Kein Problem, frag nur. Das festigt letztlich auch meinen Kenntnisstand. Denn trotz täglicher Benutzung seit geraumer Zeit lerne ich selber noch ständig dazu. Und weiß auch noch lange nicht alles, denn ich habe ja meine eigene Arbeitsweise, die sich durchaus von der anderer Leute unterscheiden kann
Über diesen individuellen Sample Import hat Dan Philips, das ist der Kronos Mann von Korg USA, einen guten Eintrag im Korg Forum gemacht. Der Einfachheit halber zitiere ich das mal komplett.
"(...) Saving User Sample Banks: Examples
Revising an existing User Sample Bank
Let's say that you have a set of samples in a User Sample Bank, and you want to make a few changes to improve or expand it. You load the data into Sampling Mode and perform your edits, such as improving loop points, changing Multisample mapping, maybe even adding a few related samples.
When you save your Sampling Data, make sure that the Force new User Sample Bank ID option is Off (un- checked). Leaving this un-checked means that the User Sample Bank retains its identity; any Programs or other .KSC files which refer to it will continue to function as expected. For more information, see “User Sample Bank IDs” below.
Changing an existing User Sample Bank into something different
You might sometimes load data into Sampling Mode and then change a lot of the Samples and Multisamples, so that it’s essentially a new set of sounds. In this case, you’ll probably wish to save the result as a completely new User Sample Bank—rather than over-writing the original data. To do this, save your Sampling Data with a different name and turn On the Force new User Sample Bank ID option. This ensures that the original User Sample Bank, and any Programs or KSCs which refer to it, will continue to function as expected.
If you have Programs, Wave Sequences, etc. that you want to switch from using the original User Sample Bank to the new one, use the Remap MS/Sample Banks menu command to do so (you can find this on the Global Sample Management page, as well as any page with a Sample/Multisample bank select parameter).
Note that if you are a normal user (as opposed to a sound developer creating a file for distribution or sale) and you just want to add or remove Multisamples or Drumsamples—for instance, in order to save memory or create a “best of” KSC—you should NOT do this; instead, see “Creating combined or stripped-down KSCs,” below.
Creating combined or stripped-down KSCs
The great thing about User Sample Banks is that they let you use their data by reference, instead of by copying and editing the data itself. Let's say that you have three User Sample Banks: CoverBand_UserBank.KSC, SoloProject_UserBank.KSC, and Experimental_UserBank.KSC. You can then create additional KSCs to do any of the following:
• Combine all three KSCs into a single master KSC, which you can load in a single step
• Create different stripped-down versions of CoverBand.KSC, each containing the samples for a few of the songs.
• Create a “best of” KSC with only your favorite samples from the three KSCs.
All of these would take up very little additional space on the disk, don't require any editing in Sampling Mode, and don't require you to edit the original data in any way.
To combine all three KSCs:
1. Save any data you’ve created in Sampling Mode.(The next step will erase all Sampling Mode data.)
2. Load CoverBand_UserBank.KSC, using the Clear All option.
This clears out all other sample data, so that the KSC you save later will include only the data you’ve just loaded.
3. Load SoloProject_UserBank.KSC and Experimental_UserBank.KSC, using the Append option.
4. Save a new KSC with a different name (such as Combined.KSC), with Include set to “Links to EXs and User Sample Banks.”
This new KSC now links to all of the sample data from the three individual KSCs.
To create a stripped-down version of CoverBand.KSC:
1. Save any data you’ve created in Sampling Mode. (The next step will erase all Sampling Mode data.)
2. Load CoverBand_UserBank.KSC, using the Clear All option.
3. On the Global Sample Management page, set the Bank to CoverBand.KSC, and delete any unwanted Multisamples or Drumsamples.
4. Save a new KSC with a different name (such as CoverBandStripped.KSC), with Include set to “Links to EXs and User Sample Banks.”
To create a “best of” KSC with only your favorite samples from the three KSCs:
1. Save any data you’ve created in Sampling Mode. (The next step will erase all Sampling Mode data.)
2. In Disk mode, browse into the CoverBand_UserBank.KSC file.
3. Select one or more Multisamples (Multiple Select lets you choose two or more at once).
4. Load the Multisamples using the Clear All option.
5. Load additional Multisamples or Drumsamples from other UserBank.KSC files, using the Append Option.
6. Save a new KSC with a different name (such as BestOfEverything.KSC), with Include set to “Links to EXs and User Sample Banks.”
For more detailed step-by-step information on this approach, see “Creating a new KSC by loading individual Multisamples” below.
Editing User Sample Banks
At any time, you can load a User Sample Bank’s data into Sampling Mode and edit the Samples or Multisamples as desired, or add new Samples or Multisamples. To do so:
1. If the data is already loaded as a User Sample Bank, use the “Unload all in bank” command on the Global Sample Management page to unload the data before proceeding.
2. Go to the folder in which you’ve saved your KSC.
3. Select the “[name].KSC” file—the one without “UserBank” in the name.
4. Press the Load button.
The Load KSC dialog will appear.
5. Set .KSC Allocation to Clear Sampling Mode Data.
This is important, in order to preserve the User Sample Bank ID. For more information, see “User Sample Bank IDs,” below.
