Terry Michael (formerly Terry Mikulic) when he was a teenager, contributed a significant number of the core circuits published in Electronotes magazine (something like 50%, including the first state variable VCF using OTAs EN#33 Pg. 5, and EN#34 Pg. 16,17).
In particular, Terry perfected and published the "classic sawtooth engine". While sawtooth reset designs had been published by Michael Suchoff (EN#49 Pg. 11) and Paul Titchener (EN#57 Pg. 8), Terry's design (EN#62 Pg. 14 Feb. 1976) is the most widely copied.
This design was picked up from Electronotes magazine by the engineers at Moog Music Inc. and others. The design forms the basis for the VCOs used in the Micromoog, Source, Prodigy and the other small Moog synths.
No money or acknowledgment was ever paid Terry for the design. It was not legally required, since by publishing the design (at 22) he placed it in the public domain.
Terry continued to improve the design over the next 25 years, and I connected John Blacet with Terry Michael's updated and improved sawtooth engine. This design is technically superior to the VCOs used in the Moogs and all other copies of Terry's older design.
Unfortunately, John apparently did not realize that Terry is the originator of the "classic sawtooth engine" and the other VCOs he studied were copies of Terry's "first" design.
LUCKILY, in spite of the confusion, John Blacet kept the important parts of Terry's new design and they appear in the Blacet VCO!
To summarize:
The Blacet VCO is the only commercial version of Terry Michaels "improved sawtooth engine" (remember the old inferior version sold something like 50,000 copies).
The Blacet VCO is the ONLY version of the "sawtooth engine" officially licensed from the originator of the design.
Best Regards,
Grant Richter
Wiard Synthesizer