Westbam and Members of Mayday klingen



Hello German Music Producers!
Forgive me that I am writing in English but in German I would made tons of errors :)

I have released under my TTS label new EDM soundbank .
This time its : 'DIVA U-HE Classic Electronica' - heavely inspired by GERMAN ELECTRONIC MUSIC.
This soundbank is a bit tematic becouse it do have sounds that are rather more torwards classic EDM.

When i was doing this soundbank i was really gone into styles like : Westbam traxxes ala
Beatbox Rocker, Hard Times, - Members of Mayday-10 in 01 or Save the Robots,- classic trance traxxes
from Frankfurt city scene and some Berlin MFS influences.
Plus lot of oldschool classic house and classic techno.

I havent done such a classic soundbank yet, maybe You could be interested to go for
product site and check demos and details:

http://trancetechnosoundbanks.com/index ... ica-detail

Here is soundcloud demo:
src: http://soundcloud.com/ttssoundware/tts-diva-uhe-classic-electronica

Price is really good.

As usually there are ready FULL CONSTRUCTION KITS for every of 13 demos in FL Studio FLP format and
Midi + presets + automation jpg's(showing automation and construction of every demo on screen), 'How
to use' file,- for every DAW. So it means that you can recreate the demos that you hear in mp3 in every
Daw and open ready Fl Studio flp's files even in Fl Studio demo mode.

Quality and useability is the goal in my every soundbank.

If you would have some questions please write me.
Have nice day !
Listen and learn from the one and only clipnotic, in the mix today only for you!

c .. l .. i .. p .. :dj: .. n .. o .. t .. i .. c

:kaffee: :ultrafrolic: :huepfling: :ultrafrolic: :huepfling: :ultrafrolic: :kaffee:

Mayday - save the robots - the one and only westbam

90s Electro from the underground:

some 90s classic trance tracks from the biiig rooms:

Acid was also still cooool at this time:

I saw him live with full of ... ;-)

Finally, something very artfully and great - the one and only Cosmic Baby

If you want more, tell me ... :mrgreen:
