Buchla 208C

Wie auch immer, wir werden wohl bis Januar - oder eher Februar - warten müssen, um zu sehen wie ernst es diesmal ist ;-)
Beim Snoopy hab ich auch etliche Monate Verzögerungen erlebt :)
Es bleibt also spanend und ich muss im neuen Jahr mal schauen wie ich die Kohle zusammen bekomme...
ich weiss nicht ganz genau. aber so wie es aussieht habe die in Schweden eine zu verkaufen, bei den meisten Modulen steht, man soll nach dem
Preis fragen , aber da ist er vorhanden, dann sollte es da sein
Mach mir keine Angst ;-)

Was mich wirklich viel mehr nervt, als eine verspätete Auslieferung, ist wieder mal die genial nicht vorhandene Kommunikation und dann solche Sprüche - ach wir warten halt auf irgendwas mal eben drei Monate, gib ruh.
Es gibt Unternehmen die lernen es einfach nicht - schade.
Echt zu geil...wie kann so ein Unternehmen überhaupt noch existieren...obwohl ich auch echt heiß auf sowas bin, schreckt mich bei denen ihr ganzes Verhalten und Gehabe auch genauso ab...Verdammt, trotzdem fühle ich in meinem tiefsten Innern das ich so'en Teil und/oder'nen Easel irgendwie/irgendwann haben muss...verdammt
Die können ja doch „Reden“:
Hello Everyone!
So... I'm sure you're all wondering what the latest is, right? As we suspected, the 208C moved along just fine (208C backers already have their units!) and we were spending most of our time dealing with MIDI and the powered enclosure. Getting the last 10% nailed down proved to be the most difficult, but alas the pre-production enclosures and MIDI have all been approved and are currently in production along with the large follow-up run of 208Cs.
Speaking of Production, I just returned from a visit to our manufacturer a few days ago in San Francisco Yes, these are still made in the Bay area! In part due to some extended lead times for certain electrical components that come from Asia (the coronavirus has kept factories closed this entire time) we're looking at a mid/late April ETA for delivery if things go according to plan moving forward. The 208C actually isn't as affected and more can ship sooner because that is already so far along in production. Not the news you wanted to hear, but not the end of the world.
THANK YOU so much for your support and patience. Our pre-production cases/midi were rock solid throughout the entire NAMM show all day every day a few weeks ago and there were no reports of anything crashing or needing to be re-booted.
Please find the attached pictures of the finished enclosure to get you salivating while you anxiously await you new instrument! Contact me any time with ANY questions :)
-eric fox and the entire Buchla gang​
Yeah, schaut super aus auf den Bildern und der Alufolien-Hintergrund ist auch sehr geschmackvoll gewählt...
Neues von Eric:
Hello Everyone,

I hope you and your loved ones are all staying safe during these unique times.

We just wanted to give a quick update letting you know that things are still moving forward with production on the 208C and Easel Command.

Our production facility in San Francisco still has a small crew working and are currently doing through-hole hand assembly as I write this. If things continue without further interruption, the 208C should be shipping later next month (April) with the Easel Command following a couple of weeks after.

As far as things that concern our day-to-day operation and staying healthy, I’m glad to report that we are all doing well and have taken the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe while allowing orders and customer service requests to continue without any notable delays. The techs/engineers and myself are all working remotely with only one person in the office processing orders and shipments at a time. So far this has been a good balance and we understand the need for everyone to feel some kind of “normalcy” from time-to-time which is why we chose to continue as long as it is safe to do so. It is also my understanding that most of our retailers around the world are operating in a similar way and still accepting orders and enquiries. We’re all here to help.

Thank you for your continued support and please NEVER hesitate to reach out directly to me or anyone on the team if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to helping you feel inspired and creative during these strange and challenging times! Stay safe+sanitary+sane.

-Eric Fox

Chief Plate Spinner for Buchla
Hello Everyone!
Just a quick statement from me about what I know as of this morning and how thankful I am for everyone's patience and anticipation for this amazing instrument.
Out of a lawful requirement to protect the health and well-being of it's employees, our San Francisco production facility has been running at limited capacity. It's actually amazing they were allowed to stay open when Tesla across the Bay had been shuttered, so we feel grateful our little world had been spared from being completely frozen in time. There was a combination of relief/concern/confusion from me when I was told that our facility we use was deemed "essential" and immediately installing measures to do their best to keep everyone safe. Of course I I haven't been able to fly out from Minneapolis since then, so that just leaves Joel Davel locally whom the factory was only allowing in to visit/advise for limited times in restricted areas. Thank goodness he lives out there and can be involved. Having someone local was a big reason I wasn't interested in outsourcing this type of product to an area of the world where we couldn't be hands-on and oversee one of our most important instruments.
Now that restrictions are loosening up a little, I did get word that Joel was just there on Wednesday and able to help coordinate their test rigs since these are now coming off of the assembly line. He was able to go over and help train them on how to be thorough and correctly calibrate the instrument.
I'm trying to get confirmation on exactly what week these are able to start shipping. I'll pass that along when I get word that I can have confidence in sharing :)
I'm not trying to make excuses for the delay, but I am asking for some understanding and patience. I know for most this is precisely the time when you would really enjoy having such an instrument to help release your creativity during these times.
Please stay safe+sanitary+sane and I'll keep you posted!
-eric fox and the gang​
Hello Everyone,

I have received a significant update from production as the to status of the new Easel Command release! Our place in San Francisco has been hard at work finishing up hand assembly on the 208C portion and has been going through the very important testing phase. With over 50 jacks and a ridiculous number of sliders you can imagine these can each take a long time to get through each one!

