Ableton Live 11

Und schon ist die nächste neue Beta (11.1.5b1) da:

11.1.5b1 Versionshinweise​

New Features and Improvements:​

  • When renaming multiple scenes via the context menu, the edit area will appear on the scene that you right-click and the scene selection will be preserved even if a highlighted scene was not selected.
  • The Expand Clip Detail View shortcut is only enabled when it makes sense, e.g., when a clip is selected and the Clip View is visible.
  • When collapsing the Clip View (for example by using the shortcut [OPT][CMD][L]) while it’s expanded and then re-opening it again, Clip View comes back in its expanded size as expected.
  • Clip borders are now drawn using opaque color to improve visibility.
  • Users will see shorter names for certain values (e.g. waveform shapes) in various devices on Push 2.
  • In Arrangement View, the right-click context menu grid setting options now appear as expected, even when there are various time signatures in the Arrangement.
  • When a new software update is available and your auto-update preferences are set to Ask Me, a link to the latest release notes is included in Live’s status bar notification.
  • Updated software texts and Help View lessons in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese.

Max for Live Updates and Improvements:​

  • Updated the bundled Max build to version 8.2.2. For the complete changelog visit:
  • amxd~: eliminated extra border added to device after being dragged into patcher
  • amxd~: improved error message object identification
  • Dynamic Colors: default Max for Live device patcher background color follows Live's theme
  • Dynamic Colors: loadtime improvements
  • jsliveapi: ensure boxpath (fixes M4L.chooser issues)
  • live.dial: Fixed triangle color
  • live.gain~: fixed cursor location on mouse up
  • live.step: dynamic colors work as expected
  • Max for Live Device Projects: dirty the device when dependencies are added
  • Max for Live Patter device: fixed crash on load (Live 11.1.b8)
  • Max for Live unique identifier / ---: maintained when loading poly~ patchers
  • panel: fixed enabling / disabling window_drag in Max for Live device subpatchers
  • It is possible to unset the property when using by sending a property message without an argument (or property “”) without Max printing a warning to the console.
  • Max for Live users now have access to the duplicate_notes_by_id function of the Clip LOM object.
  • The view properties of the Wavetable and Compressor devices are now available in the Max for Live API.
  • In the Max for Live API, get_notes_extended, get_all_notes_extended, get_selected_notes_extended and get_notes_by_id now optionally take their arguments in the form of a single dict. This dict can have an additional key or filters mapped to a list of note property names. If filters are provided, the returned dictionaries will only contain the specified properties rather than the full note descriptions.


