mehr zur FM Synthese des fmheaven , des fm7 , dx200 und dem DX7 funktionsprinzip.. HIER
zum dx7 und den FM synthesizern von yamaha gibt es hier info
Ein geniales Plugin für Logic und Cubase ist da, und sogar Freeware!!
loftsoft FMHEAVEN version 1.40beta

neu in fmheaven:
der HQ mode! die qualität ist inzwischen verbessert worden wie auch beim DX-import! als nächstes wird ein mprphing zwischen den sounds vorbereitet!! (1.4)!! das wird bei FM seeehr spannend!! die oberfläche ist einfach gehalten aber man kann mehr machen als man zunächst so denken mag!!..
Bei Cesare Ferrari ( ) gibt es den fmheaven!! (und noch 2 weitere Synth die nicht weniger interessant sind.. den Drumsynth und einen Analogen mit mischbaren (und sichtbaren) Wellenformen (!!).. aber zurück zum fm heaven:
er kann DX7 sounds importieren, wer das versucht mit einem DX7II FD der sollte beachten das dieser das MSX format benutzt.. infos dazu HIER!!
er hat eine freie programmierung der Algorithmen einfach durch eine 6x6 Matrix mit Drehreglern für die level (simpel aber seeehr effektiv)
klanglich ist er eher mit den frühen FM Synths von Yamaha vergleichbar also DX7, TX7 etc.. die TG/SY und Fs1R klingen anders..
Das Plugin brauch irre wenig Rechenleistung und kann frei eingestellt werden zzt bis 64 Stimmen.. ein normaler Mac oder PC zeigt selbst bei ein paar Stimmen immernoch keine veränderung auch der Belastungsanzeige (von Logic, Cubase nicht getestet)
für 50$ bekommt man eine Version mit nochmehr Features wie zB staibler im timing und einiges mehr.. ein Besuch von Cesars Page ist wirklich lohnenswert..!!
Einer der ersten sinnvollen und komplexeren Plugins ist nun ausgerechnet Freeware bzw extrem preisgünstig.. bitte unterstützt Cesar!! Dieses Teil ist neben dem Absynth (einen Test gibts hier!), einem extrem neuartig klingendem Synth (Mac only, Standalone Program mit 3 OSCs, Ringmod,Kammfiltern und Multikammfilter für absolut NICHT abgegriffene Sounds!) ( und dem PPG Plugin von Waldorf sicher das interessanteste was es gibt..eine richtig geniale Site zum Absynth.. ist telemetry von Eric Young, ein toller Soundprogrammer, einer der besten imo!!
zurück zu7m fmheaven:

Der neue FMheaven kann direkt in der Algorithmenmatrix verstellt werden, ausserdem kann er DX7 und TX81Z Sounds importieren.. dazu kommt auch das jetzt die bekannten Wellenformen vom TX81Z auch in fmheaven genutzt werden können ;)
eine learn-funktion erlaubt das setzen von Controllern. Der LFO geht leider nur bis 20Hz und kann auch nicht allzu flexibel eingesetzt werden.. aber der Klang ist wirklich prima und die neuen funktionen bringen einiges mehr an soundvielfalt (die eh shcon gross war!!).. Cesare FErrari denkt auch über Dinge nahc wie etwa den LFO eben flexibler zu nutzen.. mein favorit wäre eine Pitchhüllkurve oder aber das aufschalten der Hüllkurve auf die Tonhöhe mit Mute taster.. alles in allem ist aber der neue fmheaven total gelungen und wie man sieht gibt es auch eine nette Keytrackkurve mit verstellbaren Kurvenformen, der fmhimmel ist erstaunlich wenig DSP-hungrig.. 16 stimmen pro instanz können rauskommen.. und 64 stimmen insgesamt.. das dürfte reichen ;) .. neu ist auch der "unisono"-mode der auch ein detuning der stimmen zulässt gegeneinander.. der LFO soll auch bald auf den Pan wirken können.. empfehlendswert!!! wirklich!! imo immernoch das interessanteste und gleichzeitig auch sehr preisgünstige plugin neben absynth imo.. 2 lfos wären noch besser frei routbar.. aber ein workaround ist natürlich einen OP auf fixed zu stellen!! ;)) *hint*
what in?
