Genesis Pro (Ummet Ozcan)

Es gibt leider keine Quelle, aber es gibt Tools, wie Reverse Engineering oder Decompiler wo jeder den Programmcode einsehen kann.
und das sagt mal gar nichts, ob sich jemand eine Lizenz oder Erlaubnis zuteilen hat lassen, dass er diesen Code offiziell mit seinem Namen veröffentlichen darf.
Und daher sehe ich dies als eine ungerechtfertigte Vorverurteilung.
Hier die aktuelle Info zum Stand der Dinge (Stand: 18.03.2020):

Dear Customer,

We would like to inform you that we are still working very hard to solve the issues mentioned in our earlier email.
You can find a copy of this email on our website in case you have missed it:

We have summed up some temporary fixes to some of the problems and added extra information for the problems that will be fixed with the hotfix update.

In FL Studio the plugin wrapper displays “connection is lost to this plugin”
The temporary solution until hotfix is to run FL Studio as administrator. You only have to run it once. After once running Genesis Pro in FL as administrator,
the plugin will no longer require you to run FL as admin for future sessions. You can run your FL studio as administrator by right clicking on FL Studio >
Run as Administrator.

In FL studio the plugin gives a wrapper error / loads incorrectly / gives other errors
Please make sure the system files are located in ProgramFiles(x86)/GenesisPro folder. Moving these files will result in plugin working incorrectly.
If the files are not moved by user, then it could mean an incomplete install, caused by the installer.

Regarding download and installer related issues
At the moment due to the problems to our servers you may experience one or more of the following issues:

  • Download does not start
  • Download is slow
  • Download gives errors / it stops
  • Installer Setup is corrupt
  • No .dlls in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steinberg\VSTplugins
  • Incomplete installation of system folders
These will be fixed in the hotfix update – Please bear with us while we work on these issues.

Regarding serial key issues
The serial key authentication issues are also caused by our servers at the moment.

  • No serial key issued after order
  • Serial key authentication failure during install
  • Serial key authentication failure in DAW after install
The serial keys (if issued correctly) can be found in your order details. If you haven’t received an email after your order, please go to your account (by left clicking on your name,top right corner), go to ORDER HISTORY AND DETAILS and click on DETAILS. This will open up your order page where you can find your serial key and your download link (only on desktop, not on mobile).

For those who do not have a serial key in their order details and/or no download link – this will be fixed with our hotfix update.

Picasso Mode
The Picasso Mode has bugs that can affect the knobs and their positions. Therefore, we advise to hold off on using the Picasso mode until we roll out the hotfix.

Confusion about 64-bit / Mac
At launch we did include our own 64-bit Jbridged version in the installer (hence it being mentioned in the readme), but removed it later on as it was too unstable. The customers had better success using Jbridge v1.75 from the Jbridge website. We are working on offering Jbridge with the Genesis,
however we need time and testing before we can release it. It is one of our priorities and we hope to offer you a Genesis Jbridged version as soon as possible.

One of our goals is also bringing Genesis to Mac. However, this may take a while due to the complexity of the issue.

Password Reset issues / extra content for pre-registered users
We noticed that some of the accounts that pre-registered are having issues with resetting their passwords. For those users we advise to create a new account (try registering the already registered email address first). Due to the amount of pre-registers we decided to include the extra content for ALL our users. The extra content is the extra skin package that can be found in Picasso Mode.

We hope to have the hotfix ready within 2 weeks time. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Kind Regards,

Ummet Ozcan / Oz Soft
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Habe es gestern abend gekauft und konnte es erstmal nicht installieren, weil mir keine Seriennummer per Email zugeschickt wurde.
Hatte nur eine EMail mit einer Kaufbestätigung und einer Paypal-Zahlungsnummer erhalten.
Die Seriennummer war dann auch heute nicht nachgeliefert worden. Habe sie dann auf der OZ-Soft Website in meinem Account in meiner Bestellung gesucht, da aber zuerst auch nicht gesehen. Man muss auf "Details" oder so klicken, dann bekommt man die Seriennummer erst zu sehen.

Wenn man das VST Plugin auf 2 Rechnern installieren will, muss man es 2 Mal kaufen. War mir anfangs auch nicht klar, aber für den Preis
ist das eigentlich logisch.
Ich weiss nur nicht, wenn ich jetzt wenn ich meine SSD / Festplatte austausche, ob ich dann auch das Plugin neu kaufen muss ?

Das wäre ärgerlich, weil ich auf dem Hobby PC innerhalb von 12 Monaten nun schon die dritte Festplatte eingebaut habe, weil die immer wieder voll wurden mit Samples und ähnlichem. Vielleicht kennt ihr das Problem ja auch ...
Die SSDs sind halt so teuer, dass ich mir da nicht mal eben eine 2 TB Version von kaufe, auch heute noch nicht.
Habe es gestern abend gekauft und konnte es erstmal nicht installieren, weil mir keine Seriennummer per Email zugeschickt wurde.
Hatte nur eine EMail mit einer Kaufbestätigung und einer Paypal-Zahlungsnummer erhalten.
Die Seriennummer war dann auch heute nicht nachgeliefert worden. Habe sie dann auf der OZ-Soft Website in meinem Account in meiner Bestellung gesucht, da aber zuerst auch nicht gesehen. Man muss auf "Details" oder so klicken, dann bekommt man die Seriennummer erst zu sehen.

