Gotharman Tiny LD - Granular-Workstation


Jetzt wollte ich mal ein paar erste Einschätzungen zu diesem abgespeckten deFormer 3 lesen und die Forensuche spuckt nichts aus. Interessiert das Teil hier niemanden? Finde diese Mini-Workstation schon ziemlich reizvoll und vor allem anders. Knapp 1000€ mit dem analogen Filterboard ist natürlich alles andere als günstig.


16 part, 8 stereo voices tiny granular music workstation, with synthesizes, samplers, sequencer, granular effects and analog filter and CV options.

A new tiny deFormer that runs the full LD3 firmware, with some limitations:
-Less buttons and knobs.
-Less sample memory (43 minutes).
-Less analog options -Only one filterboard connector, no CV ins/outs and no extra audio ins/outs.

It has 16 parts. Each part can be selected to start with either a morphable multi waveform oscillator, a sampler or a noise generator.
The signal from this goes into 2 multimode (16 modes) resonant filters, and ends up in a VCA.
Each part has a chomatic note range of 10 octaves. Parts can be splitted over a keyboard and/or be set up multi-timbrally, with each their own MIDI channel and key range.

Each part can be sent to one or two of its 8 audio busses.

Effects can be applied to these busses, up to 10 at a time, to process the synth/sampler parts.

An optional analog filterboard can also be applied to the audio busses, for real analog processing.

The sequencer comes with 16 advanced note tracks and 32 controller/CC tracks.
For each note on the note tracks, it is possible to set note, gate time, velocity and even position of the step, which allows for polyphonic step sequencing and rhythmic experiments.
At the output of each note track, a scale function are applied, that can force all notes into harmonic scales, or switch notes around for musical deforming. The note track can be up to 64 steps long, and resolution can be set between 1/64 and 1/2.
The controller tracks can be up to 128 steps long, and their resolution can also be set between 1/64 and 1/2. They appear as modulation source for all parameters, that can be modulated.
The sequencer can control both the internal parts of Tiny LD and external MIDI gear.
Templates are available to create a startpoint for a sequence and to modify existing sequences.
16 track audio track recording is also possible with the Tiny LD sequencer. Each audio track can be automatically chopped, for easy deforming.

Knapp 1000€ mit dem analogen Filterboard ist natürlich alles andere als günstig.

Das ist das Problem! Ich spekuliere auf eine Medusa. Die kostet auch so viel. Finde ich aber spannender. Vor allem das Grid.

weinglas ist hier im Forum der Gotharman.

BTW: Habe schon zwei Maschinen von Flemming Christensen. Es reicht. Sind ja doch sehr ähnliche Experimentierbaukästen.
Na ja, wenn der Tiny Deformer sagen wir 399 Euro kosten würde, könnte ich mich nochmal erwärmen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
