Unbekanntes, supergeiles Stück mit völlig falschem Cover durch irrende Annahme. Im Internet behaupten einige, der Song sei von einem belgischen Duo namens Maggie Dupont and Joseph Dupont von 1987/88 und als Bad Intentions - Act So Differently erschienen. Andere unterstellen, es sei fake. Im Internet wird er verzweifelt gesucht, aber hier scheint sich wieder keiner für so eine Perle zu interessieren. Wer mehr weiß, bitte melden. Wird Zeit, dass dieser rare, unbekannte Song mit einem tollen Re-release gewürdigt wird.
Do I have to wait forever?
To see a little little smile in you?
If you asked me what's on your skin
And I touched them hard to read
But maybe it's because I am so different?
Won't you have another human touch?
But maybe it could be just so different?
If you would stay with me tonight
Oh, baby, baby, please come back
I've waited for you, oh, so long
My love for you is like a game
A game for you and me to play
But maybe it's because I am so different?
Won't you have another human touch?
But maybe it could be just so different?
If you would stay with me tonight
But maybe it's because I am so different?
Won't you have another human touch
But maybe it could be just so different?
If you would stay with me tonight
Oh, baby, baby, please come back
I've waited for you, oh, so long
My love for you is like a game
A game for you and me to play
But maybe it's because I am so different?
Won't you have another human touch?
But maybe it could be just so different?
If you would stay with me tonight
But maybe it's because I am so different?
Won't you have another human touch?
But maybe it could be just so different
If you would stay with me tonight.