Wyman commenting on the synth strings/pad featured in AOP13 main theme:
"The strings are ALL Moog. That patch is: 9 oscillators (with slight frequency differences) mixed, into a filter set- highpass-lowpass, with a very highly attenuated keyboard triggered envelope opening up and down slowly on it, keyboard tracking at 60percent, and the telltale signature of envelope-controlled vibrato that widens slightly as the key is depressed. You will note that the strings are not "buzzy" so no 2-pole Oberheim filters were used, and that the synchronized opening and closing of the VCFs could not be accomplished by placing an ARP through Moog filters. The String Ensemble had no filter of that kind. You are hearing (at one quick listening) three tracks of strings, with the characteristic tape flatness of a 3M 24track, albeit squashed by several layers of Digital World compression algorithm. Oh, and I had a little regeneration up on the high strings to get an edge going. Half of those oscillators were 921s, the others were 901s.