Die Flut an neuen Eurorackmodulen reisst nicht ab: Eine VCA-Matrix von 4MS.
Mein Kommentar dazu: Das nenn ich mal ein Quadro-Modul! Damit sollte sich Elektrokamerads Raumschwinger wesentlich einfacher realisieren lassen.
Mein Kommentar dazu: Das nenn ich mal ein Quadro-Modul! Damit sollte sich Elektrokamerads Raumschwinger wesentlich einfacher realisieren lassen.

We're coming out with a new Eurorack module, a playable 4x4 VCA Matrix. The mockup is of the prototype and is subject to change before production. Four inputs can be routed in any amount/combination to four outputs, using the 16 CV jacks, knobs, and mute buttons. Features include:
* 4 CV/audio inputs and outputs (dc-coupled)
* 16 VCA's using high quality SSM chips
* Playable surface with 16 LED latching "Punch In/Out" buttons to mute each VCA (mute button disconnects CV jack and Offset knob, and silences the VCA)
* LED brightness indicates sum of CV jack, Offset knob, and mute button
* 16 knobs to set the offset (center gain) of each VCA
* 16 CV jacks for VCA level. Jacks are normalled together in columns, and along row 1
* Expandability: VCAM's can be connected to form a larger matrix (4x8, 8x8, 12x4, etc). Also a gate header on the PCB will allow for connection to forthcoming programmable/sequencable control surface module
* Suitable as a 4x4 mixer, spliter, as well as dynamic signal router
* CV jacks go well into the audio range for FM-type sideband effects
Our next module is a Pingable Envelope Generator, which takes clock/gates from an RCD/SCM, for example, outputting envelopes to the VCAMatrix which will smoothly vary signal routings/levels at clockable rates.