The Elements and Principles of Music | Andy Edwarts

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Da schickt sich jemand an dem Rick Beato konkurrenz zu machen
Wenn Beato "The Beatles" ist ist Andy sicherlich "The Rolling Stones"

Gute grundlagen in einfachem englisch - bricht complexe dinge runter und sehr nachvollziehbar.
Kein akademischer ansatz

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The most important think of music: To put a frame arround "sound"!
Wird Frank Zappa zu geschrieben...
Ich hab mal ein paar (mir) wichtige punkte herausgenommen: (Kein anspruch auf vollständigkeit)

Er hat eine andere vorstellung von dem was man "skills" nennt und wie man sie bekommt.


classical music model is a brilliant method for developing the skills required to play
somebody else's compositions but in terms of motivation is is not great at all.

You need a composition - that comes with a ton of bad baggage

rather use the term „description“

most music that's made nowadays is not created like that - it's created on a digital audio workstation but actually working in say qbase or logic or protols

or whatever it is and messing around with stuff to create something is actually a composition
and actually organized out of improvisation

swap the word improvisation for creation

Composition* it's telling you about 80% of what you've got to do but there's still 20% that is put in by you
and it's put in at the moment you are performing the music

improvised* we would say it was the expression

you cannot perform a piece of music but without adding primarily yourself in

creation is basically the embodiment of aspect of yourself in sound

a piece of music is basically the framework - it's the limits that we put around sound

The Ensemble is basically the equipment

my personal taste is part of this composition

the tombra was left to the performer

The artist is just the creator - you leave the judgement by the audience!

About Skills:

You have to learn to make a „nice“ sound (what ever that is)
and that defines your learning of skills

17:42 on skills