By the way, an updated version of FMHeaven is in beta testing on the mac at
the moment, and will hopefully be released later this weekend. It improves
the import from DX-7 patches so that slow attacks come across much better.
Also, it adds a unison mode which makes some patches much fatter, at the
expense of more CPU. You can also use the unison mode to create
pseudo-stereo patches which sound pretty good.
1) Rate Scaling control.
Rate scaling has been added to the envelope section (top right control in
the envelope block). Higher values of this control makes the rates for
higher notes on the keyboard faster than lower notes. This is used to
simulate the changes of attack of some instruments across the range of the
keyboard. A value of 0 means no effect, whilst 7 is the highest setting.
2) Improved import method.
I have tidied up some of the envelope parameters which are imported. This
makes the sounds punchier (the attacks are nearer the DX7 behaviour given
the same patch). Also, by supported rate scaling, slower envelopes like
strings sound closer to the DX7.
3) Further import format supported.
An additional DX7 patch standard is now supported, allowing the use of the
DX7 library at which is nice, as it is organised
into types, such as synth/pads etc. There are around 8,000 patches organised
in this way.
4) Oscillator sync control.
This doesn't reset the oscillators to the same start position for note
starts, giving slight variation in the tone of consecutive notes. It is a
button at the bottom left of the GUI, next to the poly control. Turn it off
on patch 20 on the default bank (*Vocoder2) and you will see that it can
make quite a difference tonally!
5) Supoprt for unison voices.
I have been having alot of fun with this. The following controls have been
added -
Voices - number of voices per note from 1 to 16.
Tune - how detuned the voices are from each other.
Width - how the voices are placed in the stereo image.
Basically, this mode adds a unison mode allowing voices to be thickened.
Combined with the oscillator sync control you can produce phasing type
effects or wide stereo images.
The first patch in the default bank (Stereo EPiano) has been setup as a wide
stereo voice by setting voices to 2, oscillator synth off, and width to
100%. Basically two voices are triggered for each note, one is panned hard
left and the other hard right. They are only very slightly detuned (detune
is 1% at minimum) and are out of sync, so producing a pleasing stereo
You can produce some thick pad sounds by setting oscillator sync off, voices
to 4, and detune to around 6%. Voice 2 (Fat Synth) uses this approach. Try
turning the voices back to 1 to see how much effect it has. Obviously you
can use up to 16 voices for very thick effects, but your CPU will probably
limit you to two or three voices (I get 34 voices out of my G3/400).
Oh yes, this release allows you to control the overall modulation depth
using midi controller 6. Works in real time, but produces some zipper noise
at the moment which I am working on. Can be used to great effect when the
feedback is turned up high to move a sound into noise, or out of noise if
you see what I mean!
As I said, this is very much a beta. There are quite a few problems with it
at the moment (particularly around loading and saving as I have changed the
file format to try to make things work across platforms). Also, I want to
add additional waveforms (rather than just sin waves). Looking through an
FS1R manual at the moment to get some ideas what waves to include :)
zurück zum Software + Computer Hauptmenü
A genius plugin for Logic and Cubase is there and Freeware!! current vers.: FMHEAVEN 1.37

ps: oops! imagine the new URL below on that image!!!!!
new features to come are: morphing the sounds (thats incredible in FM!!) what has been done since 1.35? the DX import has been improved and the "HQ" mode for higher quality has been introduced!.. the good thing is: you can still make the lofi FM FX in fmheaven (atm thats not possible like THIS in NI fm7)
so this is my first address for fm synth emulation at a very very fair/nice price!
new features are: its now possible to turn the value direcly in the algo-matrix!!
it now imports tx81z sounds and has its waveforms ,too. so its no longe a sine-wave thing like its "father" DX7. Also it can be trained to be controlled by CCs (midi controllers). look at the keytrack: its now possible to set the curves!! in unsisono mode you can set the detune between those voices.. very cool sounding plug.. imo its beside absynth the most interesting plug softsynth that is AVAILABLE.. so pleeease support cesare and get a copy!!..
the lfo will be more flexible in the future.. but its still at 20hz only.. I'd like some env that can be used to control the pitch.. (mutable per ENV/operator!).. and possibly 2 lfos that can be routed freely.. but please remember you can use an OP as LFO when set to fixed mode!!!
