Abstrakt Instruments VS-1 Analog Synth - Oberheim OB-X Inspired Rackmount Synth | Seite 4 | Synthesizer @ Sequencer-Forum

Abstrakt Instruments VS-1 Analog Synth - Oberheim OB-X Inspired Rackmount Synth

Project Update #38: VS-1 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer by Abstrakt Instruments

Week 65 update

Posted by Abstrakt Instruments
Aug 24, 2021

Last week was a good week, boring but productive. The office has been rearranged again to make it easier to get everything organized for final assembly and shipping. We're still waiting on the mainboards and continue working on the firmware.

Brian Castro | Abstrakt Instruments
Project Update #39: VS-1 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer by Abstrakt Instruments

Week 67 update

Posted by Abstrakt Instruments
Sep 14, 2021

The majority of the past two weeks has been spent working on the firmware and the build documents for the mainboard. The mainboards are still 3 to 4 weeks away from arriving. To summarize the current state of the VS-1 we're obviously down to the last few milestones.

  • Complete firmware
  • Complete manual & build documents
  • Ship orders

These last steps are taking a very long time and we're trying to finish them as quickly as possible. On a side note - although it's taking much longer than expected to deliver the VS-1 - I am very relieved that we made the wise decision to buy all of the electronic parts immediately after initial funding. Many electronic parts have been on long term backorder for the pat several months with no signs of improving yet.

Brian Castro | Abstrakt Instruments
Project Update #40: VS-1 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer by Abstrakt Instruments

Week 70 update

Posted by Abstrakt Instruments
Oct 18, 2021

Just a quick update we're still waiting for the PCB assemblies to arrive from overseas. Otherwise there's not too much to update. We are still working on the firmware but at this point we will be preparing kits to ship as soon as all the parts are here. As noted a few times previously we will start shipping DIY kits to backers before full retail units start going out. Thanks everyone for your patience.

Brian Castro | Abstrakt Instruments
Project Update #41: VS-1 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer by Abstrakt Instruments

Week 77 update

Posted by Abstrakt Instruments
Dec 14, 2021

It's been (7) weeks since the last update! The weeks are flying by very fast. I was hoping to have a big update before the holidays but we're still not ready w/ the firmware.

We are much overdue on delivery but I want to assure everybody that we are working as hard as we can and we are still in a very healthy position to get the VS-1 completed and delivered. The firmware is taking much longer than expected.

The only notable development to mention is that the production mainboard assemblies are still at the factory. We ended up having only 6pcs sent and put the balance on hold because of a few concerns w/ the external memory interface and the OLED implementation. We want to make sure we don't make a simple mistake and waste money by having to remake the assemblies.

Happy Holiday,

Brian Castro | Abstrakt Instruments
Hat hier irgendwer mal son Teil bekommen? Oder ist der Typ mit eurer Kohle schon über alle Berge?
Gute Frage. Ich habe seit Update #41 nichts mehr gehört. Die anderen Backer sind recht nervös :)

131 backers pledged $249,376 to help bring this project to life.
Last updated December 15, 2021
Es lebt - Hier Update #42:

Project Update #42: VS-1 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer by Abstrakt Instruments

Week 92 update

Posted by Abstrakt Instruments
Mar 29, 2022

I hope you all are doing very well. It’s been a long time since the most recent update. I’ve spoken to many of you directly but for those that are busy and just waiting for updates my apologies in advance. I was putting off the update for several weeks waiting until we had some good progress. However the project has been fairly stagnant since the first week of January. In short, I’ve had some family commitments to attend to. As some of you know the office has been mostly closed since the beginning of the year except for shipping & receiving.

We’re back to work full time as of Monday March 28. It’s going to take a few days to get back up to speed but the VS-1 is again top priority. It’s obviously taken much longer to get to this point than originally planned but I want to assure you that the VS-1 project is not in jeopardy by any means and we will see it through until the last pre-ordered units are shipped. I will update again soon but wanted to post this update to confirm that the business is healthy and we are back to work full time. There is currently a small backlog in customer service, if you have an outstanding inquiry we will get to it as soon as possible.

