Ableton Live 11

möglich. hab gerade den operator für mich entdeckt, statt immer serum. der ist ungalublich. nur den sound würde ich irgendwie aufwerten wollen.

vielleicht mit dem serum effekt rack. denn das serum klingt vom klang besser als der operator.
Operator kann 4OP FM, dass kann Serum nicht, oder 4OSC subtraktiver Synth mit Lautstärke Hüllkurve pro Oszillator. Dafür kann Serum wiederum andere Dinge. LFO's die man als temposynchrone Hüllkurven verwenden kann, Oszillatoren wo es möglich ist einzelne Partials zu verändern, oder mathematische Formeln anzuwenden.

Ich tu' mich ehrlich gesagt etwas schwer mit den Ableton eigenen Synth's, irgendwas fehlt mir da immer. Ich könnte mich einfach darauf einlassen, möchte ich aber nicht.... ;-)
na ich meine den grundklang. eine saw wave klingt einzeln schon beim serum besser als eine saw beim oerator.

zudem kannst du beim serum die qualität auf 4 x stellen. was immer das bedeutet.
Hast du mal die Saw D im Operator verwendet? Das war meistens meine go-to Wellenform wenn ich subtraktive Klänge erstellt habe.

Serum klingt halt extrem clean und gleichzeitig qualitativ. Das muss man ihm lassen, obwohl ich ihn selten wirklich nutze.

4x usw. ist das Oversampling.
Dafür kann Serum wiederum andere Dinge. LFO's die man als temposynchrone Hüllkurven verwenden kann, Oszillatoren wo es möglich ist einzelne Partials zu verändern, oder mathematische Formeln anzuwenden.
Kann Operator natürlich auch, dass mit den Partials. Serum ist nichtsdestotrotz sehr gut ausgerüstet was die Oszillatoren angeht....
saw wellenformen und mathematik nutze ich nicht, weil ich das gruselig finde.

nichtsdestotrotz ist es erstaunlich mit wie wenig fm man man so experimentelle sounds, ja sogar vocal artiges zaubern kann.

Tolles Video, und kann auch eine gute Einstiegshilfe für den einen oder anderen generell sein..auch wenn es um typische Modulationen geht. Alles anschaulich präsentiert.

Und jo, nicht das ich ihn "brauchen" würde den Drifter, aber er hat was...besonders wenn er in die Sättigung fährt.

Schön, und trotzalledem eine gute Erweiterung weil auch gut zugänglich das Teil ..wie@scheint.
Was bedeutet eigentlich der remote Haken an/aus bei den midi in/outs?


Der Remote Knopf ermöglicht es, MIDI Mappings zwischen Parametern in Live und Deinem Controller zu erstellen oder um MIDI Daten an Deinen MIDI Controller zu schicken.
Für die folgenden Situationen musst Du den Remote Knopf für die Eingänge aktivieren:
  • MIDI Controllers mit LED Anzeigen, um den Status der in Live gemappten Parameter anzuzeigen
  • MIDI Controllers mit motorisierten Fadern, die den Status der in Live gemappten Parameter wiedergeben
Hier findest Du mehr Informationen dazu, wie Du Deinen eigenen MIDI Mappings erstellst.

Aus der Anleitung:

Was ist eigentlich das Problem mit Live 11? Wie schafft man das, immer wieder neue Bugs zu generieren? Ich habe am Dienstag meinen dritten Versuch gestartet von Live 10 auf 11 zu wechseln, in der Hoffnung das die gröbsten Fehler behoben sind. Heute....


Zur Erklärung: Wenn man den Velocity Wert wie hier auf 95 einstellt und die Maustaste loslässt, dann springt er auf 94. Bei Werten oberhalb von 95 passiert das nicht....
ist zwar sicher nicht korrekt bzw. sauber programmiert (bin da kein Profi) - aber welche konkret Auswirkung hat dieser "bug"?!
Der Bug hat die Auswirkung, dass Live 11 nach über 2 Jahre immer noch wie ein unfertiges Produkt dasteht.

