Muffwiggler? Mike McGrath †

Scheint so.

Der letzte Totalausfall von MW liegt noch gar nicht so lange zurück, und alle waren froh, daß es endlich wieder lief.

Daumen drücken für die Betreiber.

muffs, schon lange nicht mehr gesehen.

ich nehme mal an das kann alles heissen oder,
von gehackt worden sein bis technische probleme aller art beim provider ?
Ich finde es auch sonderbar, dass man auch mit googeln nichts findet. Wäre ja mal ganz nett vom Betreiber, sich woanders mal zu melden....
Kann mir jemand erklären warum Muff so polarisiert? =

Can someone explain why Muff is so polarized?
? In what way do you see it as polarized?

Nice to see you around here, John!

I think what he meant was more: why does Muff polarize so much?

This might refer to someone guessing a DDoS attack in a post above.

I don't think those are always connected to some concern or have a substantial concern though.

Do you have any information about what is going on at the moment?
Nice to see you around here, John!

Do you have any information about what is going on at the moment?
Hi Leverkusen ! :Banana:
I saw a post on Twitter where someone said that they saw a post on the Muff Wiggler Facebook group that the site should be back up in a few days. I'm not on Facebook anymore so I can't verify this or find out more.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Kann mir jemand erklären warum Muff so polarisiert? =

Can someone explain why Muff is so polarized?
? In what way do you see it as polarized?

Nice to see you around here, John!

I think what he meant was more: why does Muff polarize so much?

This might refer to someone guessing a DDoS attack in a post above.

I don't think those are always connected to some concern or have a substantial concern though.

Do you have any information about what is going on at the moment?

Richtig.Bezugnehmend auf die Ddos Annahme.Weil,ist sowas nicht schonmal vorgekommen oder irre ich da?
via Patreon:

Muff Wiggler posted
MW site outage (don't panic!)
Apologies to everyone for site outage. Have been suffering serious health problems requiring hospitalization. I imagine it will be back in 5-6 days, sometime shortly after oct 1. Sincere apologies, please take the time to spend with loved ones and make music. We WILL be back soon.

Thank you everyone for your love, support and patience. I love you all.
bekam gerade diese Mail:
I’m sending this message to a list of Wigglers whose email addresses I have.
First, I hope that you are well and have had a great summer with plenty of time for music!
As you’ve probably noticed Muff Wigglers has been down for a number of days. If you’re like me you are probably really missing your MW fix and are confused as to what’s going on.
This morning I received an email from Mike through the Patreon system;
"Apologies to everyone for site outage. Have been suffering serious health problems requiring hospitalization. I imagine it will be back in 5-6 days, sometime shortly after oct 1. Sincere apologies, please take the time to spend with loved ones and make music. We WILL be back soon.

Thank you everyone for your love, support and patience. I love you all."

Those of you who are Patreons of Muff’s have already received this and I apologize for sending you info you already have. For those who aren’t, please check it out and consider helping to support the site we all love.
I’m sure I join you all in wishing Mike a speedy recovery.
I hope to see y’all soon in the hallowed halls of Wiggling. Until then, keep on patchin’
Rich “Flareless” Sherkin
Lower West Side Studio"
Der Webseite geht es nur gut, wenn es dem Betreiber ebenso geht? :shock:
Ich dachte, so eine Seite läuft vollautomatisch; ich wußte gar nicht, dass da einer den ganzen Tag an der Kurbel drehen muss.

Na ja, gute Besserung muss man ihm natürlich trotzdem wünschen. Kranksein ist immer furchtbar.
Der Webseite geht es nur gut, wenn es dem Betreiber ebenso geht? :shock:
Ich dachte, so eine Seite läuft vollautomatisch; ich wußte gar nicht, dass da einer den ganzen Tag an der Kurbel drehen muss.

Na ja, gute Besserung muss man ihm natürlich trotzdem wünschen. Kranksein ist immer furchtbar.
Ja was glaubst Du denn was unser @Moogulator den ganzen Tag macht :buegeln:

