Musik Modularmusik-Kanal

Nur Musik ist hier gefragt, pur! (nicht die komische Band, sondern…)


MOD schrieb:
Ich bin mal so frei und mach mal eine lose Sammlung auf, die mit Modulars gemacht ist und mehr als nur Demos sind, irgendwie schön und nicht um Demo-willen irgendwie Pling machen.

Modular aller Sorten.

Hallo, wollte mal fragen, ob Ihr Lust hättet hier in dem Thread Tracks (in Videoform) zu posten, die live mit dem Eurorack-Modular eingespielt wurden? Gerne auch mit vorprogrammierten Pattern... Oder gibt es schon hier so eine Sammlung von Videos? Ich fang mal an mit einem Musikstück von Benjamin Kinsman aus Sydney:

"White Noises" mit dem Stück "Wake"


∿ P a t c h N o t e s ∿ ∿ Wooden Thump ∿ Rings into LxD 12dB Low Pass Gate, strummed and struck by Pulsar. ∿ Dreamy LFO Pad ~ Chord mix out to Tangle Quartet. Waveform, Voicing, and Inversion manipulated by Pamela's New Workout, which is itself being clocked by Pulsar. ∿ Bouncing Droplets ∿ STO variable-shape wave into LxD 6dB Low Pass Gate, struck by Pamela's New Workout. Going into Clouds for a delay effect, with the Position parameter modulated by Chance's Discrete output. Pitch is coming from one of Batumi's sine wave outputs, attenuated and offset by Maths, and quantised by uScale. ∿ Bass Drone ∿ BSDM bass drum into SCAT 0-logical distortion for grit, before being tamed by MA35 filter. ∿ M o d u l e s u s e d ∿ ∿ Chord, Pulsar, and Chance by Qu-Bit Electronix ∿ STO, LxD, and Maths by Make Noise ∿ uScale and uJack by Intellijel. ∿ Pamela's New Workout and Tangle Quartet by ALM Busy Circuits ∿ Rings and Clouds by Mutable Instruments ∿ Batumi by XAOC Devices ∿ BSDM bass drum and SCAT 0-logical distortion by 000 ∿ MA35 VCF/A by Manhattan Analog ∿ Performer Series case by mdlrcase ∿ ∿ ∿ ∿ ∿ ∿ BANDCAMP: ∿ INSTAGRAM: @gregwht ∿ MODULAR GRID: ∿ TWITTER: @gregwht ∿ WEBSITE:
Als "Demo Jam" vom Felix von Tuesday Night Machines betitelt.
Auf mich wirkt es eher wie ein ziemlich toller Track.


The Olegtron CONFUSOR is a 4x4 manual switch module, which lets you route four normalled inputs to four separate outputs. The signal path is not immediately obvious though (although not hard to understand), which makes it a very fun "semi-random" performance module. You know what you put into it, but you don't necessarily know where the things come out ;-) In this video, the four CONFUSOR inputs receive two sequenced AR envelopes, a synced S&H signal and a trigger sequence signal. The outputs are routed to the Bastl GrandPa's two trigger inputs, the modulation input and the Synthrotek EKO's delay modulation input. The master clock and trigger sequencer is the Trigger Man, to which the Korg Volca Beats is also synced to. Check out the Olegtron website: ... the Olegtron YouTube channel: ... and my other Olegtron 4060 videos: Demo: Jam: Questions or comments? Go ahead and post them below! :) Thanks for watching! Check out my channel for more Synthesizer Music. Audio gear used: - Eurorack Modular Synthesizer (with Olegtron Confusor, Bastl Instruments GrandPa, Delptronics Trigger Man, intellijel Quadra, Synthrotek EKO, Doepfer Phase Shifter, Klangbau Köln Spring Reverb, Klangbau Logistische Gleichung, and more ... ) - Korg Volca Beats (drum machine) - Tascam DR-40 Recorder My always up-to-date modular synth on ModularGrid: Eurorack: Filmed with a Canon 500d (Rebel T2i). If you've read this far, post a comment with the words "so confusing" in it :D LINKS: SUBSCRIBE: OFFICIAL WEBSITE: Twitter: (@Flixxx) Facebook: Instagram: Bandcamp: My other YouTube Channel: - #TTNM
"The Canyon" by POB


This live modular synth performance is the final patch based on the one I created for Qu-Bit Electronix's Instagram Story Takeover. The patch features several Qu-Bit modules: Pulsar, Contour, Octone, Tone, and Nebulae. This track available on Bandcamp here: When I took over Qu-Bit's Instagram Stories, I built a patch in 24 hours but then expanded on that quite a bit more, adding in lush melodies (with the Sputnik Modular keyboard and Mangrove oscillator) and more intense percussion (with Noise Engineering's Manis Iteritas and Mutable Instruments Warps for some effects) View this case on ModularGrid: The two samples in this patch (violins and choir) were created in Kontakt then exported to .wav files and added to the Nebulae. IN STEREO Various sections in this patch: 0:00 Melodies 3:20 Discovery 5:03 Intense 6:48 The Jam 10:04 Calling 11:48 Reprise 13:49 Fade ------------------------------- All sounds mixed out through Erica Synths Black Stereo Mixer, sent to Ableton Live for master file creation for YouTube, SoundCloud, Facebook and Instagram. I recorded video with a GoPro 4 then manually synced the video with the audio using iMovie. All modules were inside a 12U Gemini 0104 case from Monorocket. ------------------------------- No computers were used in the performance of this piece. All modular synths, recorded live in a single take. ------------------------------- I am Patrick O'Brien aka P.O.B. living in Los Angeles. Follow me on SoundCloud: Follow me on Twitter: Follow me on Instagram: Follow me on Facebook: Follow me on Bandcamp: Recorded January 20, 2018 in Los Angeles, California.
Lurker in the Abyss (0-Coast, Braids, ER-1, Voltage Block, Varigate 8+, o_C, T_u, Octatrack) von Cody Gratner


