Tiger Crew - Kevin is in Jail



Justin is now a full member of TC, he proofed to be DANGEROUS and WILD. The burning logo turned out to be a HUGE SUCESS, the whole city was in SHOCK. The TC is whole again (RIP Jason) and will continue to cause TROUBLE!!

An acapella interpretation of TC's latest BANGER "Rite of Passage" for all the lovers of the smooth and melodic!!

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TigerCrew schrieb:
An acapella interpretation of ...
Gefällt mir. Du solltest allerdings mal die Bedeutung des Begriffs "A Capella" nachschlagen. Das schmälert jetzt aber nicht das Stück.
grad deb thread zum ersten mal überflogen..
was ne lachnummer!

da find ich den hier authentischer:

bei euch passt einfach
-hier die ansagen
-die bilder (sehr hübsch)
-musikstiel (ganz ok)
-englisch kenntnisse :lollo:
-die gesangsstimme :selfhammer:

alles nicht so zusammen!

multiple persönlichkeit?
The new single "Rite of Passage" added a new facet to the music of Tiger Crew. The complex composition combined with melodic vocals create a thrilling atmosphere of suspense and release.

The reprise version picks up on the musical and lyrical theme of "Rite of Passage" and reduces it to a softer, piano accompanied ballad.

The TC wants to know which version you like better. Like and comment on this Facebook post which one you like more and why.

Like and Comment here

Now the good part:

We will send the exclusive 100pc limited gadgetKey XL-Version of the "Where is Jason?"-EP to EVERY participant for FREE!! This is your chance to get the LEGENDARY gK-exclusive track "Bored to Death" as well as the very first gadgetKey EVER!! We will distribute WORLDWIDE!!

And for everyone who is afraid that the TC is going SOFT on you, do NOT worry!! Our new song PSYCHO TERROR with a SPECTACULAR video will be released soon!!
GOOD news and BAD news!! There was a hold up in the production of the VIDEO for our new BANGER "Psycho Terror" but it will be released SOON!!

Until then we decided to give you something extra, a special TC treat for our outdoor enthusiastic fans, the song "Analphabetical Tiger".


As we said before, we HATE thinking!! What is necessary to be a TIGER you cannot find in BOOKS, the TC is STREET smart!!

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visit tiger-crew.com
NEWS from TC:

1. TC now has an account on instagram. We will use this to give you an insight in the graphic aspect of TC. You will find exclusive sketches and images of TC. Visit and follow here: TC on Instagram
2. Our first EP "Where is Jason?" is now available to stream/purchase on Spotify, Deezer, iTunes, Amazon....
3. There is a new gadgetKey for Rite of Passage. It will be distributed in several cities in Germany during the next few weeks. You can also get one on our website soon.
4. We distributed almost all 250 gadgetKeys for "Analphabetical Tiger" on Leipzig Book Fair and it was a HUGE success!! We kept a few to give out as a special treat sometime...
5. We have almost 1000 clicks for the video of our very first BANGER "Kevin is in Jail". Kevin almost ruined the whole bank robbery, but in the end it was fun for the whole TC to get him out of jail:

a SHORT update from the TC: You will be getting a LOT of new TC stuff during the next few months. It was very IMPOLITE to crash your lifes like that without introducing ourselves properly so you will be getting to know the TC members SOON!! The Rite of Passage (Listen) gadgetKeys will be distributed throughout the next weeks and you will also have the chance to get one through our website, which will also be updated.

We have a lot of BANGERS in stock, which will be released adequately, starting with "ADRENALINE" VERY SOON!! This BANGER explains how we do not need any drugs other than ADRENALINE to be as DANGEROUS as we are!!

Our Instagram-Account is very active so make sure to follow us there
To understand the COMPLEX TC philosophy better you can check our Twitter-Account
Follow us on Facebook

visit tiger-crew.com
Ihr solltet euren Liedern treffendere Titel geben. 'Psycho Terror' ist nicht schlecht aber hört sich (für mich zumindest) so gar kein bisschen psycho an.. Auch bei den anderen Stücken erwartet man gemäss eures Anspruches, dangerous & wild zu sein, schnell/metal/heftige Mucke und dann kommen getragene Emo-Balladen. Passt nicht. Ich finde die Musik eher uninteressant, Artwork ist ganz gut und beides passt nicht zusammen.

BANG!! The Tiger Crew presents you their latest BANGER by the name of ADRENALINE!! Consider it a POWER-UP for your life, the soundtrack to your next beer or the means to get HYPED for your next fight!! ADRENALINE is another powerful anthem that serves to establish TC's status as the most DANGEROUS crew out there!!

And we already have a new BANGER in stock which will be released with an accompanying VIDEO very SOON. Watch out for "ENDANGERED SPECIES"!!

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TC on Instagram
visit tiger-crew.com
The Tiger Crew continues its RELENTLESS development!! We have updated our homepage and it is more GLORIOUS than ever!! We created a new category for all the SPECTACULAR visuals we deliver, a new category for the IMPRESSIVE music videos and updated the audio section. Furthermore we updated the shop and you can now purchase ALL gadgetKeys (except for the sold out ones) with international shipping!! On the front page you can now find a feed for our Instagram additional to the Twitter feed.

We have a lot of things planned, we will release the VIDEO for our next BANGER "Endangered Species" very soon and you will also get a proper introduction to all current individual TC members!!

visit the updated homepage: http://www.tiger-crew.com
Did you know that the TIGER is considered an ENDANGERED SPECIES?? This was SHOCKING news for the TC which is widely considered as one of the most dangerous crews out there!! The tiger as a strong, majestic and above all DANGEROUS animal is a symbol for the lifestyle of all TC members and is therefore VERY important to us!!