Ernsthaft: Die Erklärung zum Bug, hatte ich unter die Grafik geschrieben.
ich denke so eine software ist nie "fertig" - darum gibt es mittlerweile version 11.2 (bald 11.3)
ich habe auch deine Erklärung zum bug gelesen, habe aber gefragt welche konkrete Auswirkung das hat.
Ich persönlich kann mir nur schwer Musik/Klang/Sound vorstellen, wo ein Velocity Wert mit einer Abweichung von 1 hörbar wäre...
wenn dich das davon abhält von 10 auf 11 umzusteigen, ist das für mich nicht wirklich nachvollziehbar.
es wirkt eher so, als ob es dir da mehr ums Prinzip als um die Einschränkung von Funktionalität geht?! (Was ja okay ist, aber mir eben unverständlich)
wenn dich das davon abhält von 10 auf 11 umzusteigen, ist das für mich nicht wirklich nachvollziehbar.
Davon habe ich nichts geschrieben. Mein Beitrag war eine Frage, mich interessiert was das Problem ist, gibt es dafür ein plausible Erklärung.

Ich kann es mir nicht erklären, Live 9+10 habe ich als nicht so problematisch in Erinnerung. Live 10 war in der 10.1 Version bereits ausgereift, jetzt ist man fast bei 11.3 und es taucht immer noch ein Bug in den Grundfunktionen auf.

#nohate ;-)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Zweite Beta für 11.3:

1.3.1b2 Versionshinweise​

New features and improvements:​

  • Auto-Warp Improvements
    • Live now uses a new Auto-Warp algorithm. Both downbeat and tempo variations are more accurately analyzed, making it possible to work with longer samples and entire songs without the need for manual warping in most cases.
    • To run the new Auto-Warp algorithm on clips within an existing Live Set, use any of the Warp From Here commands (found in the Sample Editor's context menu) from any location in a clip.
  • Core Library
    • Fixed several presets
    • Added a small preset selection
  • Max for Live
  • The MIDI input ports of the APC Key 25 mk2 and APC Mini mk2 controllers are now visible in Live's Link/Tempo/MIDI preferences, which allows these controllers to be used for MIDI mapping.
  • Fixed a performance issue in Sets with many particular VST3 plug-ins, that caused the UI to lag or become unresponsive.
Mein Beitrag war eine Frage, mich interessiert was das Problem ist, gibt es dafür ein plausible Erklärung.
Die Erklärung ist, das dieser Bug vermutlich schon gelistet ist in einer langen Bugliste bei Ableton, aber dadurch das es keine wirklich ernsthafte Auswirkungen hat, immer wieder runterpriorisiert wird, bei der Sprintplanung in den Ableton Entwickler Teams. Ich könnte jetzt noch was dazu schreiben was ein Entwickler pro Tag kostet und das die Entwicklungsarbeit idealerweise auch immer einen Mehrwert für das Business erbringen sollte…, aber das erspare ich dir, ich glaube du verstehst schon, auf was das hinaus läuft.
TL;DR Es lohnt sich nicht für Ableton das zu reparieren, weil andere Dinge wichtiger sind.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
TL;DR Es lohnt sich nicht für Ableton das zu reparieren, weil andere Dinge wichtiger sind.
Hmm, dass wäre kurios. So schätze ich Ableton ehrlich gesagt nicht ein. Bis zur 11er Version hatte ich auch noch nie was zu meckern. Ich habe keine Hintergrundinformationen, aber kann es sein, dass Live mehr oder weniger komplett neu geschrieben wurde? Das würde einiges erklären.