6. Press OK to load the data.
7. Edit as desired, but don’t change the numbering of existing Multisamples (or Samples, if you’ve used them for Drum Kits). If you add new Multisamples or Samples, add them at the end of the list.
Programs, Wave Sequences, and Drum Kits refer to Multisamples and Samples by their number in the bank. To make sure that existing sounds continue to work properly, keep that numbering the same.
8. Save the KSC.
Creating a new KSC by loading individual Multisamples
You can also load a few Multisamples from an existing KSC, and then save out the result as a new KSC.
Important: this example will delete any Samples or Multisamples in Sampling Mode! Make sure that you save any data that you want to keep.
1. Go to the Disk Load page.
2. Select a .KSC file on disk.
3. Press the Open button.
You’re now looking inside the .KSC file. Even though the .KSC file is just a list, pointing to other files, you can browse through it on the disk as if it contained directories. At the top level of the KSC file, you’ll see one or more folders, depending on the KSC: one for Sampling Mode Data, and one for each referenced User Sample Bank or EXs. If the .KSC file doesn’t have a type of data, there won’t be a folder for it.
4. Select the one of the folders, and press Open to look inside.
User Sample Data will contain one or two folders, for Multisamples and Samples. Usually, there will be both.
EXs and User Sample Bank folders will contain one or two folders, for Multisamples and Drumsamples.
5. Select a folder of Multisamples, and press Open to look inside.
6. Touch the Multiple Select check-box at the bottom of the screen, so that it’s checked.
7. Touch a few Multisamples to select them.
8. Press the Load button.
9. An Are You Sure message appears, to confirm that you want to load multiple files; press OK.
The Load dialog appears.
10.Set Sample & MS Allocation to Clear All.
When we save the .KSC file, we’ll be including all of the loaded samples. This option lets us start with a clean slate.
11. If you’re loading EXs or User Sample Bank data, set the Load Method for EXs and User Sample Banks as desired.
12. Press OK to load the Multisamples.
Now, only the selected Multisamples are loaded.
13. Un-check the Multiple Select check-box.
In order to navigate back out of the .KSC file, this must be disabled.
14. Press the Up button several times, until you’re back at the root level of the disk.
15. Use the Save Sampling Data command to save the new KSC.
User Sample Bank IDs
Under the hood, the KRONOS keeps track of User Sample Banks by a special ID saved in the KSC file. This lets the system find and recognize the User Sample Bank if you change the name or location on the disk, and even if it’s used on another KRONOS altogether.
An ID is initially assigned when the samples are created in Sampling Mode. This ID stays with the data as long as you load and save using KSCs—even if you save to a different location, or with a different name. It also stays with the data regardless of whether it’s loaded as a User Sample Bank, or loaded into Sampling Mode for editing.
It will not be preserved, however, if you load or save individual Samples or Multisamples.
If there are multiple files on internal disks with the same ID, the one with the most recent modification date one will be used. KSCs on USB storage devices are ignored for this purpose.
When you look at the bank name in Programs, Drum Kits, and Wave Sequences, you’ll see the full file path of the associated KSC file.
What triggers a change to the User Sample Bank ID?
Sampling Mode is given a new ID under the following circumstances:
• At system startup
• If the Clear Sampling Mode Data option is used when loading a KSC which does not include Sampling Mode data.
• When the Global Sample Management page’s Unload all in bank command is used for Sampling Mode Data
• When the Global KSC Auto Load page’s Do Auto-load Now command is used (unless one of the auto-loaded files includes Sampling Mode Data, as described below)
• On save, if Force new User Sample Bank ID is selected (see “Force new User Sample Bank ID,” below)
Sampling Mode assumes the ID of an existing KSC under the following circumstances:
• When a KSC with Sampling Mode data is loaded using the Clear Sampling Mode Data or Clear All options, or when Sampling Mode has not been used since startup
• Similar to the above, but when loading the entire folder of Sampling Mode data when browsing within a KSC
Sampling Mode keeps its current ID under the following circumstances:
• If Sampling Mode has been used since startup, and a KSC is loaded into Sampling Mode with allocation set to Append
• When individual Samples and/or Multisamples are loaded
Force new User Sample Bank ID
This option is available in the Save Sampling Data dialog, but not in the Save All dialog. It should be used only in special cases.
For instance, you might use Force new User Sample Bank ID if you have loaded a User Sample Bank, edited it substantially, and wish to save the result as a totally new User Sample Bank. After doing so, you’ll also need to use the Remap MS/Sample Banks menu command to assign Programs, Wave Sequences, or Drum Kits to use the new bank instead of the old one. (...)" ... 375#609375
Was die Folder Beschriftung betrifft: Kann ich nicht exakt beantworten, habe aber festgestellt, dass ich mit einer konsequenten Nummerierung auf der sicheren Seite bin. Ich hatte nämlich schon mal einfach Folder nach Änderungen überschrieben, das hatte der Kronos dann hinterher wieder vergessen. Also benenne ich die immer neu: Vintage Keys 01, Vintage Keys 02 usw. bis ich die endgültige Version habe. Die heißt dann z.B. Vintage Keys 1_0