Playlist Obskure Untergrundmusik zum Kennenlernen

Född Död - Он Не Может Любить Тебя Больше - II (2016)

Of The Wand & The Moon - Lost In Emptiness (2001)

Sonne Hagal - The Shapes of Things to Come (2014)

Chelsea Wolfe - Deranged for Rock & Roll (2019)

Current 93 & HÖH - Fields of Rape (Sightless Return) (1991)

The Legendary Pink Dots - Casting The Runes (1987/2018)

Trisomie 21 - Some Twenty One Miles From the Coast (1987)

Pieter Nooten & Michael Brook - Searching (1987)

David Lynch - The Big Dream (Venetian Snares Remix) (2013)

Black Tape For A Blue Girl - Seireenien Lumoama (1987)

Birds Of Passage - The Monster Inside You (2011)

The Orchestra of Mirrored Reflections - Leaving Big Sigh of City Behind (2019)

Junkyard Shaman - Watching the Glaciers Melt in Slow Motion (2020)

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