Bzgl. des Bugs, ich vermute er könnte bereits in der 11.2.10b2 behoben worden sein (wenn er das hier ist) und wurde möglicherweise durch ein altes Backup vielleicht wieder erneut eingefügt. Oder es sind zwei unterschiedliche Bugs und sie haben beim beheben, dann den neuen erzeugt.... :lol:

  • Fixed an issue where Live sometimes would not update the UI when switching between viewing note-on and note-off velocities in the MIDI Velocity Editor.
Was ist eigentlich das Problem mit Live 11? Wie schafft man das, immer wieder neue Bugs zu generieren? Ich habe am Dienstag meinen dritten Versuch gestartet von Live 10 auf 11 zu wechseln, in der Hoffnung das die gröbsten Fehler behoben sind. Heute....

Anhang anzeigen 173820

Zur Erklärung: Wenn man den Velocity Wert wie hier auf 95 einstellt und die Maustaste loslässt, dann springt er auf 94. Bei Werten oberhalb von 95 passiert das nicht....
Ich habe die Version 11.2.11. Du meinst mit Alt und Maus ziehen. Auch bei mir das Verhalten. Es geht auch manchmal bei 96, da springt der auf den Wert 95. Aber ich nutze meistens unten den Editor. Da tritt das nicht auf.

Ich persönlich halte den Bug für Pipifax. Ich würde den auf der Todo Liste ganz unten setzten. Es gibt ja auch einen anderen Weg den Velocity Wert zu ändern.

Ich bin mit Ableton Live zufrieden. Es tut das was es soll und das vor allen dingen Live.

Erinnere die einfach alle halbe Jahre an den Bug.
Der neue Push3 ist verfügbar und Ableton Live bekommt ein Update auf Version 11.3.2

Live 11 Release Notes

11.3.2 Versionshinweise
New features and improvements:

Auto-Warp Improvements:
Live now uses a new Auto-Warp algorithm. Both downbeat and tempo variations are more accurately analyzed, making it possible to work with longer samples and entire songs without the need for manual warping in most cases.
To run the new Auto-Warp algorithm on clips within an existing Live Set, use any of the Warp From Here commands (found in the Sample Editor's context menu) from any location in a clip.
Cloud in Live:
Song updates made to a synced Note Set will download more quickly to Live, under certain circumstances.
Song updates made to a synced Note Set that is currently open on Windows and has not been saved using the Collect All and Save option will no longer cause a download to fail and retry endlessly.

