Neues Behringer BCR2000 Preset für Oberheim Matrix 1000

Danke... ja, die paar Bytes mehr beim NRPN kann man ab einer gewisser Menge Daten schon bemerken.
Was ist effektiv der Vorteil von NRPN gegenüber SysEx?
Na ja, theoretisch der größere Wertebereich von 14 bit gegenüber nur 7 bit bei Sysex, aber das wirst Du für den Matrix kaum brauchen ;-)

Dann ist NRPN MIDI Kanal-spezifisch, Sysex nicht. D.h. bei mehr als einem Matrix 1000 kann man NRPN per MIDI Kanal separieren, Sysex nur durch MIDI Routing/Filtering. Auch nicht so wirklich relevant für die meisten.

Außerdem ist NRPN Standard, d.h. es gibt einiges an Controller-Hardware, die das kann.
Hi everybody,

My name is Javier and sadly I can’t speak German. I’ve made my way through here using Google Translator. I have a question regarding the use of the template kindly provided by kris_ (thanks!) with a Matrix 6R, but first things first, I’d like to introduce myself to the forum.

I work in a small studio that I own in northern Spain. I have been involved in music for about 25 years now, and the last 10 or so I have slowly turned this into (a good part of) my main income. I mostly produce, record and mix audio for others, ranging from electronic to folk, americana and synth-pop. I have a number of synths here in the studio (JX3P, Matrix 6R, Roland D-550, old Yamahas, MFB Dominion, MS-20 and others), and happy to see that there is this huge community to which – hopefully – I can contribute to, while my German improves : )

Now back to the BCR2000 template, here is my config/process:
  • From Mac OSX I run a Roland UM-ONE mkII to the midi IN of my BCR2000 (v 1.10)
  • The midi OUT A is connected to my Alpha Juno 2, and the midi OUT B is connected to my Matrix 6R (I have swapped the outs a few times, but the results are the same). The synths’ midi outputs are not connected to anything.
  • The BCR2000 is set to mode S-1
  • I have loaded some Alpha Juno template to my BCR using Sysex Librarian with no problems. I can now modify parameters on the AJ on the go and everything works perfectly. This template is stored y my BCR’s preset no. 1.
  • I can send midi notes from ProTools to the BCR (hence, to the AJ) while turning the BCR knobs and all is fine.
  • Now, I have tried to load kris_’ template for the Matrix 1000 into the BCR using the same procedure (Sysex librarian, same parameters, same cabling) but I cannot, for the life of me, modify a single parameter in my Matrix 6R.

My Matrix 6R features the 2.15 firmware, and I can use Edisyn to change its parameters (e.g. filter freq), although not in real time as you may know. I can load patches to the 6R using Sysex Librarian, and I can successfully send midi notes to it from ProTools – while using Edisyn –. What I mean is that, apparently, the 6R is properly configured (rx channel = 1, omni mode = on, and other Master menu parameters) to receive notes and midi cc at the same time.

I have been inspecting the midi implementation of both the Matrix 1000 and the 6R, and the BCR template instructions in the bcl file, and I do not understand what is wrong. I have also tried with different send times for the sysex librarian.

Other hints/stuff:
  • I have used the three “System Exclusive Enable Master” values that the 2.15 firmware supports, but to no avail.
  • I have tried with both the original sysex template and the nrpn one
  • I can see the small green points in the Matrix display when I am sending notes to the synth or Edisyn commands, but I see no green points when the BCR is trying to send midi cc to the Matrix. It’s like the BCR is trying to address some other synth.

Has anyone tried this template with a Matrix 6/6R?

By the way, my Instagram is (at) carasuenyo and my website URL is www.carasueñ

Happy to amend anything needed to respect the forum’s rules.

Thanks a lot !

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