long time no see - Klicke Reset Passwort

###pragmat#006 poimII compilation###
over 100 minutes from techno to dubtechno
buy only here: http://www.pragmat.bandcamp.com
limited edition compilation [40 copies]
double compact disc comes in vinyl optic
hand stamped and numbered
4 stickers
2 postcards
1 individual lost places picture
Includes immediate download of 15-track album
src: http://soundcloud.com/pragmat/pragmat006-poim-ii-va-artists-compilation
Tracklist CD#01
01.Stghz.01 - Endless edit#04 12:08
02.Salvo Castelli - Rain velvet 07:24
03.RESUMED - Late night prices 06:37
04.Dying - About us 05:26
05.Ren.db - Loop 06:39
06.Markus Masuhr - Enclave15 08:18
07.Jönsson Töll - Metalloivassa 06:41
08.Spigl - Rain 06:36
Tracklist CD#02
09.Rollwires - Onetape02 06:15
10.Faktor Ost - No name 06:45
11.Img_02 - A night to remember 07:00
12.Atabey - Cotui 07:30
13.Triames - Unterwasser 05:18
14.Buruciaka - Sedative 05:06
15.Tripsolate & Redundænt - Yaled 07:38
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