The Octatrack is just being used for time clock. It's sending midi time to the ER-1 and I have short pulse samples sending on 16ths and one every 4 bars to the Temps Utile to clock the modular. The Temps Utile is sending proper 1/16th note clock signals to the Varigate 8+ and it's sending reset every 4 bars to both the Varigate 8+ and the Voltage Block. The Temps Utile is also sending 16ths to the 0-Coast's clock in. The Varigate 8+ is sending gates to: the S-143 sequencer which is pitching the 0-Coast, the Minibrute for the kick drum, the 0-Coast for the contour and into the o_C in piqued for an envelope being mixed in the Triatt. The Voltage Block is sending pitch CV to the Braids and is sending modulation to several other destinations. One of those is CV also being mixed in the Triatt. The Triatt is mixing a static CV from knob 1, CV from the Voltage Block and envelopes from the o_C which is all feeding in to the CV input on the DPLPG, which is the low pass gate the Fold Processor is feeding in to which is being fed by Braids. Everything is being ran in to the UMC-1820 which is sending multitrack audio in to AUM on iPad for recording stems. The stems were then mixed in Ableton Live. The Pangolin plushie hiding on the right of the modular is for when I finally get a Manis Iteritas.
Pergola - Ambient Eurorack Live Jam with Monome & Pedals by Jogging House


Check out my new album 'From': 'Pergola' is a transition into uncertainty. Patch Details ---------------------- Bass: 1. Dixie - Manhattan DTM - e440 - ModDemix - Analog Heat 2. Dixie - Pico VCF3 - Optomix String-like sounds: 1. Rings - VacVac - Wombtone 2. Rings - Belgrad - Warped Vinyl - Clouds Chords: Morphangene - Polivoks Filter - - ModDemix - Analog Heat Percussive Sounds: 1. STO - Chopping Kinky - Cinnamon - Optomix - Sansamp Blonde 2. STO - Manhattan DTM - State 700 Filter - Optomix - Julia Chorus 3. Dixie - Chopping Kinky - Polivoks Filter - Optomix - Sansamp Blonde Hats/Noise Wave: Quantum Rainbow - Disting Filter Mode - Optomix Pad-like sound: Mangrove - - Doepfer Bit Modifier - Doepfer SEM - VacVac - Spectre Sequencers: Monome Ansible/Grid in Meadowphysics mode 2x Korg SQ1 Send FX: Count to 5 Tonal Recall Maths, Functions, ARbuz for Envelope duties. Batumi, Pam's New Workout, Sloths & Chance for various modulations. Pam for clock and modulation duties. Ornament & Crime for quantization.
Album? Oder nur den Track „Wet“ aus dem Video? Das ist nämlich das einzige mp3 aus dem Download-Link. Trotzdem: sehr sehr cool und als kostenloser Track gerne genommen.
War erst im falschen thread:
Wer Lust hat auf Krell und one take two track Modularsounds (Songs und/oder abstrakt), hat vielleicht Spaß an unserem Konzeptalbum von 2016:

Auf soundcloud gibt es noch Erläuterungen pro Track.

Fand ich auch richtig gut gemacht: Hubschrauber-Patch in 3D.

Man darf sich wirklich die kompletten 7 Minuten geben.
von unserer letzten Jamsession am 03.02.2018

(Nur Kameraton)

ooops, danke für den Hinweis. Das hatte ich wohl schnell von irgendwo reinkopiert und nicht geändert.
Ist mir aber nicht aufgefallen.
Wo war denn das? Im Abspann?

Hab unsere Session heute mal schnell hochgeladen, da ist auch nix weiter dran gemacht.
Hätte ja auch die Wav-Files auf 8 Einzelspuren vorliegen, habe aber weder Lust noch Zeit das Ding anständig abzumischen und ein richtiges Video daraus zu erstellen.

Diese Session ist wahrscheinlich das letzte Lebenszeichen von dem Projekt Thau und ob das neue Album "Humao:Id", welches ja fast fertiggestellt wurde überhaupt noch erscheinen wird, ist noch ungewiss.
R. I. P.
Zur Zeit habe ich einfach Wichtigeres zu tun.
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Jupp, war im Abspann.
:nihao: Ich habe auch den schwarzen Gürtel im Finden von Anschlußfehlern in Filmen und Serien. Sozusagen der meistgehasste Moviespoiler...
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