Since you know that the TC does not shy away from SENSITIVE topics about SOCIETY and the world we live in we took it upon us and produced the BANGER by the name "ENDANGERED SPECIES". It will be released with a SPECTACULAR video on SATURDAY, June 4th!!

Watch out and be prepared!!

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TOMORROW the video for the new TC BANGER "ENDANGERED SPECIES" will drop!! Get an EXCLUSIVE sneak peak here and make sure to watch the video tomorrow!!

Here it is..with one day delay due to heavy drinking by KEVIN the old troublemaker the TC presents you the new VIDEO for "ENDANGERED SPECIES"!! This is another BANGER that shows again the COMPLEXITY of TC's musical message.

Today the TC comes in PEACE (yuk) with some offerings for all supporters!! Since many people are CONFUSED about the gadgetKeys we want to give you the opportunity to receive a "Rite of Passage" gadgetKey for (almost) FREE!! All you have to do is like our Facebook-Page and send us a message...THAT'S ALL!! If you do not like Facebook you can also subscribe to our Youtube-Channel and post a comment to one of our videos!!

TC on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tctigercrew
TC on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNsvfntostJn84dg4pAWfsA
The Tiger Crew CRASHED in your life and caused TROUBLE just like that!! This is very RUDE and we are NOT sorry for that but we still decided to give ourselves a proper introduction. There will be a short clip for every member INDIVIDUALLY that gives you an impression of what you are dealing with. The clips will be released every Tuesday, on what is called now TCTUESDAY, starting tomorrow!!

Prepare for TCTUESDAY and the introduction of KENNY!!

Watch the video for "ENDANGERED SPECIES": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8stMXeCl3NE
Visit our homepage: http://www.tiger-crew.com
TC on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tctigercrew/
Another week, another TCTUESDAY!! This week went by FAST and it was uneventful. We do NOT call lighting some trash cans on fire, breaking STUFF and scaring other crews EVENTS, that's just the normal life of TC.

Today you meet CHRIS!!He has a fascination for the OCCULT, the MYSTICAL and the STRANGE...

The SINGLE for our BANGER "Rite of Passage" is now available to purchase on all common platforms like itunes, amazon,... and to STREAM via Spotifiy, Deezer,...

TC on Facebook
visit tiger-crew.com
Last week we heard someone say something like "see you tuesday" and we couldn't belive our ears!! It should be known by now that this day of the week is called TCTUESDAY!! For educational reason we smashe his head in and that was that. He will PROBABLY remember now and so should you!!

Today we introduce JADEN!! It is good to have Jaden, because this guy stays CALM, even when there is TROUBLE!! It is good to be around him except if you are hungry, because you can be SURE that your food is gone when you blink ONCE!!

Another week another TCTUESDAY!! The TC is very busy at the moment, BANGERS are produced a new EP is in the making...we can PROUDLY say that this EP will be another MILESTONE in the development of the crew and we can not wait to present it to you!! But not today, today you meet Steve a.k.a Ol'Steve...

Steve is a FOUNDING member of TC!! He has been here FOREVER and knows about the mysterious founding of the Tiger Crew. Due to his age his statements are sometimes confusing but when he has to say something EVERBODY listens...you do not underestimate the WISDOM of age!!

THIS is another TCTUESDAY!! Today we have a delicate one, let's say we are afraid of him too!! RONNY accounts for at least half the TROUBLE the TC starts and most of the times we do not know why (but it's ALWAYS fun). His nervous outbursts are RANDOM to the outsider but with the time we can sometimes tell when he will act out. Among the things that make Ronny certainly go crazy: Strangers passing by too close to the pines, other crews, people that wear suits in general, someone stealing his beer, someone wanting a sip from his beer, making fun of Jason (RIP).

Während der letzten Wochen gab es jeden Dienstag den TCTUESDAY, bei dem ihr alle Mitglieder der TC kennenlernen könnt. Uns so vorzustellen ist sehr höflich von uns, aber wahrscheinlich hat sich mancheiner gefragt: Wo bleiben die BANGER?? Ihr müsst nicht mehr lange warten, MORGEN wird ein neuer TCBANGER veröffentlicht!!

Der Track wurde schon angekündigt, trotzdem gab es eine Namensänderung von "S**t*rs *f *he *ig*rs" zu "S**T*RS"!! Das ist ein sehr besonderer Song für uns, aus zwei Gründen: Es ist der bisher gefühlvollste Track, er IST emotional für uns!! Außerdem stellt der S**t*rs einen großen produktionstechnischen Sprung für uns dar, wir haben hart an uns gearbeitet und das hört man hier zum ersten mal!!


Wir freuen uns auf morgen und ihr könnt das auch!!
Hier ist der neue TCBANGER "Sisters"! Dies ist ein sehr besonderer Song für die Tiger Crew, es gibt nichts wichtigeres als die Familie! Die geschwisterliche Bindung ist die stärkste die wir kennen! Hier geht es um weit mehr als gefährlich zu sein und Krawall zu verursachen, hier geht es umd die wichtigste Verbindung unter Menschen! Dieser Song ist unseren Schwestern gewidmet...

du müsstest es so einbetten:

damit es sicher und mit html5 klappt, während Flash ausstirbt und damit der alte Universalplayer.

Denke an iPads, kleine Computer und so weiter..
The most interesting day of the week has arrived: TCTUESDAY!! And first of we want to give you an answer: "NO!! Kevin is NOT in jail anymore!! Haven't you seen the video??"

The by far most asked questions by the always concerned TC followers is if Kevin is still in Jail. Kevin is the living example of the true TC spirit, it doesn't get more TC than him. His lack of intelligence is compensated by his reckless will to further the cause of making TC to the most dangerous crew out there. He gets everything he wants and if he cannot get it he destroys it, that's his logic of life.

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