KI Bilder mit einem Synthesizer

A scene in a flemish peasant household in the 17th century. People are going about their typical business. A cat plays a keyboard with many cables. A woman is plucking a goose. A worker is busy with wood. A girl is milking a cow. Farm animals, tools, crops and food are in the background.

A scene in a flemish peasant household in the 17th century. People are going about their typic...jpg

A scene in a flemish peasant household in the 17th century. People are going about their typic...jpg

A scene in a flemish peasant household in the 17th century. People are going about their typic...jpg
Copper engraving in 15th century Renaissance style. A grumpy angel, laurels in her hair, her h...jpgCopper engraving in 15th century Renaissance style. A grumpy angel, laurels in her hair, her h...jpgCopper engraving in 15th century Renaissance style. A grumpy angel, laurels in her hair, head ...jpg

Copper engraving in 15th century Renaissance style. A grumpy angel, laurels in her hair, head resting on one hand, a pair of compasses in the other. A cat, a synthesizer, cables on the floor. On a wall behind her a 4x4 table with hex numbers, an hourglass, a bell. The sun and a rainbow in the back.
Ich finde es immer noch sehr interessant, dass man sehr einfach und deutlich an den falsch angeordneten schwarzen Tasten erkennt, dass es ein KI-erzeugtes Bild ist. Wann werden die KIs es lernen? Ist es sooo schwer es beizubringen? Oder hat sich einfach noch keiner die Arbeit gemacht es zu trainieren?
Für den Neandertaler: ein Holzinstrument. Sehr interessant: die Kombi aus Gorilla und Säbelzahntiger rechts am Rand, sogar mit zwei Extrazähnen!

