ich leit mal folgendes aus der Analogue Heaven Maillist weiter. Es geht um die Software Variante des Resonators, den einige von Euch vielleicht schon von den Videos von Kenneth Elhardt kennen (s.U.):
Thanks to everyone for the answers and additional information. I ended up with schematics for the original Polymoog Resonator, plus schematics for Jurgen Haible's version with discussion of the polarity of the Med Band Pass section. Lots of great information on the types of op-amps, not to mention unused circuit features in the original.
After many days of research, but just one short day of programming, I now have an AudioUnit that implements an ideal Polymoog Resonator. The bad news is that it only runs on Mac OS X. The good news is that it is a Universal binary with a minimum requirement of "vintage" Tiger 10.4 systems or newer.
You can download a disk image with the plug-in (just drag and drop to install in ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components) from the following URL:
Comments are welcome from those who work with Macs and Logic, Ableton Live, or other AudioUnit-compatible hosts.
Note 1: The software does not emulate the non-ideal characteristics of the original Polymoog circuits. In other words, this is not a faithful reproduction of the "sound" of the Polymoog. Where Jurgen commented that the "sound" of the Polymoog Resonator could be more closely recreated by using the same op-amps, or a cleaner sound could be obtained with modern op-amps, this plug-in is basically equivalent to an ideal op-amp.
Note 2: Due to my desire to implement the DSP without any "if" statements or other conditional branching within the main loop, I believe it would be fairly easy to allow all LP/BP/HP outputs to be mixed together with separate faders, instead of being limited to the Polymoog switch that allows only LP, BP, or HP. I'd have to add 6 or 9 new faders for that, but if folks think it would be useful then I might take the time to do that (and mark them as "advanced" controls to keep the Polymoog recreation pure). Other features that Jurgen added could be included in the plug-in as well.
Brian Willoughby
Sound Consulting