Green Dino
RYK bringt den M185 Sequenzer mit erweiterten Funktionen für Eurorack
Es gibt neue Gate Modes inklusive Propability und einen A/B Split Modus
265£ als Kit
- 2 channels of separate CV and gate outputs
- 2.5V / 5V Quantised or 5V non-quantised for CH1
- 2.5V / 5V Quantised for CH2
- Selectable scale quantisation for CH1
- 8 stages, with 1-8 step repeats per stage
- 8 gate modes per stage [ prev versions had only 4 ] :
[ off, once, all, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, probability or programmable, long ]
- AB serial split sequence mode with 1-8 sequence repeats per section
- AB parallel split mode, for two separate simultaneous sequences, great for poly-rhythms !
- 4 seq modes, Forward, Pingpong, Random, Fixed length
- MIDI note output including programmable velocity
- MIDI clock out, MIDI clock in
- Clock double for Korg Volca and Teenage Engineering Pocket Operators
- Programmable glide per stage [ CH1 only ]
- Easy user upgradable software using MIDI sysex files.
Es gibt neue Gate Modes inklusive Propability und einen A/B Split Modus
265£ als Kit
- 2 channels of separate CV and gate outputs
- 2.5V / 5V Quantised or 5V non-quantised for CH1
- 2.5V / 5V Quantised for CH2
- Selectable scale quantisation for CH1
- 8 stages, with 1-8 step repeats per stage
- 8 gate modes per stage [ prev versions had only 4 ] :
[ off, once, all, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, probability or programmable, long ]
- AB serial split sequence mode with 1-8 sequence repeats per section
- AB parallel split mode, for two separate simultaneous sequences, great for poly-rhythms !
- 4 seq modes, Forward, Pingpong, Random, Fixed length
- MIDI note output including programmable velocity
- MIDI clock out, MIDI clock in
- Clock double for Korg Volca and Teenage Engineering Pocket Operators
- Programmable glide per stage [ CH1 only ]
- Easy user upgradable software using MIDI sysex files.

M185 Sequencer Assembled *NEW LOWER PRICE*
The M185 is the most intuitive and playable Eurorack sequencer. It appeals as a hands-on performance orientated module for easy creation of complex...
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