Samples that are no longer used by a Set.abl file will not be displayed under that Set within the browser's Cloud label.
Control Surfaces:
It is now possible to redo actions using the Launchkey MK3 Control Surface script by holding down Shift button and pressing the Undo button.
Core Library:
Added new presets and Racks featuring MPE.
Added improved MPE mappings in MPE-enabled instruments.
An update to zplane libraries may cause subtle sound changes when using Complex and Complex Pro warp modes in audio clips or the Simpler device.
Interface Improvements:
Accessing Legal Information through the About Live dialog now opens Live’s factory content Legal folder that contains Ableton's End User License Agreement and licensing documents.
Updated the End User License Agreement to:
include new Ableton products
better reflect the Ableton product ecosystem
respond to requests for clarification on our policies
include other small and compliance-related updates
Updated software texts in various areas of Live.
Updated various Help View lessons.
Updated various Help View lessons and software text translations in German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Japanese languages.
The "Read the Live Manual…" option in the Help menu will now direct users to the online version of the manual.
Replaced the link in the Help menu that points to Ableton's homepage with one that points to Ableton's Help page.
Help menu items that are related to learning Live are now grouped into one section, and "Get Support..." now appears as "Get Support", to indicate that it is not an external link.
Renamed the Help menu's "Help View" item to "Built-In Lessons".
Renamed the Home button's "Help View" info text in the main Built-In Lessons page to "Lessons Start Page".
Added a link to the Help View's table of contents page that points to Ableton's Help page.
Removed unnecessary dots from the File menu's "Manage Files..." entry.
When Zoom Display is set to 100% on Windows, Live now uses less GPU resources with certain combinations of GPUs and drivers.
Removed the option to "Use System Device" for audio input on macOS.
If audio output is set to “Use System Device” and the system device changes, Live no longer pauses audio with a "System device changed" dialog on macOS.
Max for Live Improvements:
Updated the bundled Max build to version 8.5.4. For the changelog, visit:
fixed parsing error with large gen Patchers
fixed matrix color input
fixed audioschedulertime calculation when device is open in the Editor
Live Object Model: updated docs
sfplay~: fixed crash with timestretching in efficient mode
vst~: improved loading speed for VST shell single plugin
vst~: partian-scan results are used in fas-scan mode
vst~: unique ID argument is used with plug_{format} messages
vst~: VST3 shell plugins cache info about other plugs in the shell
metro in Max for Live: outputs bangs consistently when the Arrangement View's loop brace is active
RNBO in Max for Live: starts up only after a rnbo~ object is present
MIDI Clips and Note Editing:
In MIDI clips, the setting of the Envelope Editor's MIDI Envelope Auto-Reset context menu entry is always respected, even when the respective track's Monitor switch is set to "In".
New Devices and Device Improvements:
AAS Device Improvements:
Added MPE support to the Analog, Collision, Electric, and Tension devices.
Updated info texts in the Analog, Collision, Electric, and Tension devices.
Added visual improvements to the Collision and Tension devices.
Introduced Drift, a new Instrument available in all editions of Live. Drift is a compact subtractive synthesizer that comes with a wide sonic palette and an approachable interface.
Expression Control:
Changed the way MIDI and MPE data are parsed for improved reliability. This also delivers a potential performance boost to the device.
Expressive Content for Live:
Added a number of presets to the AAS devices (i.e., Analog, Collision, Electric, and Tension), and the Drift, Sampler, and Wavetable devices, with an emphasis on expressive playability. The updated MPE Control Device can further adjust their playability and also enhance interaction with non-MPE devices such as Operator (via MPE to MIDI).
External Instrument:
The External Instrument device is now available in Live Intro.
MIDI Monitor:
Incoming MPE data can now be viewed in the MIDI Monitor device in the MPE display. Incoming note, velocity, slide, pressure and per-note pitch data are shown in a continuous stream as notes are played.
MPE Control:
Redesigned the UI to include dedicated tabs for MPE sources. This makes it possible to separately adjust each source’s settings, including configuring a default modulation value which will be used when playing notes that do not contain per-note MIDI data. It also introduces the ability to individually mute MPE sources.
Introduced the Swap to Slide option when using the Press MPE source. This is useful for example when controlling an external synth which only supports polyphonic aftertouch, but the user intends to control the modulation via the vertical axis instead.
Introduced a Centered option to the Slide MPE Source, so that the center of the vertical axis corresponds to a Slide value of 0, reaching 127 in both directions when moving away from the center. This feature is meant to help users who utilize a pad based MPE controller. Centered transforms Slide data so that hitting the center of the pad generates non modulated sound and the modulation value increases progressively as the finger slides away from the center alongside the vertical axis.
Added the Ons option to the Slide MPE source. When activated, Slide values are only updated on Note On, without further changes until a new note plays.
Optimized the device for better CPU performance.
The default modulation value will always be used when playing a note which does not contain per-note MIDI data, also in cases where min, max and curve values are tweaked.
Improved the text layout of objects.
Note Echo:
Added MPE support to the Note Echo device. Each MPE dimension has a feedback control, which defines how fast MPE modulation decays over time. MPE can be enabled with a toggle; when this toggle is disabled, the device behaves exactly how it did in 11.2.
Minor changes have been made to parameter names in Sampler and Wavetable.

Added support for the Drift device to Push 2.
Improved the UI of the following devices on Push 2: Analog, Collision, Tension, Beat Repeat, Filter Delay, Amp, Vinyl Distortion, Saturator, and Grain Delay.
On Push 2, it is now possible to edit MPE parameters in the Analog device, and missing parameters have been added to the device's banks.

It is now possible to edit MPE parameters in the Tension device on Push 2.
Reduced the knob sensitivity of the Tension device's Octave and Semitone parameters on Push 2.

To avoid incompatibilities, you will be asked to save Live Sets created with an older version of Live as a new file in Live 11.3.

