Ableton Live 11

so. wieder mal ne frag. nutze gerade die testversion von suite 11 & habe mir vorgestern die vollversion um 429,- gekauft und bin davon ausgegangen, dass ich die testversion einfach lizensieren kann. das geht aber nicht bzw, check ich es nicht. habe alle faqs und foren durch. vorgestern ein mail an den support und keine antwort bis heute, was ich merkwür finde, wenn man so viel zahlt.
jedenfalls habe ich echt keinen bock nochmals alles runterzuladen, was ja auch völlig hirnrissig wäre, aber so wie es aussieht ist das die einzige option?!
hat da jemand erfahrung und kann mir sagen, ob man die testversion in eine reguläre umwandeln kann, ohne neu zu installieren?
habe auch echt lange an den latenzen, einstellungen und templates fürs ganze hardware setip gearbeitet, das wäre ja bei einer neuinstallation auch alles weg und kann nicht im sinne des erfinders sein?!
so. wieder mal ne frag. nutze gerade die testversion von suite 11 & habe mir vorgestern die vollversion um 429,- gekauft und bin davon ausgegangen, dass ich die testversion einfach lizensieren kann. das geht aber nicht bzw, check ich es nicht. habe alle faqs und foren durch. vorgestern ein mail an den support und keine antwort bis heute, was ich merkwür finde, wenn man so viel zahlt.
jedenfalls habe ich echt keinen bock nochmals alles runterzuladen, was ja auch völlig hirnrissig wäre, aber so wie es aussieht ist das die einzige option?!
hat da jemand erfahrung und kann mir sagen, ob man die testversion in eine reguläre umwandeln kann, ohne neu zu installieren?
habe auch echt lange an den latenzen, einstellungen und templates fürs ganze hardware setip gearbeitet, das wäre ja bei einer neuinstallation auch alles weg und kann nicht im sinne des erfinders sein?!
nö, Einstellungen bleiben erhalten trotz Neuinstallnummer, jedenfalls war@ hier immer so.
In ein paar Jahren landet er doch eh bei Bitwig, wer würde das denn bezweifeln wollen?!
Guten Rutsch btw!

In ein paar Jahren landet er doch eh bei Bitwig, wer würde das denn bezweifeln wollen?!
Guten Rutsch btw!

das denke ich nicht 😉 … habe auch bitwig 8 track installiert und mir dann schon ernsthaft überlegt auf bitwig umzusteigen, ausschlaggebend für ableton war aber dann doch der mir vertraute workflow und vor allem max for live, weil ich mich viel mit max8 auseinandersetze und m4l eine geniale schnittstelle ist…

jedenfalls auch guten rutsch!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Für Ableton Live 11 gibts mal wieder ein Update:

