Haken Audio ContinuuMini

Noch mein erster Eindruck von dem Teil:
Es ist leicht, sehr leicht - weiß nicht ob das gut oder schlecht ist ;-)
Es macht irre Spaß, wenn es auch nicht immer macht was man will (was zu hundert Prozent an mir liegt ;-))
Sieht super verarbeitet aus und macht einen fertigen Eindruck (bis auf das Gewicht).
Und was mir auch aufgefallen ist, obwohl ich einfach nur Kopfhörer dran hatte macht dieser "Noise Isolator" sinn, der Unterschied ist schon groß.

So genug für heute - geh jetzt in Biergarten ...
Cool :)

Wo wohnst du eigentlich? Ah grad gesehen...Nürnberg. Bisschen weit um das
Ding mal persönlich zu befingern...schade...
Hat einer von Euch das CM mit einem iPad verbunden? In dem Video macht der das mit einem USB Host Teil, muss das sein?
Hat einer von Euch das CM mit einem iPad verbunden? In dem Video macht der das mit einem USB Host Teil, muss das sein?
Nö, muss nicht. :) Ein Kamera-Adapter (so heißt das glaub ich), also mit Lightning-USB mit zusätzlichen Lightning fürs laden, reicht.
Nur einen Sequenzer vom iPad und spielen gleichzeitig hab ich noch nicht hingebracht. Na mal schauen.
Hab gerade die Software geladen, nettes Installatio-Video;-) dabei.
Nun erfolgt der Update meines Minis. Bin schon gespannt.
Weil ich grad am warten bin, File 2.
Hat wer einen guten Tipp für ne Transporttasche oder so für ContinuuMini?
So der Update hat prima ohne Probleme geklappt. 128 Usersounds ist schon mal cool Und auch gut gelöst, weil leere Plätze bei der Auswahl am CM einfach übersprungen werden. Hab zwar noch nicht alle Sound durchprobiert aber einige neue sind schon erste Sahne.

Was aber doof ist, dass im Editmodus der Matrix bei mir nix angezeigt wird. Hat da wer schon mal wer rumgespielt?
schau mal nach einem preiswerten Koffer für Blasinstrumente (Klarinette oder so)

Ich habe eine Zeichenrolle/Transportbehälter dafür gekauft,zwei Stücke Schaumstoff, hält bombig.

Das was ich habe ist zwar nicht mehr erhältlich, aber da gibt es in der Rubrik hunderte Alternativen....
Danke, werde mich mal umschauen, eilt ja nicht, kann grad eh nicht in den Süden ;-)
Gibt jetzt 9.52 https://www.hakenaudio.com/editor-and-firmware
  • The Editor has three Themes/Skins; the “Dark” theme is default; in Midi and Global Settings you can also select the “Light” or “Neon” theme.
  • The EaganMatrix and System Presets share the same area; click on the red text “System Presets” to toggle to “EaganMatrix” display.
  • Overcrowding of controls has been alleviated using Control 1, Control 2, and Control 3 displays, selectable by radio button at center left.
  • For 2x and 6x systems, there are now 128 User Preset Slots, 16 are shown in the Editor at a time.
  • New Tilt EQ controls.
  • New BiqBank and SineBank properties and capabilities.
  • Jenny Oscillator is now a choice in the Osc/Filt portion of the Matrix.
Firmware 10.0x ist da !
The Latest Haken Editor and Firmware 10.0x: Updated October 30 2022
Please read the installations instructions here; the instructions will guide you through installing two programs: Max and the Haken Editor.
The Haken Editor can be found here.
The latest version of Max can be found here.
The following are included in the Haken Editor download:
The following are not included in the Haken Editor download:
Each release has brought changes to the Editor’s look and layout; learn about it in the new Continuum User Guide and EaganMatrix User Guide included in the Haken Editor download. Here are a few highlights:
  • Many new System Presets!
  • Added a new Master Section compressor module with controls.
  • Transfer Function for Blend (rather than simple just-linear mix control)
  • Graphs can be used for Transfer Functions for X, Y, Z, and Blend.
  • EaganMatrix Module: attenuation -24dB..+24dB as opposed to -48 to 0. (Some users asked for this to avoid low levels in relation to other Eurorack modules.)
  • Save changes to Attenuation on EaganMatrix Module and Slim when exiting menu option.
  • Octave Pedals: menu octave shift separate from (and additive with) pedal shift.
  • Octave Pedals in "switch" mode now accepts new octave shifts until a little after the start of note (within 12 milliseconds). A refinement of existing behaviour, allowing for the foot pedal to be slightly late compared to note start.
  • Actuation is broader, and in menu system. Previous actuation level 127 is now 100. 100 to 127 is a further lighter range. Lighter ranges can influence Y accuracy. User should be careful about high actuation levels, as it may also cause ghost notes,
  • EaganMatrix Module: Press Octave- and Z buttons simultaneously to reboot.
Bug FIxes
  • Fixed negative trigger so that it properly stops shape generators.
  • Retrigger EaganMatrix Module “W" when changing presets.
  • During Hold on FDelay/VDelay/SDelay, delay buffer may be traversed via Delay Time column, with a formula and Shape Generator. For VDelay the rate of the shape generator must be carefully chosen if aliasing is to be avoided.
  • Fixed Master section scaling / soft-clip issues for Editor release. Master Section -1..1 linear, then soft-clipped to -4..4.
This firmware update series is paving the path to full support of Expressive E’s Osmose keyboard, a keyboard that includes the Haken Audio EaganMatrix sound engine.
Minimum System Requirements: Please see the requirements for Cycling74 Max.
Previous Haken Editor and Firmware 9.9x: Updated June 23 2022
PLEASE NOTE: When you download Max for this older Editor, please use Max version 8.3.1 (not the latest version; use links below). Please see the README inside the Haken Editor zip (first link below).
The 9.9x Haken Editor can be found here.
Max 8.3.1 for Mac can be found here.
Max 8.3.1 for Windows can be found here.
Neuer Update (Beta?!)
The Latest Haken Editor and Firmware 10.0x: Updated December 13 2022

Please read the installations instructions here; the instructions will guide you through installing two programs: Max and the Haken Editor.