Live Bugfixes:

Fixed a bug that caused incorrect formatting of some text in the Info View when Live’s language preference was set to German.
The Sample Editor will now always display the audio clip the user interacted with last, even in cases where multiple audio clips are selected.
Fixed a bug that resulted in an incorrect latency compensation when using positive track delays on Group Tracks or return tracks.
Scale Name and Root Note values of clips which are not in key will now be correctly retrieved when re-opening a saved Live Set. Previously, they would reset to default values when the clip was changed to be in key with the Set.
Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when pressing [Tab] or [Shift][Tab] after clicking on a Session clip title in the Clip View in a second window.
When using a second window, Live will no longer switch between Session and Arrangement Views when clicking on a clip title in the Clip View, even when interacting with a clip from the other view.
Fixed a bug that prevented automation lanes of some AUv2 plug-in devices from showing up when reloading a Live Set.
Fixed an issue in the APC Key 25 mk2, APC mini mk2, ATOM, and ATOMSQ control surfaces where button LEDs would indicate that upward scrolling was possible under the wrong circumstances.
Fixed a bug that might cause Live to crash on Windows when quitting the application.

Fixed a crash that could occur when configuring a plug-in device's parameter while the containing track was unselected.
Fixed a crash that could occur when pressing the [Tab] key after switching to the Arrangement by hovering over the Arrangement View Selector while dragging a Session clip.
Previously, dragging a Drum Rack return chain to the Session/Arrangement View drop area would create an uncolored return track.

Fixed a bug that created an Ableton Folder Info subfolder in the wrong location, or under the wrong circumstances.
Fixed a bug that caused the Analog device's amplifier envelope to ignore the release phase when its Free Run Mode switch was enabled.
Previously, when pressing the Cancel button in the "This action will stop audio. Proceed?" dialog that appears during the Collect All and Save process, the current Set would be moved into the respective Backup folder.
Fixed an issue in the Multiband Dynamics device that would cause its band meters to flicker when used with certain VST plug-ins.
Fixed a bug that caused Live to switch to “Use System Device: No Device” after disconnecting wired headphones while the “Use System Device” setting was enabled.
When using an incompatible device with the “Use System Device” setting active, Live no longer stays connected to the device and instead switches audio devices to "No Device" as indicated in the warning dialog.
Fixed a crash that occurred after canceling a package installation.
Fixed a regression which prevented the Note Echo device from working correctly with MPE.
Fixed a crash that occurred when receiving a call while using AirPods as audio output device.
Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur if loading sample chunks took a long time.
The MIDI input ports of the APC Key 25 mk2 and APC Mini mk2 controllers are now visible in Live's Link/Tempo/MIDI preferences, which allows these controllers to be used for MIDI mapping.
Fixed a performance issue in Sets with many particular VST3 plug-ins, that caused the UI to lag or become unresponsive.
Fixed a typo in the French translation of the Quantize dialog window.
Fixed a bug that allowed dropping a Rack chain containing only audio effects on an audio track header, which caused Live to crash.
Per-track performance impact meters now use less graphics-rendering resources.

Max for Live Bugfixes:

Fixed a crash that occurred when running the duplicate_clip_slot function on return tracks or the Master track with Max for Live.
Fixed a crash that occurred when running the duplicate_clip_to_arrangement function on an Arrangement clip using the same start time as the original.
Fixed a bug which allowed users to run the duplicate_clip_to_arrangement function with negative start time.
Fixed a bug in the MPE Control device that prevented Sustain Messages from working.
Fixed a bug in the Expression Control device that prevented Global Aftertouch from working as expected, under certain conditions.
Fixed a bug in the Shaper MIDI device that caused its envelope to be triggered once a Note Off message was sent.
Fixed a bug in the Shaper device which caused some UI elements to be inconsistent with Live’s color palette when using Dark Theme.
Fixed a bug that caused sound to cut off while triggering the DS Cymbal device and adjusting its Decay parameter.
Live 11.2.3 ist verfügbar:

11.3.2 Versionshinweise​

New features and improvements:​

  • Auto-Warp Improvements:
    • Live now uses a new Auto-Warp algorithm. Both downbeat and tempo variations are more accurately analyzed, making it possible to work with longer samples and entire songs without the need for manual warping in most cases.
    • To run the new Auto-Warp algorithm on clips within an existing Live Set, use any of the Warp From Here commands (found in the Sample Editor's context menu) from any location in a clip.
  • Cloud in Live:
    • Song updates made to a synced Note Set will download more quickly to Live, under certain circumstances.
    • Song updates made to a synced Note Set that is currently open on Windows and has not been saved using the Collect All and Save option will no longer cause a download to fail and retry endlessly.
    • Samples that are no longer used by a Set.abl file will not be displayed under that Set within the browser's Cloud label.
  • Control Surfaces:
    • It is now possible to redo actions using the Launchkey MK3 Control Surface script by holding down Shift button and pressing the Undo button.
  • Core Library:
    • Added new presets and Racks featuring MPE.
    • Added improved MPE mappings in MPE-enabled instruments.
    • An update to zplane libraries may cause subtle sound changes when using Complex and Complex Pro warp modes in audio clips or the Simpler device.
  • Interface Improvements:
    • Accessing Legal Information through the About Live dialog now opens Live’s factory content Legal folder that contains Ableton's End User License Agreement and licensing documents.
    • Updated the End User License Agreement to:
      • include new Ableton products
      • better reflect the Ableton product ecosystem
      • respond to requests for clarification on our policies
      • include other small and compliance-related updates
    • Updated software texts in various areas of Live.
    • Updated various Help View lessons.
    • Updated various Help View lessons and software text translations in German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Japanese languages.
    • The "Read the Live Manual…" option in the Help menu will now direct users to the online version of the manual.
    • Replaced the link in the Help menu that points to Ableton's homepage with one that points to Ableton's Help page.
    • Help menu items that are related to learning Live are now grouped into one section, and "Get Support..." now appears as "Get Support", to indicate that it is not an external link.
    • Renamed the Help menu's "Help View" item to "Built-In Lessons".
    • Renamed the Home button's "Help View" info text in the main Built-In Lessons page to "Lessons Start Page".
    • Added a link to the Help View's table of contents page that points to Ableton's Help page.
    • Removed unnecessary dots from the File menu's "Manage Files..." entry.
    • When Zoom Display is set to 100% on Windows, Live now uses less GPU resources with certain combinations of GPUs and drivers.
    • Removed the option to "Use System Device" for audio input on macOS.
    • If audio output is set to “Use System Device” and the system device changes, Live no longer pauses audio with a "System device changed" dialog on macOS.
  • Max for Live Improvements:
    • Updated the bundled Max build to version 8.5.4. For the changelog, visit:
    • fixed parsing error with large gen Patchers
    • fixed matrix color input
    • fixed audioschedulertime calculation when device is open in the Editor
    • Live Object Model: updated docs
    • sfplay~: fixed crash with timestretching in efficient mode
    • vst~: improved loading speed for VST shell single plugin
    • vst~: partian-scan results are used in fas-scan mode