Wenn man das VST Plugin auf 2 Rechnern installieren will, muss man es 2 Mal kaufen. War mir anfangs auch nicht klar, aber für den Preis
ist das eigentlich logisch.
Ich weiss nur nicht, wenn ich jetzt wenn ich meine SSD / Festplatte austausche, ob ich dann auch das Plugin neu kaufen muss ?

Das wäre ärgerlich, weil ich auf dem Hobby PC innerhalb von 12 Monaten nun schon die dritte Festplatte eingebaut habe, weil die immer wieder voll wurden mit Samples und ähnlichem. Vielleicht kennt ihr das Problem ja auch ...
Die SSDs sind halt so teuer, dass ich mir da nicht mal eben eine 2 TB Version von kaufe, auch heute noch nicht.
Ich habe das Plugin 1x gekauft und auf 3 Rechnern installiert. Kein Problem (bis auf die von mir w.o. beschriebenen Bugs).
Danke an "rauschwerk" für den Hinweis.
Das ist wirklich gut zu wissen.
In der Lizenz steht übrigens klar drin, dass nur EIN Rechner pro Lizenz zulässig ist. Hab ich jedenfalls gestern so gelesen.
Werde es in den nächsten Tagen mal ausprobieren !
Auf allen 3 Rechnern verhält sich die Installation und das Plugin selbst anders. Nirgends funktioniert es richtig. Testen ist daher angesagt.
Ich glaube: das war's bez. Updates <- 'habe seit her nichts mehr von Überarbeitung des Plugins gehört :sad:
Bei so gravierenden Mängel sollte inzwischen längst was nachgeliefert werden müssen.
Ehrlich gesagt, habe ich mit Updates nicht gerechnet.
Vorgestern wurde die v1.0.2 veröffentlicht und ist ab sofort verfügbar. Nach der Installation muss weiterhin die Position der DLL (bei Bedarf) korrigiert werden. Das Plug-In startet (nach wie vor) lange - aber geht jetzt.
Getestet auf W7, 64bit mit Cubase 5, 32bit.

  • THIS VERSION IS 32-BIT ONLY – If you have a working 64-bit Jbridge Genesis Pro version (from our launch version before we removed it) do not install this version. For those users (and those that want 64-bit) we will have a version ready soon (see patch notes)
  • If you have the full/standalone version of Jbridge – you can install this version.
  • Please make sure you completely uninstall the previous version. The new version requires a clean install.
  • Any existing projects will give a few errors at first (due to the changes we made). These errors will not affect your sounds in any way. You would only need to save the project 1x time with the new Genesis and the errors should not occur anymore.
Genesis Pro V1.0.2 Patch Notes – 3nd of May, 2020
A new patch is now live for the Genesis Pro


  • Fixed the issue where it was needed to run the DAW as administrator / Fixed “Connection lost to this plugin” issue
  • Fixed custom skins not loading properly when restarting Genesis.
  • Fixed custom knobs not loading with correct values when restarting Genesis.
  • Fixed first note not playing when running transport in DAW.
  • Fixed the ROM oscillator not properly loading presets – sounds are changing after reloading a project.
  • Fixed the live dashboard analytics and it now shows correct values
  • Fixed Init preset as it’s now set properly.
  • Fixed XP counter as it would reset at random times
  • Removed unnecessary dropdown menus

The following problems related to downloading are fixed as we have upgraded our servers:

  • Users with slow/bad internet connection could not successfully complete the download
  • Download does not start
  • Download gives errors
The following problems related to the Installer are now fixed:
  • Setup is corrupt
  • No .dlls installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steinberg\VSTplugins
  • The user can now select the directory they want to install the .dlls in
  • Incomplete installation of system folders resulting in various types of errors
The following problems related to Serial Keys are now fixed:
  • Serial key authentication failure during install
  • Serial key authentication failures in DAW after install
  • Added the OzSoft forum providing more customer support
  • Added additional payment methods (Apple Pay, Credit Card)
  • The Genesis Pro Manual will be added within 7 days on the website + forum.
  • A 64-bit Jbridged version is being tested and is our top priority. We hope to have a stable version ready in our next update.
  • A Mac version is being worked on. It is in its very early stages and we hope to provide more news on that in our next update.
  • Continued support for The Genesis (optimizations, bug fixes and soundbanks).
Anschliessend folgte noch eine Stellungnahme bez. der Fehler und Bugs, welche die Vorgängerversionen mitsich brachten.
Offenbar wird das Produkt doch gepflegt (wäre etwas doof, wenn nicht).

