...WDPD - • the • o8o8 • project • album 2012...



...unser 2012er Album, veröffentlicht am 04.04.2012 als Download und als auf 500 Stück limitierte CD-Ausgabe, jetzt auch via Soundcloud...

[url=http://o8o8.bandcamp.com/album/wdpd:ibwfz5a3]• the • o8o8 • project •[/url] schrieb:
...ever-evolving life seems at the same time endless and running in circles - while having a defined beginning and end...

• the • o8o8 • project •

worked for more than two years on this album, shedding sprinkles of music on this huge and all comprising topic, with a strong focus on random answers to the question of 'what do people do'.

released 04 April 2012
We thank all the nice people who followed and supported us, and even joined in to make the project happen, like Gordon Charlton providing the lyrics to the title track 'wdpd' and the track 'bradley', Randy George for his theremin and toy-harp contributions to the track 'free', Chuck Heard for the guitars on 'you better know', Gabriele Brigante for his drumming on the tracks 'gecko' and 'circle', Sandro Distefano for the guitar on 'circle' and finally Antonio Campeglia (Age Of Audio) for the professional mastering of the album.

Special thanks go to the gecko for his patience!

src: http://soundcloud.com/o8o8/wdpd-track-1-gecko

src: http://soundcloud.com/o8o8/wdpd-track-2-exploration

src: http://soundcloud.com/o8o8/wdpd-track-3-passion

src: http://soundcloud.com/o8o8/wdpd-track-04-youth

src: http://soundcloud.com/o8o8/wdpd-track-05-bradley

src: http://soundcloud.com/o8o8/wdpd-track-06-miss-you

src: http://soundcloud.com/o8o8/wdpd-track-07-circle

src: http://soundcloud.com/o8o8/wdpd-track-08-better-know

src: http://soundcloud.com/o8o8/wdpd-track-09-nonbolero

src: http://soundcloud.com/o8o8/wdpd-track-10-free

src: http://soundcloud.com/o8o8/wdpd-track-11-stations

src: http://soundcloud.com/o8o8/wdpd-track-12-wdpd
Ah schön. Neben den Oudorp Tapes meine Lieblings-CD aus dem sequencer.de-Umfeld!
Glückwunsch. Hab mir gerade mal alle Tracks beim Frühstückskaffee aufm Balkon reingesaugt. Gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut. Interessanter Stilmix und sehr musikalisch. :phat:
Kommt da noch was Neues?

Kommt da noch was Neues?

...vielen Dank f.d. Rückmeldung...ja, da ist was Neues in Arbeit, allerdings schätze ich es wird noch ca. ein Jahr dauern, bis wir veröffentlichen wollen...

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