Das letzte Interessante war der Nord Wave 2. Besser als man denkt, aber bisschen unter gegangen.
Der Nord Elektro 4 ist quasi eine Miniversion mit Piano und Orgel-Bereich - ganz passend.

- Nord Wave 2 Synth Engine - Sample Playback
- Dedicated OLED Display - Waveform/Sample selection and parameter editing
- 1 GB Memory for Nord Sample Library
- Bestückung: Nord Sound Manager (Mac/Win)
- 46 Voice polyphony
- Oscillator Types: Analog (incl. Super, Noise and Misc waveforms), Digital Waves, FM and Sample
- Analog Waveform options: Pure, Shape, Shape Sine, Multi, Super, Sync, Bell, Misc (Noise)
- Classic Transistor Ladder Filter (LP M), 12 & 24 dB Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass and combined Low Pass/Band Pass (LP+BP) filter
- Filter Drive: Off, 1, 2 and 3
- Filter Tracking: Off, 1/3, 2/3 and Full
- 3 Unison modes
- Vibrato modes controllable from Mod Wheel, Aftertouch and pedal.
- Filter envelope (Attack, Decay, Sustain) with Velocity control
- Amplitude envelope (Attack, Decay, Sustain) with Velocity control
- Oscillator envelope (Attack, Decay, Sustain) with Velocity control
- LFO with 5 waveforms/modes: Square, Triangle, Ramp Dn, Ramp Up and Sample & Hold
- Advanced Arpeggiator with Arp, Polyphonic and Gate modes
- Arpeggiator Patterns for all modes, with Accent and Pan options
- LFO and Arpeggiator synchronizable to Master Clock
- 3 Layers (3-Part Multitimbral)
AT, USB, MIDI, kein Polypressure - 73 oder 88 Tasten
und Effekte wie zu sehen 6 Sektionen.
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