    • vst~: unique ID argument is used with plug_{format} messages
    • vst~: VST3 shell plugins cache info about other plugs in the shell
    • metro in Max for Live: outputs bangs consistently when the Arrangement View's loop brace is active
    • RNBO in Max for Live: starts up only after a rnbo~ object is present
  • MIDI Clips and Note Editing:
    • In MIDI clips, the setting of the Envelope Editor's MIDI Envelope Auto-Reset context menu entry is always respected, even when the respective track's Monitor switch is set to "In".
  • New Devices and Device Improvements:
    • AAS Device Improvements:
      • Added MPE support to the Analog, Collision, Electric, and Tension devices.
      • Updated info texts in the Analog, Collision, Electric, and Tension devices.
      • Added visual improvements to the Collision and Tension devices.
    • Drift:
      • Introduced Drift, a new Instrument available in all editions of Live. Drift is a compact subtractive synthesizer that comes with a wide sonic palette and an approachable interface.
    • Expression Control:
      • Changed the way MIDI and MPE data are parsed for improved reliability. This also delivers a potential performance boost to the device.
    • Expressive Content for Live:
      • Added a number of presets to the AAS devices (i.e., Analog, Collision, Electric, and Tension), and the Drift, Sampler, and Wavetable devices, with an emphasis on expressive playability. The updated MPE Control Device can further adjust their playability and also enhance interaction with non-MPE devices such as Operator (via MPE to MIDI).
    • External Instrument:
      • The External Instrument device is now available in Live Intro.
    • MIDI Monitor:
      • Incoming MPE data can now be viewed in the MIDI Monitor device in the MPE display. Incoming note, velocity, slide, pressure and per-note pitch data are shown in a continuous stream as notes are played.
    • MPE Control:
      • Redesigned the UI to include dedicated tabs for MPE sources. This makes it possible to separately adjust each source’s settings, including configuring a default modulation value which will be used when playing notes that do not contain per-note MIDI data. It also introduces the ability to individually mute MPE sources.
      • Introduced the Swap to Slide option when using the Press MPE source. This is useful for example when controlling an external synth which only supports polyphonic aftertouch, but the user intends to control the modulation via the vertical axis instead.
      • Introduced a Centered option to the Slide MPE Source, so that the center of the vertical axis corresponds to a Slide value of 0, reaching 127 in both directions when moving away from the center. This feature is meant to help users who utilize a pad based MPE controller. Centered transforms Slide data so that hitting the center of the pad generates non modulated sound and the modulation value increases progressively as the finger slides away from the center alongside the vertical axis.
      • Added the Ons option to the Slide MPE source. When activated, Slide values are only updated on Note On, without further changes until a new note plays.
      • Optimized the device for better CPU performance.
      • The default modulation value will always be used when playing a note which does not contain per-note MIDI data, also in cases where min, max and curve values are tweaked.
      • Improved the text layout of objects.
    • Note Echo:
      • Added MPE support to the Note Echo device. Each MPE dimension has a feedback control, which defines how fast MPE modulation decays over time. MPE can be enabled with a toggle; when this toggle is disabled, the device behaves exactly how it did in 11.2.
    • Minor changes have been made to parameter names in Sampler and Wavetable.

