Professor Shay ist Java Jim!
Ein Mitglied (Trevor Coult) der nicht-öffentlichen Behringer Gruppe hat einen Ctrlr basierten Pro VS Editor gebaut. Ich teile hier mal seinen Text und den Link zum Download:
Here's the latest version of my Ctrlr based Pro VS editor. You need to install the Ctrlr software to use it which is at Ctrlr.org. It was developed using Ctrlr version 6.0.4. I have only tested the executable version on Windows 11. Mac, Linux and VST versions haven't been tested but are likely to also work.
It implements all of the CCs that are available in the latest firmware, plus patch changing. There is no 2 way communication possible currently with the Pro VS Mini so it is not possible to set the values of the editor to match the current patch. I hope that Behringer make this possible in the future.
This is most definitely an amateur implementation of an editor as I'm not hugely experienced with Ctrlr so use at your own risk. There was no scripting necessary to implement the current controls though so not too much can go wrong.
This is completely free and as such is unsupported. You are free to add/change whatever you want for your own use.
You can download it here. https://drive.google.com/.../1-E-DXQF1ISt88jiGf.../view...

Here's the latest version of my Ctrlr based Pro VS editor. You need to install the Ctrlr software to use it which is at Ctrlr.org. It was developed using Ctrlr version 6.0.4. I have only tested the executable version on Windows 11. Mac, Linux and VST versions haven't been tested but are likely to also work.
It implements all of the CCs that are available in the latest firmware, plus patch changing. There is no 2 way communication possible currently with the Pro VS Mini so it is not possible to set the values of the editor to match the current patch. I hope that Behringer make this possible in the future.
This is most definitely an amateur implementation of an editor as I'm not hugely experienced with Ctrlr so use at your own risk. There was no scripting necessary to implement the current controls though so not too much can go wrong.
This is completely free and as such is unsupported. You are free to add/change whatever you want for your own use.
You can download it here. https://drive.google.com/.../1-E-DXQF1ISt88jiGf.../view...