Stacco - neural synthesis space - merging music with magnetism


Hier mal was ganz Ausgefallenes...

"We design instruments embedded with creative AI for musical performance. New instruments for new music! Our aim is to build new expressive music technologies and apply those to understand ourselves as users of intelligent instruments and therefore understand AI more broadly."

Ziemlich verkopfte Truppe. KI Laboranten aus dem hohen Norden Europas.
Thor Magnusson steckt dahinter. Der, der das schöne Buch "Sonic writing" geschrieben hat. Er sagt von sich:

"I’m a research professor at the University of Iceland and a professor of future music in the Music Department at the University of Sussex. I’ve recently served as an Edgard-Varèse guest professor at the Technische Universität Berlin. My research interests include musical performance, improvisation, new technologies for musical expression, live coding, musical notation, artificial intelligence and computational creativity. My research has roots equally in practice and theory and recent books include 'Sonic Writing: Technologies of Material, Symbolic and Signal Inscription' and 'Live Coding: A User's Manual', published by Bloomsbury Academic and MIT Press respectively.

Hier die Website:

Und ob das hier in der richtigen Kategorie ist, weiß ich auch nicht.
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Zwei Staccos live in concert...

Stacco is a novel digital instrument with embedded magnetometers. The interface attracts and repels magnetic spheres and it detects their position based on the variations in the magnetic fields they produce. This sensing mechanism allows both fine musical control and the emergence of unpredictable interactions out of interlaced magnetic forces.

The instrument has been designed to perform with and notate for neural synthesis models, where multidimensional sonic spaces can be navigated through the exploration of tangled control parameters. Stacco comes with graphical scores that function as guides for the exploration of the sonic output of the neural synth.

By drawing on the surface of the interface, it is also possible to create new scores and layer them on top of each other. In the performance ”Magnetologues”, for two Staccos, one device operates a neural audio engine and the other controls in real-time the sound in space via ambisonics (24 speakers for this performance).

Hätte gerne mehr über die Sounderzeugung gewußt. Ist Stacco eine Art Megneto-Sequencer der an die Klangquelle angeschlossen wird, oder sind die Sounds neural erzeugt?

The video provides a stereo rendering of the piece.Performed and recorded at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST) - Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) during the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR 2024).

Sound engineers:Leandro Gianini Milena Winter
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