get fmheaven from Cesare Ferrari ( !! (and furthermore 2 more cool Synthezizers (not less interesting:.. the drumsynth and an analogue one with mixable (and visible) waveforms (!!).. but now back to fm heaven:
1st it can import DX7 patches!! aaand note: if you want to try this using the DX7II fd's disk drive keep in mind: it has an MSX drive format.. more on this HERE
it has a free 6x6 Matrix where you can program your own algorithm incl those that are in the DX7 and beside them is a knob, just turn it and you set the output level!! (sounds simple but very effectively)
sonically it is very close to the older generation of FM Synths from Yamaha so its comparable to a DX7, TX7 etc.. the TG/SY and Fs1R series does sound different..
The plugin does not need that much of power/performance on your computer.. but atm its 64 Voices max.. a "normal" Mac oder PC even does not move the performance level meter in logic (did not check cubase..)
for 50$ you get e more "tight" version and you may find some more features.. so keep yourself up to date and visit Cesars Page I am sure you will not regret it..!!
One of those few most comlex and making-sense-plugs is now a near Free/shareware!! but extremely low price.. please support Cesar!! This synth is beside Absynth, a very new and fresh sounding Synth (for Mac only, standalone Program with 3 OSCs, Ringmod,combfilters and Multimodecomb"array"filter for making up to date - organic patches!) ( and the PPG Plugin from Waldorfsurely the most important plug that is available!!!
start by initiating the edit buffer, turn on operator F to 100 (into the OUT) with a square wave (ie wave 4), modulated by E by about 55 using wave 27 (TX Wave 3) . Set LFO1 rate to about 10, and turn the junction to 100 between LFO1 and E in the Modulation Matrix. give a pretty good PWM simulation using just 2 operators. (this refers to fm7,sorry might help..)
some hints: 1.3.2001:
the beta of version 1.2. This one includes the following features:
1) Rate Scaling control.
Rate scaling has been added to the envelope section (top right control in
the envelope block). Higher values of this control makes the rates for
higher notes on the keyboard faster than lower notes. This is used to
simulate the changes of attack of some instruments across the range of the
keyboard. A value of 0 means no effect, whilst 7 is the highest setting.
2) Improved import method.
I have tidied up some of the envelope parameters which are imported. This
makes the sounds punchier (the attacks are nearer the DX7 behaviour given
the same patch). Also, by supported rate scaling, slower envelopes like
strings sound closer to the DX7.
3) Further import format supported.
An additional DX7 patch standard is now supported, allowing the use of the
DX7 library at which is nice, as it is organised
into types, such as synth/pads etc. There are around 8,000 patches organised
in this way.
4) Oscillator sync control.
This doesn't reset the oscillators to the same start position for note
starts, giving slight variation in the tone of consecutive notes. It is a
button at the bottom left of the GUI, next to the poly control. Turn it off
on patch 20 on the default bank (*Vocoder2) and you will see that it can
make quite a difference tonally!
5) Support for unison voices.
I have been having alot of fun with this. The following controls have been
added -
Voices - number of voices per note from 1 to 16.
Tune - how detuned the voices are from each other.
Width - how the voices are placed in the stereo image.
Basically, this mode adds a unison mode allowing voices to be thickened.
Combined with the oscillator sync control you can produce phasing type
effects or wide stereo images.
The first patch in the default bank (Stereo EPiano) has been setup as a wide
stereo voice by setting voices to 2, oscillator synth off, and width to
100%. Basically two voices are triggered for each note, one is panned hard
left and the other hard right. They are only very slightly detuned (detune
is 1% at minimum) and are out of sync, so producing a pleasing stereo
You can produce some thick pad sounds by setting oscillator sync off, voices
to 4, and detune to around 6%. Voice 2 (Fat Synth) uses this approach. Try
turning the voices back to 1 to see how much effect it has. Obviously you
can use up to 16 voices for very thick effects, but your CPU will probably
limit you to two or three voices (I get 34 voices out of my G3/400).
Oh yes, this release allows you to control the overall modulation depth
using midi controller 6. Works in real time, but produces some zipper noise
at the moment which I am working on. Can be used to great effect when the
feedback is turned up high to move a sound into noise, or out of noise if
you see what I mean!