Live 11 Release Notes​

11.2.10 Versionshinweise​

New features and improvements
  • Capture MIDI
    • A sequence of Capture MIDI attempts will not be biased by the tempo of previous captured clips.
    • More material will be kept by Capture MIDI when the transport is playing.
    • When Live's transport is stopped, Capture MIDI now requires a slightly longer gap to detect new phrases.
  • Clip View
    • Opening a Note Set in Live where the Set has the In Key setting switched on will now activate each clip's Scale Mode (except in tracks containing Drum Racks). Scale Mode is toggled with the Scale button in the Clip panel of the Clip View for MIDI clips.
  • Cloud in Live
    • In the Cloud tab of Live’s browser, the Date Modified column now appears as Cloud Modified.
    • The Cloud Sign In button has been expanded to fit translated texts.
    • A loading icon is now displayed next to the Cloud label when syncing Sets.
    • After signing out of Cloud in Live, the Manage Cloud tab of the User Account no longer shows an active session.
    • When transferring Note Sets to Live, the Sets will now be visible in the Cloud label in Live’s browser. They will appear grayed out until the sync is complete.
  • Control Surfaces
    • The Record button on ATOM, ATOM SQ and MiniLab 3 Control Surfaces will now record the view in the second window when it is in focus. Previously, it would always record the view selected in the main Live screen.
    • Added Control Surface support for the AKAI APC Key 25 mk2 and APC Mini mk2.
    • Improved the parameter mappings for Hybrid Reverb and Phaser-Flanger in the AKAI APC Key 25 mk2, APC Mini mk2 and Arturia MiniLab 3 Control Surfaces.
    • Improved the parameter mappings for Drum Buss, Hybrid Reverb, Phaser-Flanger and Redux on Push and in the AKAI FORCE and Novation SL MkIII Control Surfaces.
  • Device Improvements
    • The Pitch MIDI effect UI has been slightly updated.
    • In Audio and MIDI Effect Racks, chains are now automatically named based on whichever devices are added.
  • Interface
    • Updated various Help View lessons.
    • Updated various software texts in English and Simplified Chinese.
    • Updated the software texts for the Electric device.
    • Updated the appearance of the "Record/Warp/Launch" tab in Live's Preferences.
    • Added support for MIDI files with the .midi extension.
    • When viewing search results in Live’s browser, plug-ins are now organized as expected when sorting by Type.
    • The Follow button in the Control Bar is no longer hidden when selecting multiple clips in Arrangement View.
    • When switching audio devices with the Use System Device option activated, Live no longer displays a dialog window about system devices if the device change doesn't impact the current device selection.
  • Max for Live
    • Updated the bundled Max build to version 8.3.3. For the changelog, visit:
    • A new accessor in the C++, Python, and Max for Live APIs allows users to directly access the chain selector of a RackDevice in Max for Live instead of indexing into a parameter list.
    • Users can now access Live's full version string (instead of only the major, minor, and bugfix version numbers) using the Max for Live API.
    • Two new properties in the Max for Live API allow users to observe the latency of a device in either samples or milliseconds.
    • A new property in the Max for Live API allows users to observe the number of visible Macro Controls for a RackDevice.
    • Improved the sorting of output when getinfo is called on a live.object by making a Rack Chain selector a child property of RackDevice rather than a simple value property.
    • Updated the LOM documentation to correctly reflect the available values when getting a device’s type.
    • LiveAPI: A Compressor's input_routing_channel and input_routing_type are now settable.
    • The properties of the Shifter device are now accessible via Max for Live.
  • Push
    • Updated some parameter names for the Reverb device on Push 2.
  • Setup
    • The Export Audio/Video dialog is now slightly larger to accommodate translated texts.
    • When exporting multiple tracks, the option to also export video at the same time is now deactivated in the Export Audio/Video dialog.
    • Introduced a Use System Device Option in the audio input/output choosers in Live’s Audio Preferences on macOS. Selecting Use System Device will set the input/output device in Live to match what is set in the macOS Sound System Preferences.
    • If the Use System Device setting is chosen for audio input or output on macOS and the System Audio Device changes, Live’s audio engine will turn off, and a dialog window will appear. The dialog window will prompt you to either accept the changes made by the system or configure Live’s audio settings on your own.
  • Live Bugfixes
    • Fixed two bugs relating to Link:
      • Fixed a bug where Live would sometimes play out of alignment with Link peers when starting playback somewhere after a time signature change.
      • Fixed a bug where Live’s playhead would move around unpredictably when clicking in the Scrub Area to jump playback into a section with a different time signature while Link was enabled.
    • Fixed a bug that disabled file synchronization between Live's browser and secondary drive volumes on macOS.
    • Fixed a bug on macOS that would sometimes prevent Live's UI from updating (and sometimes scaling incorrectly) after connecting or disconnecting an external monitor.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the minimum parameter values of AU plug-in presets to load instead of their assigned values.
    • Fixed a bug that incorrectly cropped a warning text in Live's Audio Preferences when the text becomes too long.
    • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused .als files saved in Collections to disappear from the list when using the “Save Live Set” or “Collect All and Save” commands in the File menu.
    • Fixed a bug where Live would sometimes fail to auto-update when the application was renamed to fit the exact version number (e.g. “Ableton Live 11.2.5 Suite”), and then placed in a folder of the same name.
    • Fixed a bug where the blue modulation dot would not appear next to modulated sliders immediately after adding a modulation envelope for it.
    • Fixed a bug that would occur when dragging device chains that contain external files (e.g., the LFO device) into a folder that is not in the User Library. This previously created an entirely new Project folder, even if the Collect Files on Export setting in the Library Preferences was set to “Ask” or “Never,” and the dialog box that appeared when moving the file was not set to copy it.
    • Fixed a bug where Sets with emojis in their title would stay in the Cloud tab of Live’s browser, even after removing them from Cloud in Note.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Live to remain synced to an external MIDI clock even when the corresponding MIDI port’s Sync input was deactivated.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when renaming samples in selected Drum Rack pads that were outside of the Rack’s displayed Pad Overview.
    • Fixed a crash on Windows that occurred when using the [right-click] context menu to rename an audio/MIDI clip or locator while it was already being renamed. Now, right-clicking a clip or locator while renaming it no longer opens a context menu.
    • Fixed a crash on macOS that sometimes occurred when selecting an audio output device in Live’s Audio Preferences and disconnecting it shortly thereafter.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when dragging a Session clip away from its original track, holding it over another track long enough to select it, and proceeding to drop it into Live’s browser.
    • Fixed an issue that caused disk overloads when using MIDI notes with randomized velocities to play Sampler presets in certain Packs (such as Session Drums Club).