Dear Customer,

In our first release of the Genesis Pro (14th of March) we implemented a news system that would display news/updates/welcome message to the user. It’s the message that can be seen when clicking on the little envelope covering the XP counter. It’s a simple way of giving updates to the users without having to send an email. The module responsible for this is called NEWSMODULE.SEM.
The last week of April there has been an update in Windows/Antivirus database that flagged this specific file as a trojan. The reason why it may have done this is because it is the only module in the Genesis Pro that wants to connect to the outside world (it does this once when loading in the plugin) to retrieve the message.
Upon seeing this unfold we immediately made changes to the synthesizer and removed anything related to this module. However we forgot to remove it from the installation folders. Some antivirus programs (like: Kaspersky/Avast/Defender) spotted the exact same file name in the installer/uninstaller and took preventive action by notifying the user / placing in quarantine. The majority of the antivirus programs however don’t see it as a threat because it’s not doing anything.

For users that have installed the new version successfully without any notification from their antivirus program:

  • Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\GenesisProDLL\GenesisPro (or your custom dll installation folder)
  • Delete the following files: NEWSMODULE.SEM and OZSOFTLICENSE.SEM
For users that are unable to install at all due to their antivirus program warning them:
Go to

  • Login
  • Click on “Details” of your order.
  • Click on “Genesis Pro VST Plugin – (click to download)” under product.
The installer is now updated and does not contain those files anymore. If you end up downloading the old version, please try it again at a later moment. Please email us at if this problem persists.
We would like to emphasize the fact that with this update, the Genesis Pro will be an offline program and does not pose any threat to any system.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,
Ummet Ozcan / OzSoft
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Auf einem anderen Rechner mit W7, 32bit mit Cubase 5, 32bit, meldet das Plug-In sowohl MIDI- als auch AUDIO-Fehler und verlangt (aber nur hier) komischerweise das Bitmap-File "LFO Fade.bmp" <- obwohl alle Bitmap-Icons als .png vorliegen und von dem anderen Rechner auch so akzeptiert wurden.
Hmm... naja: € 1,- Ding eben.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Für die, die es interessiert. Ich bin selbst davon ausgegangen, dass da Update-mäßig nichts mehr kommen wird - und doch wurde was nachgereicht.

Genesis Pro V1.0.3 Patch Notes – 27th of November 2020
A new patch is now live for the Genesis Pro. Please check the front page of our website.

Important note to users that use:

Genesis Pro 64-bit Jbridged V1.0: If this Jbridged version is working for you, please keep using it. Unfortunately we cannot advise you to update as the new updates only come with the 32-bit installer. The first release version only included the Jbridged version. We advise to wait for the Genesis Pro 2.0.

Genesis Pro 32-bit + standalone Jbridge 1.75: We advise to update to the most recent version.

Genesis Pro 32-bit + DAW that supports internal bridging: We advise to update to the most recent version.

How to get the best performance using the Genesis Pro:
The best performance is achieved using the 32-bit version with a DAW that supports internal bridging (ie. FL Studio, Reaper, LMMS, Bitwig, Cakewalk, T7, older versions of Cubase/Ableton or any other DAW that supports 32-bit plugins).
Unfortunately we cannot guarantee the performance that is promised when using a DAW that doesn’t support 32-bit plugins (such as recent versions of Cubase, Ableton, Studio One or other DAWs that do not support 32-bit). It is worth a shot using Jbridge or any other bridger, but there is no guarantee that it will work flawlessly.

You can view the full instructions on how to update on our front page. Please note that the new patch (V1.0.3) can only be applied if you have V1.0.2. installed.

Version 1.0.2. is available since 4th of May in your order history. If you have purchased or downloaded the Genesis Pro after this date, the version you have is 1.0.2.
If you haven’t updated yet, to download:
  • Login to your account
  • Click on “Order history and details”
  • Click on “Details” of your order.
  • Click on “Genesis Pro VST Plugin – (click to download)” under product.
  • This will start the download of Genesis Pro V1.0.2. (32-bit installer only)
Please read the installation guide carefully on our front page before updating.

  • Fixed the issue were the selected ROM would reset to the first ROM in the bank upon minimalizing the window.
  • Fixed the issue were some sounds would change upon reloading the project.
  • Fixed minor bugs.
  • GUI Optimizations.

Genesis Pro 2.0 (Native 64-bit / Mac): We know that a lot of people are looking forward to a native 64-bit / Mac version. We are working every day on making that happen. However the rebuilding and replacing of all the modules in the Genesis Pro is a time consuming task. That’s why we cannot pin a date on that just yet. The Genesis Pro 2.0 is considered a long-term project due to its complexity, but we are making great progress as it is our top priority. This new version will be native 64-bit + Mac compatible and it will be significantly improved in every way (quality, performance and CPU/RAM-friendly).
There will be more information released as the project moves forward. We will let all our customers know as soon as the beta version is being tested.

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