Neuron OSX Soft & Nuke Remote Soft

December 20th, 2005: OSXTools are proud to present their fir

December 20th, 2005: OSXTools are proud to present their first two products to Mac OS X users: ReModellizer and <Nuke4All>, two utility applications that greatly enhance your workflow with the Neuron range of instruments by Hartmann Music; these applications are distributed exclusively by Surround SFX.

ReModellizer is a free parameter set switcher for Neuron models with batch conversion allows you to change the parameter set that a model uses without the need to generate a new model with the Modelmaker application, thus saving a lot of time usually wasted by repeatedly converting the same sample to a model with different parameter sets. Visit the ReModellizer's product page at, or simply download it from the Surround SFX forum at (free forum membership required). Think of this as a Christmas present ;-)

<Nuke4All> : With the <Nuke4All> application you can use the <NUKE> remote that comes with the Hartmann Music Neuron VS in conjunction with any device capable of receiving MIDI control change commands, such as many popular VST and Audio Unit plug-ins and instruments. Custom assignable control change numbers let you set up your <NUKE> to suit your setup and working preferences and all settings are remembered across sessions so you are always "ready" when starting up the program. The time-limited demo of this application is available now at and it will be available for purchase shortly after Christmas from the Surround SFX webshop.

OSXTools and Surround SFX wish all of you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Best regards,
Denis / Surround SFX
Hallo zusammen!

Bin mir nicht sicher, ob diese News hier auch angekommen sind, darum dachte ich leite ich sie mal weiter. Wenns nicht paßt dann bitte woanders hinstellen (oder löschen).

--smb To Develop New <Neuron> Model Editor: Good news for the owners of the Hartmann Music <NEURON> series of synthesizers (both software and hardware): are working on a new sound/model manager called the "<NEURON> Brain Mapper" which greatly simplifies creating and managing models and sounds for the <NEURON>. Its key features include tagging models with comments, moving models and sounds within the <NEURON> sound library without breaking sounds, creating new models from a variety of sound file formats using a comprehensive key map editor and im/exporting selected sounds and models from/to a new or existing library. The software is compatible with both the PowerPC and Intel Mac models and requires MacOS X 10.4 or higher. Release is scheduled for May 2007, no price information is available at this time.

Neuron Survival Kit re-issued. Due to popular demand we have been trying to get hold of another batch of Neuron Survival Kits for a while. Well, we've managed to get some more :) After filling pre-orders we now have around 35 kits left, so if you want one we suggest you don't wait too long before you order one from our shop... This is likely to be the last batch to become available.

"NE01: Twilight" Model-/Sound-Set released. We are proud to present the first in a series of specialized Model-/Sound-Sets for the Hartmann Neuron: "NE01: Twilight". "Twilight" comes as a DVD that contains 100 Models and 100 Sounds and focuses on the spooky side of sound-design. For more information and audio demos check the Twilight product page, download the (very comprehensive) documentation or simply purchase one from the shop straight away while our 20% introductory discount offer lasts.
Hmm, der neue Intel fähige Neuron Editor nützt aber leider nix wenn man einen Software Neuron hat. Der wird ja nie intelisiert werden, oder???
Nein, womöglich nicht. Aber es hindert Dich ja niemand daran, den VS unter Windows zu verwenden (Bootcamp oder Parallels Desktop). Ist natürlich ein bischen viel verlangt, das ist mir schon klar ;-)

PS: Evtl. gibt es ja auch irgendwann mal einen Nachfolger ;-)


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