  • When a warped clip is frozen, the Grain Size parameter of the Tones warp mode is also frozen.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused small time selections to flicker when zooming out in Arrangement View.
  • Fixed a regression that impaired Live's ability to deliver host information to VST2 plug-ins.
  • When renaming multiple clips in Arrangement or Session view via the context menu, the edit area will be shown in the clip that you right-click.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred by navigating with the Tab key when renaming multiple clips.
  • Fixed a bug that caused preset parameters to load incorrectly in VST plug-ins on Apple M1 machines.
  • The clip names of frozen take lane clips now appear as expected in Draw Mode.
  • Extending an unwarped clip past the original clip end now functions as expected.
  • When Draw Mode is enabled, grid lines will appear as expected in take lane clips.
  • The time selection of folded tracks in Automation Mode now appears as expected.
  • Using [Tab] and [Shift][Tab] while renaming tracks now allows the user to cycle between the first and last tracks in Arrangement View.
  • In multi-clip editing, the Transpose and Velocity range sliders now become activated/deactivated as expected based on note/time selection.
  • Fixed an issue that caused extra spacing to appear in track title bars when deleting multiple tracks.
  • Fixed an issue that caused duplicate send letters in a return chain when renaming the chain in a Drum Rack.
  • Fixed a small bug with multi-clip editing where some notes would not be selected properly in certain scenarios.
  • On Push 2, the Frequency and Width parameters for the Corpus device are now displayed correctly.
  • Scrollbars appear as expected when a long list of items is displayed.
  • Consolidating audio clips no longer takes additional time when plug-ins are on corresponding return tracks.
  • Navigation behavior between take lanes, clips, scenes, and tracks is now more consistent.
  • Fixed an issue that caused tracks that were copied and pasted into an automation lane or take lane in Arrangement View to be added to the last track position.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Live to crash or hang when unplugging the audio output device during export.
  • Fixed an issue that caused scanning VST plug-ins from Live’s Preferences on Apple Silicon computers to take longer than expected.
  • Scanning VST2 and VST3 custom folder paths now works as expected.
  • Duplicating time between two time signature change markers no longer adds an unexpected duplicate time signature change marker in the Arrangement.
  • Updated values for automated MIDI CCs are now sent when scrubbing in the Arrangement or setting an Arrangement insert marker, even on armed MIDI tracks.
  • MIDI CC automations from the clip will play when the track monitor mode is set to “In” which is consistent with how other automations are played back.
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when selecting tracks that contained missing VST2 plug-ins.
  • Fixed a crash that happened when adding a preset of an unavailable plug-in to the end of a device chain.
  • Fixed a crash caused by adding MIDI Effect Racks onto MIDI tracks that were routed to one another but contained no instruments in their device chains.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when opening Flux:: VST2 plug-ins.
  • The Auto option in the piano roll’s Accidentals context menu now always displays the actual spelling used.
  • Fixed several issues with the MackieControl and MackieControl_Classic control surface scripts that resulted in button LEDs being left in incorrect states.
  • The KeyLab and KeyLab88 control surfaces no longer cause Live to lag when active. In addition, the sensitivity of the encoders has been increased for both control surfaces.
  • Setting a property on a without a valid LOM ID no longer causes a warning to be printed to the Max console.
Die Website (und das Forum) von Ableton ist seit gestern offline. Authorisierungen gehen auch nicht. Wurden die gehackt oder bauen die um?

Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-20 um 13.19.27.png
Also bei mir läuft sie, allerdings lädt gefühlt die Hälfte der Bilder nicht...
Dann hast du noch Teile der Site im Cache. Ich wollte mir vorhin den latest Patch ziehen und sie machen anscheinend eine größere Umstellung. Vielleicht neuer Hosting Dienstleister?
Lustig das die vergessen haben das Datum der Wartungseite zu aktualisieren.
Btw, es sieht so aus als würde man bei Ableton in Zukunft auch für Linux entwickeln wollen.
Wenn man sich bei Ableton die Jobangebote anschaut, dann findet man nämlich folgendes:

Embedded Linux Engineer (d/f/m)​

Department: Product Development
Office: Ableton AG / Germany
Schedule: Full-time
Apply for this position

Your mission​

We are looking for an experienced Linux engineer to own the strategy and maintain a dedicated Linux-based OS to power our next generation of products. You will collaborate with both hardware and software teams on topics such as hardware system design, driver development, infrastructure scripting and OS services for use by applications. This will require some level of specialization for our product domain, e.g. low latency audio and MIDI processing; and will also focus on more generic aspects like infrastructure for network discovery and automatic system updates.

Btw, es sieht so aus als würde man bei Ableton in Zukunft auch für Linux entwickeln wollen.
Wenn man sich bei Ableton die Jobangebote anschaut, dann findet man nämlich folgendes:

Embedded Linux Engineer (d/f/m)​

Department: Product Development
Office: Ableton AG / Germany
Schedule: Full-time
Apply for this position

Your mission​

We are looking for an experienced Linux engineer to own the strategy and maintain a dedicated Linux-based OS to power our next generation of products. You will collaborate with both hardware and software teams on topics such as hardware system design, driver development, infrastructure scripting and OS services for use by applications. This will require some level of specialization for our product domain, e.g. low latency audio and MIDI processing; and will also focus on more generic aspects like infrastructure for network discovery and automatic system updates.