Full disclosure and transparency portion of the update.

The closest thing to “snags” we run into is that the some of the vactrols (a very important component of our circuit to get that “Buchla” sound) not really meeting our standards from a sonic standpoint, so Joel would be there overseeing QC and request they get swapped out to fall within our desired tolerances. These parts have always been notoriously finicky and not many designers use them because of what a pain in the butt they can be. But… it’s why our stuff sounds the way it does, so spending the extra time to hand select them is one big reason your’e getting something that others just don’t offer and is special :)

The real holdup that had been keeping me up at night was the production and delivery of the metal enclosure from our metal fabricator. Not the wooden cheeks, power, or midi, but the actual metal case. They were all set to ship out earlier and then at the last minute a flaw was discovered since it didn’t match our specs and they basically had to scrap them and start over. I am happy to report that they have just finished the new run and today were expediting shipping to our production house in order to start putting everything together and start getting these out the door! I breathed a huge sigh of relief this morning because I quite frankly was dreading having to do the adult big-boy thing and break the news to you all that there was another delay. Potential crisis apparently adverted.

So what the heck does this mean for you?

Kickstarter and direct purchase from Buchla supporters are getting the first units as they become ready direct from our SF facility. Those who purchased the Sensel Bundle will have the option to have the Morph and USB-A expansion card shipped separately to install yourselves OR have the Easel Command delivered to us in Minneapolis to install the USB-A card before heading to you. A small phillips screwdriver is required with no soldering needed and takes less than 2 minutes to install once the 208C is removed.

The metal boats should be getting there the end of this week, and then about a week’ish after that is when I’m told these start getting fully assembled and preparing to go out the door. After that it will be a steady stream every couple of days until the first run is exhausted over a several week period. Again, Kickstarter and then Buchla direct website sales will be getting their orders first based on where you were in line.

I’ll be reaching out to confirm shipping addresses by next week and checking with Sensel Bundle buyers on their preferences.

Thanks and let me know is you have any questions or concerns. In the meantime here are a couple of snapshots of a rack of 208C’s at production, a pic of the nice quick-start guide with a couple of ideas for getting sounds, and a little peek at the nice box that we ended up with for these!

-eric fox

P.S. I try not to get political publicly, but after being at the epicenter of the powerful events that tragically took George Floyd's life I feel I should say something after so many have reached out to see how me and the Minneapolis crew have been holding up. We’re doing ok and I appreciate the concern. I took my 5 year old son on Saturday to the cross streets of 38th/Chicago (where the murder happened) and was very touched by so many moving tributes and the sense of optimism for even the slightest possibility of positive change in order to bring us one step closer to true equality by snuffing out the flames of hatred and senseless brutality. He could sense my sadness as much as I tried to be a “man” and hide my tears and he went out of his way to assure me everything would be alright. For his sake and generation I hope he’s right. If this P.S. portion offends you because you would rather see the oppression, inequality, and racism that plagues us continue please do me a favor and cancel your order and never ever buy our products.
Ein neues Mail von Eric:
Hello Everyone!
I write this email as our San Francisco facility has a driver at DHL to pick up the only thing that has recently been holding up shipments… those pesky metal boats :) I’m actually waiting for the bat signal giving me the green light before I hit send on this email. Now that those are FINALLY in our possession we can get to the fun stuff and actually start sending out your Easel Commands! I know it’s been a stressful wait with various “force majeure” curveballs sent our way and these will certainly be a welcome distraction from the rest of 2020.

-The standard Easel Command (not the Sensel bundle) is shipping directly to you from San Francisco via FedEx and will be fulfilled in the order that they were placed and paid for. Kickstarter supporters get them first and then direct Buchla.com orders immediately following. (Don’t worry, you’re still in line before dealers!) Of course you will be getting tracking numbers and updates as these go out the door.

-For those who got the Sensel bundle, we are by default having the Easel Command shipped to Minneapolis where we’ll install the USB-A Host Adapter and put the Sensel in the packaging before turning around and shipping to you.

-Please allow up to a week or two to get all of these units out the door (plus one extra week for the Sensel bundles to account for added shipping time)

I know a couple people have informed me of a change of address, but even so I would still ask that you even send me an extra reminder. Better safe than sorry with so many orders flying around.

-If you live in the USA and purchased a Sensel bundle, you can opt to have the Easel Command, USB-A Expander, and Morph shipped all separately. This would save about a week since everything won’t need to come to Minneapolis first. The installation of the USB-A takes about 10 minutes with a philips screwdriver with no soldering or technical knowledge required. Otherwise we are happy to do it for you. Just let us know if you prefer to do it this way.

So there you have it! The wait is essentially over and we at Buchla can all take just a minute to enjoy the incredible amount of work that went into this before getting back to work and finalizing the Program Manager and other accessories to compliment the Easel Command. We are so happy to have passionate musicians like yourselves and I can’t honestly wait to hear what you do with these incredible instruments :)

-eric fox

P.S. Send all tasty recipes, congratulatory remarks, and kudos to eric@buchla.com. All negative comments, complaints, and insults go to info@moogmusic.com j/k
Mag sein, ich glaub allerdings nicht das die Materialkosten das Problem sind. Eher so das Machen und Testen. Und dann noch der Buchlazuschlag ;-)

Und so ist der halt nur bei Denen mit den Sensel dabei.

Wie auch immer, ich brauch dass, glaube ich, eh nich.
Ich find das bei nem Produkt dieser Preisklasse etwas peinlich.
Aber egal.
