[quote:171645ac12=*Smuehli*]Klar richtig sprechen is nich, a
Smuehli schrieb:
Klar richtig sprechen is nich, aber welche können das denn bzw. was braucht der Synth dazu?
Reicht z.B. .ein RingMod und schneller LFO a la CS-40m?
Der Odyssey kanns auch, der SH-5 (glaube ich) aber nicht. Beim CS-30 habe ich es nicht probiert . . .
wenn du es richtig professionell haben möchtest dann bau dir einen votrax um. der hat alle phoneme und das ganze primborium das wirklich spaß macht. er ist übrigens mit ein paar wenigen handgriffen komplett steuerspannungsfähig.
ata sheet Votrax Personal Speech System
Now your computer can say anything and say it well.
Introducing the Votrax Personal Speech System.
Quite articulate.
The unlimited vocabulary Votrax Personal Speech System is the most sophisticated, low cost voice synthesizer available today. Its highly articulate text-to-speech translator lets your computer properly pronounce conversational words at least 95% of the time. For all those unusual words and proper names, you can define an exeption word tabel and store your own translations. And remember, the entirely self-contained Votrax PS System gets your computer talking without using any valuable commputer memory.
Built-In varsatlity.
Much more than just a voice output device, the Votrax PS System lets you mix either speech and sound effects or speech and music. A programmable master clock and 350 programmable frequencies give you unmatched control of speech and sound effects. The Votrax PS System offers user expandable ROM for custom applications, user downloadable software and sound effects subroutines for easy user programming. Its programmable speech rate provides more natural rhythm, while 64 programmable amplitude levels give you greater control of word emphasis.
Friendy to humans.
Designed to look like a printer to your computer, the Votrax PS System is extremely easy to use. It can be used in tandem with your printer without an additional interface card. Both serial and parallel ports come standard, allowing you to connect the Votrax PS System to virtually any computer. Speech, music and sound effects are only a PRINT statement away.
What to say after "Hello".
Businesses will appreciate spoken data transmission, narration of graphic displays and unmanned, oral product demonstrations. Spoken verification of data input will make computers much easier for the blind to use. School children can receive comprehensive computer instruction with voice text-books as well as spoken drills and testing. And then, late at night, you can make those adventure games explode.
A quick list.
Highly articulate Votrax text-to-speech translator.
350 programmable frequencies for speech/sound effects.
64 amplitude levels.
Simultaneous speech and sound effects or speech and music.
8 octave, 3 note music synthesis.
Serial and parallel interface standaard
User programmable master clock.
User defined exception word table.
User programmable speech rate, amplitude and inflection.
User expandable ROM for custom applications.
User downloadable software.
3,500character input buffer: subdivisible for a printer buffer.
Internal speaker and external speaker jack.
Real time clock and 8 user defined alarms.
Oral power up and error prompting.
X-on/X-off and RTS-CTS handshaking.
Programmable Baud settings (75-9600).
Interrupt driven Z-80 microprocessor.
Parallel Serial interconnect modes.
Proper number string translation: the number I 54" is pronounced "one hundred fifty four"