Justin is now a full member of TC, he proofed to be DANGEROUS and WILD. The burning logo turned out to be a HUGE SUCESS, the whole city was in SHOCK. The TC is whole again (RIP Jason) and will continue to cause TROUBLE!!
An acapella interpretation of TC's latest BANGER "Rite of Passage" for all the lovers of the smooth and melodic!!
Subscribe to Tiger Crew on YouTube
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visit tiger-crew.com

Justin is now a full member of TC, he proofed to be DANGEROUS and WILD. The burning logo turned out to be a HUGE SUCESS, the whole city was in SHOCK. The TC is whole again (RIP Jason) and will continue to cause TROUBLE!!
An acapella interpretation of TC's latest BANGER "Rite of Passage" for all the lovers of the smooth and melodic!!
Subscribe to Tiger Crew on YouTube
TC on Twitter
visit tiger-crew.com