lieber nicht.
falls es jemand noch nicht mitbekommen haben sollte:
[quelle: muff's]
Introducing the Intellijel Dr. Octature, another installment in the David G.
Dixon 2164 series of modules.
The basis of the module is a 4-pole LPF inspired by the classic "cascaded
OTA" design, but realized instead with superior-quality 2164 VCAs.
The "octature" refers to the 8 distinct, phase separated outputs (every 45
degrees, or two sets of four 180-degree shifted outputs). Each pair has a
different slope: 6db, 12db, 18db and 24dB
The cascaded-stage design is similar to the filter found in absolute
classics such as the Roland Jupiter-6 and SH-101. However, when put into
self-oscillation this filter becomes a stable, 1V/Oct tracking LFO/VCO, with
each of the 8 outputs giving a sine wave 45 degrees out of phase with the
- Coarse and Fine tuning
- Range switch for LFO (0.002Hz to 300Hz) and VCO (17Hz to 24kHz) modes
- VC Resonance with logarithmic response for smooth control
- 1V/Oct temperature stable tracking
- Mono/Quad resonance gain distribution switch for classic or enhanced
- Monopolar FM1 and Bipolar FM2 attenuated CV inputs
- Single pcb design (very shallow/skiff friendly)
- Pin header on the back connects to a VERY special voltage-controlled
multimode filter expansion module (coming soon!)
- Price: $275 USD
-Availability: ships in about two weeks!
[quelle: muff's]