  • Push:
    • Added support for the Drift device to Push 2.
    • Improved the UI of the following devices on Push 2: Analog, Collision, Tension, Beat Repeat, Filter Delay, Amp, Vinyl Distortion, Saturator, and Grain Delay.
    • On Push 2, it is now possible to edit MPE parameters in the Analog device, and missing parameters have been added to the device's banks.
    • It is now possible to edit MPE parameters in the Tension device on Push 2.
    • Reduced the knob sensitivity of the Tension device's Octave and Semitone parameters on Push 2.

  • Setup:
    • To avoid incompatibilities, you will be asked to save Live Sets created with an older version of Live as a new file in Live 11.3.

Live Bugfixes:​

  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect formatting of some text in the Info View when Live’s language preference was set to German.
  • The Sample Editor will now always display the audio clip the user interacted with last, even in cases where multiple audio clips are selected.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in an incorrect latency compensation when using positive track delays on Group Tracks or return tracks.
  • Scale Name and Root Note values of clips which are not in key will now be correctly retrieved when re-opening a saved Live Set. Previously, they would reset to default values when the clip was changed to be in key with the Set.
  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when pressing [Tab] or [Shift][Tab] after clicking on a Session clip title in the Clip View in a second window.
  • When using a second window, Live will no longer switch between Session and Arrangement Views when clicking on a clip title in the Clip View, even when interacting with a clip from the other view.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented automation lanes of some AUv2 plug-in devices from showing up when reloading a Live Set.
  • Fixed an issue in the APC Key 25 mk2, APC mini mk2, ATOM, and ATOMSQ control surfaces where button LEDs would indicate that upward scrolling was possible under the wrong circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that might cause Live to crash on Windows when quitting the application.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when configuring a plug-in device's parameter while the containing track was unselected.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when pressing the [Tab] key after switching to the Arrangement by hovering over the Arrangement View Selector while dragging a Session clip.
  • Previously, dragging a Drum Rack return chain to the Session/Arrangement View drop area would create an uncolored return track.
  • Fixed a bug that created an Ableton Folder Info subfolder in the wrong location, or under the wrong circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Analog device's amplifier envelope to ignore the release phase when its Free Run Mode switch was enabled.
  • Previously, when pressing the Cancel button in the "This action will stop audio. Proceed?" dialog that appears during the Collect All and Save process, the current Set would be moved into the respective Backup folder.
  • Fixed an issue in the Multiband Dynamics device that would cause its band meters to flicker when used with certain VST plug-ins.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Live to switch to “Use System Device: No Device” after disconnecting wired headphones while the “Use System Device” setting was enabled.
  • When using an incompatible device with the “Use System Device” setting active, Live no longer stays connected to the device and instead switches audio devices to "No Device" as indicated in the warning dialog.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after canceling a package installation.
  • Fixed a regression which prevented the Note Echo device from working correctly with MPE.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when receiving a call while using AirPods as audio output device.
  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur if loading sample chunks took a long time.
  • The MIDI input ports of the APC Key 25 mk2 and APC Mini mk2 controllers are now visible in Live's Link/Tempo/MIDI preferences, which allows these controllers to be used for MIDI mapping.
  • Fixed a performance issue in Sets with many particular VST3 plug-ins, that caused the UI to lag or become unresponsive.
  • Fixed a typo in the French translation of the Quantize dialog window.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed dropping a Rack chain containing only audio effects on an audio track header, which caused Live to crash.
  • Per-track performance impact meters now use less graphics-rendering resources.

Max for Live Bugfixes:

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when running the duplicate_clip_slot function on return tracks or the Master track with Max for Live.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when running the duplicate_clip_to_arrangement function on an Arrangement clip using the same start time as the original.
  • Fixed a bug which allowed users to run the duplicate_clip_to_arrangement function with negative start time.
  • Fixed a bug in the MPE Control device that prevented Sustain Messages from working.
  • Fixed a bug in the Expression Control device that prevented Global Aftertouch from working as expected, under certain conditions.
  • Fixed a bug in the Shaper MIDI device that caused its envelope to be triggered once a Note Off message was sent.
  • Fixed a bug in the Shaper device which caused some UI elements to be inconsistent with Live’s color palette when using Dark Theme.
  • Fixed a bug that caused sound to cut off while triggering the DS Cymbal device and adjusting its Decay parameter.
Kann man von 11.2.x nahtlos updaten oder muss man 11.3.2 komplett runterladen und dann drueberbuegeln / neu installieren?

Hatte mal von 11.1.x auf 11.2.5 geupdated, aber da waren dann bestimmte Voreinstellungen wie "Autoscale Plugin" allesamt resettet...
Kann man von 11.2.x nahtlos updaten oder muss man 11.3.2 komplett runterladen und dann drueberbuegeln / neu installieren?

Hatte mal von 11.1.x auf 11.2.5 geupdated, aber da waren dann bestimmte Voreinstellungen wie "Autoscale Plugin" allesamt resettet...
Ich würde Autoupdate aktivieren, allerdings mit der Einschränkung er soll vorher fragen. Gefühlt wird dann weinger heruntergeladen, als wenn man das File komplett zieht....
Neue Version installiert und schon das erste kleine Problem (Apple MBA M2)... Audio-Eingangsgerät von System übernehmen ist nicht mehr verfügbar. Audio-Ausgangsgerät kann noch vom System übernommen werden. Funktioniert das bei euch noch? Hatte die Funktion in letzter Zeit richtig zu schätzen gelernt...


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