Mork vom Ork
Ich möchte schreien wie am Spiess,jetzt kann die Kiste endlich,weswegen ich sie gekauft habe!!!
Jetzt sind alle Stimmen separat und direkt am Gerät im COMBO editierbar und damit wird das Ding endgültig zum analogen Multimodler !!!
Ich probier grade rum,es ist der Hammer
Hier sind Betas des neuen OS:
Jetzt sind alle Stimmen separat und direkt am Gerät im COMBO editierbar und damit wird das Ding endgültig zum analogen Multimodler !!!
Ich probier grade rum,es ist der Hammer

Hier sind Betas des neuen OS:
Some cool new stuff in this release, details below:
Sequencer Slew added - Slew has been added as a Sequencer destination in Sequences 2 and 4 controlling the slew in Sequences 1 and 3 respectively
Additional Arpeggiator Modes added: Now has Up, Down, Up/Down, Assign (hold the keys down), and Random for 1, 2 and 3 Octaves
Individual Voice Volume control
Multi Mode can now be controlled in full on the Tetra (details below)
New clock mode: V1 Master
Voice 1 Tempo is used as the master, similar to MIDI IN
In Combo mode with V1 Master on, when you switch the program assigned to Voice 1 several parameters (Unison, A/B mode, Split, Arp and Seq settings and Play Button mode) are kept the same to keep the feel of the combo the same as you select new sounds
New Global: Mode Lock = {Off, Program, Combo}
Locks the Interface to either Program or Combo mode so you don't mistakenly switch to the other mode using the program/combo switch.
When Mode Lock = Combo, the Tetra will start up in Combo mode
And some bug fixes:
Mopho Keyboard programs now handled correctly
USB Code improved, should help stability and jitter with newer Operating Systems
Arpeggiator can now be turned On and Off via NRPN
LFO Sync to MIDI clock fixed
Inc/Dec buttons keep pitch offset
Pots act correctly in Passthru and Relative modes when the value they are controlling is changed by another source (eg., MIDI or an AP Encoder)
MIDI Clock now being sent at all times in Combo mode using the Voice 1 Clock
In Combo mode, play button behavior when one or more voices was in Normal and the rest in Toggle mode fixed
UI Details and Changes per mode:
Program Mode (Multi On):
Current Voice displayed on the screen as M# in the upper right, similar to Combo mode
Edit B now selects the next voice and cycles between voices 1 to 4
All controls on the Tetra are locked to the active voice, including the play button
The Global 'Write Basic Patch' writes the basic patch only to the active voice
The Volume Pot controls the Preset Volume on the active voice. The Global Pot Mode setting controls this behavior, as per the Cutoff/Resonance pots
Combo Mode (Multi On and Off)
The Tetra UI acts the same now whether Multi is on or off
You can now change the program on each voice to other combo parts, which is the default behavior. When you are editing a single part of a combo on the name screen, the select encoder will change through combos 1-128, parts 1-4 incrementally.
Changing a program will not stop the other voices from playing, but will stop the active voice
You can change between the combo and program banks by holding down the inc/dec buttons
Select Encoder and Inc/Dec buttons control whatever is on the screen. If you just changed the Pitch, Attack or Dec/Rel encoders and multiple parameters are displayed, using the Select encoder or Inc/Dec buttons will change all parameters
Name editing has been added for individual parts in the combo
While editing all voices, the volume pot controls the Master volume (MIDI CC#7). While editing a single voice, the volume pot controls only the preset volume of the active voice. The Global Pot Mode setting controls this behavior, as per the Cutoff/Resonance pots.
Voices are no longer turned off when switching to and from global, or when switching between voices
While in Single Voice Edit, the play button controls only the active voice. In V1-4 Edit in Unison, if any voices are playing, the play button turns them all off. If no voices are playing, it starts them all normally.
Combo Mode (Multi On) MIDI Behavior as follows:
Main Combo Editing V1-4
Global Send set to NRPN
Assigned Parameter Encoders send out NRPN on a single MIDI channel (AP 1 sends on the MIDI channel selected in the global settings, AP 2 sends on MIDI channel + 1, etc)
Volume pot sends out CC#7 changes on all 4 channels
All other controls send out a single NRPN on the main MIDI channel, per the Quad section in the manual
Global Send set to CC
Assigned Parameter Encoders send a CC out on a single MIDI channel
Volume pot sends out CC#7 changes on all 4 channel
Other controls send out 4 CC messages for each parameter changed
Single Voice Editing
Global Send set to NRPN
Volume Pot sends out 1 NRPN for Preset Volume
All other controls send out 1 NRPN as normal, on the MIDI channel of the active voice
Global Send set to CC
Volume Pot doesn't send anything
Other controls send 1 CC if the parameter they are controlling has an assigned CC # on the MIDI channel of the active voice