Theory and Design of Music Synthesizers

Heute habe ich einen interessanten Link aufgeschnappt, der,
denke ich, in die DIY-Sektion passen würde und sicher für
einige hier von Interesse sein könnte.

Dort kann man Videos von Vorträgen zu folgenden Themen
  • 1/9 - 40 Years of Music Synthesis, Part I (Moog/Buchla up to DX7)
  • 1/11 - 40 years of Music Synthesis, Part II (DX7 and after)
  • 1/18 - Meet the Korg MS-20, a typical analog semimodular synth
  • 1/23 - Op amp review, part I (resistive circuits)
  • 1/25 - Overview of Music Technology Projects - guest lecture by Gil Weinberg
  • 1/30 - Op amp review, part II (first-order RC circuits)
  • 2/1 - Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTA) (with VCA example), Norton op amps
  • 2/6 - Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCO): Sawtooth Core; visit to the ECE4006 labs
  • 2/8 - Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCO): Triangle Core; distribution of the MOTM kits
  • 2/13 - Analog Waveshaping, Part I: saw->pulse, saw->triangle, triangle->sine, Serge wave multiplier demo
  • 2/15 - Analog Waveshaping, Part II: Ken Stone's wavefolder, Buchla's diodeless deadband circuit, Buchla's timbre generator
  • 2/20 - Single-pole OTA-based VCFs (and MOTM kit progress)
  • 2/22 - Four-pole VCFs with negative feedback
  • 2/27 - Properties of Second-order filters
  • 3/1 - Sallen-Key VCF theory; Buchla LPG example (Vactrol-based S-K)
  • 3/13 - Sallen-Key OTA-based examples; State-variable filter theory (show & tell of assembled MOTM kits)
  • 3/15 - State-variable VCF examples
  • 3/27 - Transistor Ladder (Moog) and Diode Ladder VCFs, and a few other odds and ends
  • 3/29 - Exponential voltage-to-current conversion
  • 4/3 - Sample playback and the dangers of aliased digital oscillators
  • 4/5 - Alias-free synthesis of classic analog waveforms; digital state variable filters
  • 4/12 - Digital emulation of a SSM2040/Prophet 5-style filter

Link zur Seite:
Ich habe noch keines der Videos geschaut, da ich im Geschäft bin und nicht gerade 150MB-Dateien herunterladen sollte... Kann also keine Aussagen dazu machen, ob der Inhalt wirklich brauchbar ist. Klingt aber sehr vielversprechend!

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