    • Fixed an issue in the MackieControl and MackieControl Classic Control Surface scripts where exclusive arming wouldn't work in some cases.
    • Fixed an issue in the MackieControl and MackieControl Classic Control Surface scripts where changing a track's input type could leave Rec/Rdy LEDs in incorrect states.
    • Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances, Draw Mode in the Velocity and Chance Editor lanes did not work correctly when editing multiple clips.
    • Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances, drawing ramps in the Velocity and Chance Editor lanes when editing multiple clips did not correctly highlight affected notes.
    • Fixed an issue that caused a value range to be displayed when using the [ALT][Shift] keys to draw linear ramps in the Velocity and Chance Editor lanes instead of a fixed value.
    • Fixed an issue where drop-down menus in Live’s Preferences would disappear when the initial mouse click was released if the menu was clicked on the leftmost side.
    • Fixed an issue where clicking the empty area beneath scenes in the Master track would not select the Master track.
    • Fixed an issue with Sampler devices in Drum Rack pads that created disk overloads under rare circumstances.
    • Fixed two bugs relating to emojis in Live:
      • Fixed a bug where Set names with emojis would stay in the Cloud tab of Live’s browser, even after removing them from Cloud in Note.
      • Fixed a regression on macOS where folders saved in the Places section of Live’s browser wouldn’t show any contents if a folder name contained certain emojis.
    • Fixed a regression on Windows where keyboard shortcuts with the copy modifier [ALT] would not work after using the [F11] shortcut to enter and exit Full Screen Mode until you pressed another key first.
    • Previously, loading an instance of the Shifter device with the Delay parameter enabled would cause timing and pitch issues during playback.
    • Previously, crashes on macOS caused by a specific VST2 plug-in would open a Help View lesson that displayed the name of the faulty plug-in along with a few common troubleshooting tips. Due to changes in macOS crash reporting, this feature has been removed.
    • Previously, video export failed when a warped video clip contained a Start or End marker before the start or after the end of the video.
    • When dragging or [Shift]-dragging a Warp Marker within a video clip, Live's Video Window now displays the video at the position of the Warp Marker.
    • Double-clicking the right edge of Live’s browser now folds the window as expected.
    • Loading older Live Sets, presets, and samples created on macOS will no longer cause Live or the Indexer to crash on Windows if the content contains a forward slash (e.g. “Clip 1/8.adg”).
    • Opening a pop-up menu with [Enter] then closing it with [ESC] now works as expected.
    • When using Capture MIDI with Reduce Latency When Monitoring enabled, the resulting MIDI clip now has the exact timing as what was played.
    • Certain UI elements of the Spectral Resonator, Spectral Time, and Limiter devices are now consistent with Live’s color palette when using the Dark Theme.
    • The Optimize Arrangement Width command (accessible via the [W] shortcut) now ignores invisible take lanes.
    • Metal rendering is now turned off for macOS 10.13 High Sierra to fix issues that arise when using Full Screen Mode. Metal rendering can be restored using the "-_MacOSForceMetalLayerOnHighSierra" debug option in the Options.txt file.
    • Packs will now be selected in Live’s browser when they are finished installing.
    • Loop start/end markers for audio clips are now properly aligned with the borders of the Push 2 display.
    • Nudging clips on linked tracks now works as expected.
    • Under certain circumstances, launching different Rack Macro Control variations would create ramps in recorded automation envelopes due to missing endpoints. These envelopes now appear as discrete automation line segments.
    • Using [Shift]-click to select clips in Arrangement View now shows the correct selection lengths in Live's Status Bar.
    • When using [Shift]-click to extend the time selection of linked tracks with take lanes, the selection is no longer extended to all lanes.
    • Main menus on Windows can be accessed in Full Screen Mode by using [ALT] + character shortcuts.
    • When using scene Follow Actions to switch between scenes with different tempos, Live now correctly changes tempo with a scene change even when the Arrangement loop is activated. Previously, if the Arrangement loop was on, the tempo would prematurely change when reaching the end of the Arrangement loop brace.
    • Fixed a bug which prevented the Optimize Arrangement Width button from working correctly when loading Note Sets in Live.
    • When loading a corrupt Live Set containing non-unique Pointee IDs, Live now automatically offers to repair the set.
    • Fixed an issue where Live sometimes would not update the UI when switching between viewing note-on and note-off velocities in the MIDI Velocity Editor.
    • Fixed a bug which prevented adaptive grid modes from working correctly. The grid lines now reappear as expected when zooming out after having previously fully zoomed in.
    • Fixed a regression which prevented the Expression Control device from recalling mappings to certain parameters when loading a Live Set or preset.
    • Fixed a bug which caused the Reverb device to stop outputting sound when using long predelay times.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when connecting to audio system devices when no output device was available.
    • Fixed a regression that prevented the MackieControl and MackieControl_Classic Control Surfaces from working correctly in Live Sets that contained Group Tracks.
  • Max for Live Bugfixes
    • LiveAPI: A Compressor's input_routing_type now correctly returns input_routing_type instead of the input_routing_channel.
kurze Frage zu Ableton (live 10 lite, aber hoffe das passt hier trotzdem). Ich nutze das Programm eigentlich so gut wie nie aber wollte heute 2 getrennte Spuren Drums & Bass (jeweils als ein mp3) übereinanderlegen und als einen Song wieder exportieren. Hab die beiden MP3s per drag&drop reingezogen und das hat soweit auch geklappt. Allerdings fängt der Bass sofort an zu spielen. Im MP3 File ist es allerdings so dass der Bass erst bei Sek 7-8 anfängt und vorher auf der Basspur nichts passiert, also vorher nur das Schlagzeug alleine. Ableton hat sozusagen den "leeren" Anfang von der Bassspur automatisch abgeschitten. Dann passt natürlich das ganze Timing nich mehr. Gibts da ne simple Einstellung dass Ableton einfach die MP3 files ganz normal abspielt auch wenn da erstmal kein Sound zu hören ist?
Hoffe ich konnte das Problem verständlich beschreiben :)
@Nyoa Normalerweise schneidet Live nichts ab, hab ich noch nicht erlebt. Bist du sicher, dass die Stille mit im File ist? Würde das mal in 'nem Media Player abspielen.....
@Nyoa einfach mal den Clip etwas nach rechts rücken und den Anfang versuchen aufzuschieben. Manchmal verschluckt er sich da.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-03-12 um 19.42.18.png
Jo, danke für Eure Antworten, hab heute nochmal rumprobiert und bin dem Fehler auch etwas näher gekommen, hat wohl offenbar was damit zu tun dass Ableton sich die spur/File "merkt" (also sieht man auch im Ordner, dass dann da für Drums & bass nochmal 2 extra datein entstehen) und irgendwie verschiebt, wenn ich den File zum allerersten mal reinkopiere stimmts jedesfalls vom timing. Teilweise wars dann aber noch zusätzlich komisch vom Sound und Tempo (halbe geschwindigkeit?)....jedenfalls ums kurz zu machen: Eben Audacity runtergeladen und obwohl ich das auch noch nie benutzt hab hat dass dann sofort das hingekriegt was ich gebraucht hab. Meine Aufgabenstellung war offenbar zu unterkomplex für ableton. :D Aber trotzdem danke!
Und das nachste Update ist da.