Brian Castro | Abstrakt Instruments
Also nach 3 Monaten berichten, dass man zwischenzeitlich nicht gearbeitet hat, ist schon ... unkluge Kommunikation. Wollen wir hoffen, dass der family business nichts schlimmes war. Auch garkeine Infos zum weiteren Verlauf. Daumen drücken.
… wir werden jetzt weiterhin quartalsweise mit solchen nichtssagenden Sottisen und heisser Luft abgespeist. Was kommt als nächstes? Great grandmother liegt im Sterben?
Project Update #43: VS-1 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer by Abstrakt Instruments

Week 95 update

Posted by Abstrakt Instruments
Apr 25, 2022

We're back up to full speed making very good progress. We've decided to prepare the DIY kits for shipping with the option to ship the mainboard in a second shipment. There is a lot of building to complete for the kits and this will allow everyone to get started while software development is completed. As mentioned in a few prior updates.. parts for full parts kits are packaged per PCB assembly. Each PCB has the relevant parts separated, even if the same part number is used in more than one PCB assembly. This makes it easier for assembly and partial shipments. For the mainboard we're 'still' testing a few aspects including the new interface option for the OLED and vetting a new ROM IC. We still don't want to make this assembly until 100% sure it's perfect. We're not sure when the DIY kits will start shipping but I will update soon with a delivery estimate once we have a reasonable estimate. The full retail versions are built in groups of (10) units. We've had the first few groups staged for along time already and will start to ship once the software is ready.

I received many messages last Friday and over the weekend regarding the Behringer UB-X. Some colleagues and customer friends were snickering at the notion I might be working for Behringer. I will confirm the answer is no. The design of the OB-X is very particular. On one hand it's a textbook implementation of a polyphonic analog synthesizer. If you were designing a polyphonic analog in 1978 the OB-X is basically what you would find in publications of the time. Discrete oscillator, 12dB OTA-based filter, OTA-based VCA's and the new CEM ADSR IC's. On the other hand there are many minor quirks that you do not want to overlook. That said I know the in-house engineers at Behringer are excellent engineers. At the end of the day these synths aren't rocket science and these guys know what they are doing. The fact that they contracted someone to help is interesting. I do not have any insight as to who or why they have contracted someone. In any case it's safe to say I would not agree w/ all of the design trade-offs that will end up in the Behringer model. The VS-1 is second to none in this regards. Since we are a boutique company we can focus intensely one one or two designs and don't need to make any design trade-offs.

On a personal note I had mentioned that the office was closed at the beginning of the year for family reasons. I wanted to let everyone know at the time that there was a reason for the inactivity, but didn't believe it was necessary to go into details. However I received many personal messages and would like to confirm that there is no concern at home or with the VS-1. My wife and I had premature babies...twins. They came dangerously early and it was full time care for a good while. Babies are at home and healthy.


Brian Castro | Abstrakt Instruments
Project Update #44: VS-1 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer by Abstrakt Instruments

Week 96 update

Posted by Abstrakt Instruments
May 3, 2022

This is just a quick update to let you know we've had another good week. There will be a video update coming in the next week or two as we finalize some of the minor but necessary details including the mainboard updates, finalized chorus demo and chorus board manufacturing, finalized power supply and fan details, and kit packaging details. This will bring us to a position where we can prepare to deliver the DIY kits and continue w/ the firmware.

Brian Castro | Abstrakt Instruments
Oops, der ging vergessen:
Project Update #45: VS-1 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer by Abstrakt Instruments

Week 97 update

Posted by Abstrakt Instruments
May 13, 2022

We've had another very good week. The stereo chorus/output board assembly is fully tested and out for assembly. We have recorded a demo video that will be shared shortly. I'm not sure how much detail I shared previously after it was added as a stretch goal - It is a dual BBD design with two parts. It is based on the Roland analog chorus with two delay lines fed by a common LFO in opposite phases. There is complete control over all parameters:

  • Chorus Level
  • Chorus Crossfeed Level
  • Chorus LFO Depth
  • Chorus LFO Rate - 20Hz to 10s
  • Chorus LFO Shape - Tri & Sine
  • Chorus Part B BBD Clock Rate
  • Chorus Part B LFO Phase - 0 & 180 degrees

Because there is full control there are also presets for all modes of Roland choruses that share the same basic topology: Juno6, Juno60, Juno106, JX3P, JX8P, MKS-20, Dimension D. Of course there are also additional presets and manual mode to allow for much more chorus/ensemble territory.

