Ich brauche einen VOLTAGE TO SWITCH TRIGGER CONVERTER und bin dabei auf diese Anleitung hier auf gestoßen:
take a transistor 2N3904, connect its basis to the normal trigger (voltage trigger) jack (6mm) (tip) with a 10KOhm resistor and a diode IN4148 (points to basis) and the emitter should be connected to the ground of the normal trigger jack. the collector of the transistor should be the smaller prong of the switched trigger jones plug, the other one is connected to the emitter , ground & diode (blocking). the 6mm jack is the one,that is used on almost every audio equipment in the world. noone knows why moog used those jones cinch plug
Gibt es dazu einen Schaltplan? Mir ist unklar, wie ich die Diode anschließen muss, also in welcher Richtung.
take a transistor 2N3904, connect its basis to the normal trigger (voltage trigger) jack (6mm) (tip) with a 10KOhm resistor and a diode IN4148 (points to basis) and the emitter should be connected to the ground of the normal trigger jack. the collector of the transistor should be the smaller prong of the switched trigger jones plug, the other one is connected to the emitter , ground & diode (blocking). the 6mm jack is the one,that is used on almost every audio equipment in the world. noone knows why moog used those jones cinch plug
Gibt es dazu einen Schaltplan? Mir ist unklar, wie ich die Diode anschließen muss, also in welcher Richtung.