Live 11 Release Notes​

11.2.11 Versionshinweise​

New features and improvements:​

  • Song updates made to a synced Note Set will download more quickly to Live, under certain circumstances.
  • Song updates made to a synced Note Set that is currently open on Windows and has not been saved using the Collect All and Save option will no longer cause a download to fail and retry endlessly.


  • Fixed a bug that created an Ableton Folder Info subfolder in the wrong location, or under the wrong circumstances.

Habe Drift heute kurz getestet, keine Ahnung was ich davon halten soll. Meiner Meinung nach ergibt entweder 2 OSC + SubOSC, oder 3 OSC mit Hardsync Sinn.

Einfach zwei Oszillatoren mit Noise, Phase Reset ohne einstellbare Phase, wer denkt sich sowas aus....
schwebt schön der sound. und modulationen können moduliert werden, das ist cool.

ich brauch wohl mal einen neuen rechner. und ich höre in dem sonic bloom video einige bekannte sounds von technoplatten raus.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Habe Drift heute kurz getestet, keine Ahnung was ich davon halten soll. Meiner Meinung nach ergibt entweder 2 OSC + SubOSC, oder 3 OSC mit Hardsync Sinn.

Einfach zwei Oszillatoren mit Noise, Phase Reset ohne einstellbare Phase, wer denkt sich sowas aus....
wer denkt sich überhaupt aus, das Live noch n Synth gebraucht hat ?
Möglicherweise wollen sie langfristig Ersatz für den Analog schaffen. Von der Struktur her, ist der allerdings wesentlich ergiebiger. Nur der Klang ist halt nicht mehr ganz zeitgemäß....
möglich. hab gerade den operator für mich entdeckt, statt immer serum. der ist ungalublich. nur den sound würde ich irgendwie aufwerten wollen.

vielleicht mit dem serum effekt rack. denn das serum klingt vom klang besser als der operator.