We have also completed testing of the power supply and fan control. Based on the results it is likely the fan will not be needed (won't come on in auto mode) unless the ambient temperature is very high or the unit is stuffed into an enclosed rack.

At this point we are poised to complete the mainboard testing and finally have it manufactured.

More to come.

Brian Castro | Abstrakt Instruments
Project Update #46: VS-1 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer by Abstrakt Instruments

Week 106 update

Posted by Abstrakt Instruments
Jul 22, 2022

Hi Everyone,

I'm happy to update that the first production spec VS-1 has been completed. Obviously it has taken significantly longer to get to this milestone than planned, but we cannot go to production until we know it's perfect. There will be a video update next week, there is a lot of information to share - but I wanted to get this quick update up before the weekend.
Also, we re-recorded the chorus demo a few weeks ago w/ the production parts. This video will be posted as well as soon as editing is done.

Brian Castro | Abstrakt Instruments








Project Update #48: VS-1 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer by Abstrakt Instruments

Week 110 update

Posted by Abstrakt Instruments
August 13, 2022

Hi Everyone,

This is just another quick update. The chorus demo video still needs to be edited but I wanted to put up a quick sneak listen for the weekend. This is a single sawtooth oscillator with the filter open and no resonance. The chorus setting is the Juno 6 chorus preset until about 0:50s when the mix and rate controls are adjusted. Full video demo still to come.

Please note we tried to host this clip on Soundcloud, Bandcamp and Spotify but the playback streaming compression is terrible and you can easily hear distortions, so we've opted to host directly.
Leute, das ist ja alles nett und überhaupt, aber das ist eine Kickstarter Kampagne, die im Januar 2020 das Funding Ziel erreicht hat. Das ist kein Produkt, das man einfach so im Laden kaufen können wird. Nachdem das mit dem Shear Relic 6 nichts wurde, sah das Projekt sehr gut aus. Ein OB-X8 war nicht im Ansatz zu erahnen. Mein Geld hat Abstrakt Instruments seit damals und somit bleibt mir das Warten.
Alles gut, darum auch Chapeau für den Mut so ein Projekt über 3 (4 oder 5) Jahre zu unterstützen. Wäre selbst wohl innerhalb dieses Zeitraums (bei dieser Summe) ungeduldig geworden.

Irgendwann wird dir ein toller Synth ein lächeln ins Gesicht zaubern und das Warten sich dann gelohnt haben.
Nun, der Mut bestand darin, zu clicken und dann zu bezahlen, seit diesem Moment bin ich da ja völlig abgekoppelt. Das mit dem Lächeln im Gesicht ist auch meine Sichtweise. Hoffen wir mal, dass Brian das in nützlicher Frist noch gewuppt bekommt.
Project Update #49: VS-1 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer by Abstrakt Instruments

Week 119 update

Posted by Abstrakt Instruments
Oct 12, 2022

Ok another (8) weeks and another update! We get several requests for more updates so apologies for another significant gap here. There is a lot of activity going on behind the scenes - I know you guys really want to receive your units so I won't go into the semantics but will try to keep you updated. There will still be some demos and important particulars to share over the next few months - but updates from here on out will skew toward fulfillment details.

We are working diligently to start getting DIY kits out by the end of the year. Full schematics and build notes will be uploaded for public download on the website before the units start to ship. We have most of the assemblies already packed and we will be able to ship the (71) DIY kits quickly once the last parts are in. The VS-1 Retail units will begin after the DIY kits are shipped. This is the most efficient method of fulfillment so that everyone gets their reward as soon as possible.

Below is the long-awaited chorus demo. This was not prioritized with everything going on but I hope you still appreciate the demo as not many of you have heard the unit in its final form yet.

Brian Castro | Abstrakt Instruments


VS-1 Final Revision - Chorus Demo (Part 1) - WAV

VS-1 Final Revision - Chorus Demo (Part 1) - MP3

VS-1 Final Revision - Chorus Demo (Part 2) - WAV

VS-1 Final Revision - Chorus Demo (Part 2) - MP3

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