The Haken Editor can be found here.
The latest version of Max can be found here.

The following are included in the Haken Editor download:

The following are not included in the Haken Editor download:

Each release has brought changes to the Editor’s look and layout; learn about it in the new Continuum User Guide and EaganMatrix User Guide included in the Haken Editor download. Here are a few highlights:

  • Added a new Master Section compressor module with controls.
  • Transfer Function for Blend (rather than simple just-linear mix control)
  • Graphs can be used for Transfer Functions for X, Y, Z, and Blend.
  • EaganMatrix Module: attenuation -24dB..+24dB as opposed to -48 to 0. (Some users asked for this to avoid low levels in relation to other Eurorack modules.)
  • Save changes to Attenuation on EaganMatrix Module and Slim when exiting menu option.
  • Octave Pedals: menu octave shift separate from (and additive with) pedal shift.
  • Octave Pedals in "switch" mode now accepts new octave shifts until a little after the start of note (within 12 milliseconds). A refinement of existing behaviour, allowing for the foot pedal to be slightly late compared to note start.
  • Actuation is broader, and in menu system. Previous actuation level 127 is now 100. 100 to 127 is a further lighter range. Lighter ranges can influence Y accuracy. User should be careful about high actuation levels, as it may also cause ghost notes,
  • EaganMatrix Module: Press Octave- and Z buttons simultaneously to reboot.
Bug FIxes

  • Fixed negative trigger so that it properly stops shape generators.
  • Retrigger EaganMatrix Module “W" when changing presets.
  • During Hold on FDelay/VDelay/SDelay, delay buffer may be traversed via Delay Time column, with a formula and Shape Generator. For VDelay the rate of the shape generator must be carefully chosen if aliasing is to be avoided.
  • Fixed Master section scaling / soft-clip issues for Editor release. Master Section -1..1 linear, then soft-clipped to -4..4.
This firmware update series is paving the path to full support of Expressive E’s Osmose keyboard, a keyboard that includes the Haken Audio EaganMatrix sound engine.

Minimum System Requirements: Please see the requirements for Cycling74 Max.
Neuer Update (Beta?!)
The Latest Haken Editor and Firmware 10.0x: Updated December 13 2022

Please read the installations instructions here; the instructions will guide you through installing two programs: Max and the Haken Editor.

The Haken Editor can be found here.
The latest version of Max can be found here.

The following are included in the Haken Editor download:

The following are not included in the Haken Editor download:

Each release has brought changes to the Editor’s look and layout; learn about it in the new Continuum User Guide and EaganMatrix User Guide included in the Haken Editor download. Here are a few highlights:

  • Added a new Master Section compressor module with controls.
  • Transfer Function for Blend (rather than simple just-linear mix control)
  • Graphs can be used for Transfer Functions for X, Y, Z, and Blend.
  • EaganMatrix Module: attenuation -24dB..+24dB as opposed to -48 to 0. (Some users asked for this to avoid low levels in relation to other Eurorack modules.)
  • Save changes to Attenuation on EaganMatrix Module and Slim when exiting menu option.
  • Octave Pedals: menu octave shift separate from (and additive with) pedal shift.
  • Octave Pedals in "switch" mode now accepts new octave shifts until a little after the start of note (within 12 milliseconds). A refinement of existing behaviour, allowing for the foot pedal to be slightly late compared to note start.
  • Actuation is broader, and in menu system. Previous actuation level 127 is now 100. 100 to 127 is a further lighter range. Lighter ranges can influence Y accuracy. User should be careful about high actuation levels, as it may also cause ghost notes,
  • EaganMatrix Module: Press Octave- and Z buttons simultaneously to reboot.
Bug FIxes

  • Fixed negative trigger so that it properly stops shape generators.
  • Retrigger EaganMatrix Module “W" when changing presets.
  • During Hold on FDelay/VDelay/SDelay, delay buffer may be traversed via Delay Time column, with a formula and Shape Generator. For VDelay the rate of the shape generator must be carefully chosen if aliasing is to be avoided.
  • Fixed Master section scaling / soft-clip issues for Editor release. Master Section -1..1 linear, then soft-clipped to -4..4.
This firmware update series is paving the path to full support of Expressive E’s Osmose keyboard, a keyboard that includes the Haken Audio EaganMatrix sound engine.

Minimum System Requirements: Please see the requirements for Cycling74 Max.
Hab das mal installiert, aber irgendwie spinnt das alles.
Bisher konnte ich locker einen Controler und (je nach Sound) auf dem Miini spielen, wenn ich das jetzt mache geht irgendwann man mini Nix mehr?? Komisch!
Jetzt hab ich keinen Bock mehr, evtl. Morgen alles nochmal von vorn …
Ok, hat etwas gedauert, aber jetzt tu's wieder ;-)
Bloß eine Sache ist mir aufgefallen, nach dem Update sind ein paar Sounds einfach stumm, z.B.: 1001 warum auch immer.
Ist das bei Euch auch so?
alleine schon wie man updaten muss ist ein Schmerz in 2024 ,ich werde es so schnell nicht mehr updaten,ausserdem ist mir die engine zu rauh und manche Sounds sind mehr Geisterbahn als spielbar
