Modular City is developing. As I have hurt my hand I can´t take part in constructing our new kind of case for modular synths at the moment (but will continue with it soon). So I´m writing some new lectures for our university here in Modular City right now. One of them is called “From Idea to Patch – or from Random Chaos to Random Order”.
But there is a lot of building work going on even at other places in our town. The building, that houses “Modules Incorporated” has been finished. The rooms are being equipped at the moment and the first hardware has been ordered.
24 videos have been installed in our “Soft and Loud” building. A (very huge) lot more are getting prepared for installation.
Our “Hardware Workshop” has ordered the first pieces of gear to test and to explain. Two performances have arrived to be shown in the “Festival Hall”. One of them has already been istalled, the other one is getting prepared for installation.
In the “Townhall” our mayor is negotiating with companies (hardware as well as software) to get some extra advantages for our citizens here in Modular City.
And (poor) Rolf (that´s me) is getting up early in the morning around 4 a.m. each day to get it all done and managed (additionally to my regular day job – no, no! There aren´t any tears needed nor wanted. I LOVE it – as long as my body can stand that wonderful situation
In case you´ve forgotten about the details of Modular City: here you can refresh your knowledge about it:
And here are snapshots of some information boards in the buildings:
Enjoy your day!