"Obsessive Surrealism" by Parallel Worlds (DiN26)

Attention the new

"New "Obsessive Surrealism" (DiN26) cd review!" Spam is arriving on this and other fine websites in a few minutes by Mr. Spamis
tomcat schrieb:
And did you donate for the advertising?

Or just request some new features for the forum so you dont make any doubleposts?

Im curious. Do you post all this reviews to sell more cds or to feel more important?
the posted reviews have one very clear intention: promotion for the album.
they are posted in a single and same thread that was created 9 months ago.
this is not spamming, since i do not create new threads all the time about the same album.
if the moderator(s) think otherwise, then i am more than happy that they let me know about this.
also, if i'll donate something, or not, is my own desicion and not a public announcement thing or a demand.

thank you,
best regards, :)
Moduleman schrieb:
tomcat schrieb:
And did you donate for the advertising?

Or just request some new features for the forum so you dont make any doubleposts?

Im curious. Do you post all this reviews to sell more cds or to feel more important?
the posted reviews have one very clear intention: promotion for the album.
they are posted in a single and same thread that was created 9 months ago.
this is not spamming, since i do not create new threads all the time about the same album.

I understand that you have a different definition of "spam" than some users (including me) here.
Spam is unwanted advertising. And if advertising for your cd is your only contribution to this forum (i didn't check on that yet), you should think about getting more involved. ;-)
marv42dp schrieb:
Moduleman schrieb:
tomcat schrieb:
And did you donate for the advertising?

Or just request some new features for the forum so you dont make any doubleposts?

Im curious. Do you post all this reviews to sell more cds or to feel more important?
the posted reviews have one very clear intention: promotion for the album.
they are posted in a single and same thread that was created 9 months ago.
this is not spamming, since i do not create new threads all the time about the same album.

I understand that you have a different definition of "spam" than some users (including me) here.
Spam is unwanted advertising. And if advertising for your cd is your only contribution to this forum (i didn't check on that yet), you should think about getting more involved. ;-)
ok, but advertising of an album and an album review are two very different things. i post reviews, not adverts.
if i posted adverts, then it would be spam, no doubt about it.
best regards, :)
No Bakis. You make advertising here to sell cds. You dont contribute to the forum. So you are a dealer. And if you read the rules you have to make a nice donation for the free advertising.

Last time we had the same discussion, after this you made 2 or 3 other posts here to fake a contribution to this forum. Pls dont play stupid games bakis.

You advertise to earn money, so you have to give some of the money to the platform where you advertise. Thats business. And no, its not your own definition, its the definition of the target media (in this case the forum) your using.

Sorry, but your a selfish guy who takes and doesnt give.
Moduleman schrieb:
And did you do
ok, but advertising of an album and an album review are two very different things. i post reviews, not adverts.
if i posted adverts, then it would be spam, no doubt about it.
best regards, :)

Again you take us for stupid. Or are you so stupid?

The reason you post the reviews here is to push sales, so its marketing based advertising.
tomcat schrieb:
No Bakis. You make advertising here to sell cds. You dont contribute to the forum. So you are a dealer. And if you read the rules you have to make a nice donation for the free advertising.

Last time we had the same discussion, after this you made 2 or 3 other posts here to fake a contribution to this forum. Pls dont play stupid games bakis.

You advertise to earn money, so you have to give some of the money to the platform where you advertise. Thats business. And no, its not your own definition, its the definition of the target media (in this case the forum) your using.

Sorry, but your a selfish guy who takes and doesnt give.

i have contributed to the moogulator site and will contribute to the site again , if needed (if the site owner asks me to).
i am not a dealer, i am an artist. see the difference. its huge.

and, yes, you're right, i do not give, regardless if i have the doepfer_a100 group on yahoo for the last 7 years and its one of the most succesful groups on yahoo...
You do not give HERE

You are dealer of your own stuff

And you do not contribute. Who you think you are that you request to be asked by moogulator to be so kind to contribute?

Maybe you never learned this lesson: The more you give the more you get.

But you just take....
Please let him post it, he is free to to so. This is a music forum and I know him so why shoulnd't he post his music here?.. he's free to do so.

please stop this and get back to making music, ok?..


Maybe tomcat just wanted to help about "commercial" posting, but in this case it is ok and thats all, sorry too all of you.. just keep on posting. especially if its synth related music etc.
I agree with tomcat! If your are in several forum around the net you can find bakis long posts everywhere and for my opinion this is spam!!!!
I declare this one as no spam. I am entitled to do so ;-)
All Forum User should post their music in here, thats ok.

My wishes as an admin are like this so, please..
@Moogultor: No it wasnt my attention to help about commercial postings, this was a sideeffect. Im just pissed of reading bakis stuff everywhere on the net. If every label starts pushing its own music like this ... halleluja.
So its my personal opinion and i continue to see him as spammer.
Regarding youre wish: okay, no prob, its your forum ;-)

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