Das hört sich ja nach einer standalone Push an.
Authorisiung geht immer noch nicht. Weder on- noch offline. Ich krieg immer nur Verbindungsabbrüche oder 404 NGINX Error. Die müssen da massiv was kaputt gemacht haben am Wochenende. Support ist überlastet.

We are currently experiencing high support volumes, therefore our response time is delayed. We kindly ask for your patience and will get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, check out our Knowledge Basefor solutions to common issues.

Am vergangenen Wochenende sind leider unsere Webseite- und Authentifizierungsserver ausgefallen. Die Lizenz-Authentifizierungsserver funktionieren weiterhin nicht.
  • Nutzer:innen einer Probeversion von Ableton Live können derzeit ihre Projekte nicht abspeichern
  • Neue Ableton-Live-Installationen können gerade nicht freigeschaltet werden
  • Einige Nutzer:innen können möglicherweise keine neuen Packs installieren
  • Auto-Updates für Ableton Live sind vorübergehend nicht verfügbar
  • Derzeit ist kein Login in das Ableton-Forum möglich
Wir möchten uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten entschuldigen, und hoffen auf eine schnelle Lösung des Problems. Unsere technischen Teams arbeiten unter Hochdruck daran, wieder alle Ableton-Angebote zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Ich hab die aktuelle Version. Gestern funktionierte noch alles. Ich hab nichts neues installiert. Heute kommt diese Meldung:

Aha, man muss "Automatische Updates" ausschalten, dann gibt's Ruhe.

Auf zack sind die aber. Post vom Support:

As you may know, in the past couple of days, we experienced downtime on our website and authentication servers. This downtime meant that:
  • Ableton Live trial users were unable to save their work
  • Unlocks for new installations of Ableton Live were temporarily unavailable
  • Some users were not able to install new Packs
  • Auto-updates for Ableton Live were temporarily unavailable
  • Logging into the Ableton forum was temporarily not possible
We are happy to inform you that our team has fixed the issue and our servers are back up and running as normal.

You can read more about it on our blog here.
Ich berichte mal kurz von meinem update von 11.0.12 auf 11.1. [WIN10]
Keine M4L Devices reagieren mehr auf die Maus - KEINE. Controller Devices geben auch keine midi cc`s aus. Nichts.... Ich habe ein Ticket gelöst und die Fehlersuche ging in Richtung Grafik/Monitor. 2ter Monitor auf 100% skalieren, HDPI ausschalten. Hat aber alles nichts genützt. Grafikkarte geupdatet und alles mögliche ausprobiert (Einstellungen in Windows Anzeige, Einstellungen die Live.exe in verschiedenen Kompatibilitätsmodi). In Live 11.0.12 läuft alles wunderbar. Im Forum gibt es User mit ähnlichen Problemen. Habt Ihr hier in Live 11.1 und der neuesten Beta ähnliche Probleme mit m4l devices? Auch die Stock m4l devices (Kick, Hihat, LFO etc) reagieren nicht mehr auf die Maus. Warum?!
...reagieren nicht mehr auf die Maus. Warum?!

Schon versucht Ableton Live zu deinstallieren und dann neu aufzusetzen?

Wenn das nix bringt, kannst auch versuchen die aktuelle Beta Version probeweise zu installieren.
Wenn die Beta läuft, dann hast wenigstens was womit du arbeiten kannst, bis die nächste Release Version kommt.

Die Beta gibts wie immer bei Ableton Centercode:

Hallo, wie kann ich einen ext. Synth Parameter über Live modulieren? Z.b den osc mix vom Minilogue über Ableton modulieren.
Also ich hab jetzt meine groovebox aufgenommen. Ich habe eine zweite Audio Spur erstellt, das Monitoring auff off geschaltet. Und auf diese Spur aufgenommen. Sollte latenzfrei sein aber dennoch wenn man sich den Clip anschaut liegen die transienten ziemlich daneben. Also bei live 9 hab ich das nicht so in Erinnerung. Da waren die transienten ziemlich genau auf der Zeitachse. Hier ist ein Beispiel Foto.


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