wenn er kann, reist er gern und viel und spielt.

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