KV331 Audio announces SynthMaster 2.0 VSTi & Song Contest



KV331 Audio is proud to announce version 2.0 of their flagship software synthesizer SynthMaster, which is due to be released in Standalone/VSTi formats for Windows in November 2009. To celebrate the arrival of SynthMaster 2.0, KV331 Audio is also holding a song contest with cash prizes of $200/$150/$100 for the top three winners. Candidates interested in entering the contest can submit their songs created using SynthMaster 2.0 to info@kv331audio.com until October 25, 2009.

KV331 Audio has been working on the new version of SynthMaster 2.0 for the past 2.5 years and they have recently announced the release date of SynthMaster 2.0 as November 2009. The beta version of SynthMaster 2.0 has been heavily tested since July, and the Demo version is also available from their web site at :


SynthMaster 2.0 has gone through major changes compared to the first version:

* Layers: In SynthMaster 2.0, every voice consists of 2 layers. Each layer has its own Arpeggiator/Sequencer, 2 Oscillators, 2 Multimode filters, 4 Modulators, 4 ADSR Envelopes, 2 Multistage Envelopes, 2 LFOs, 4 KeyScalers and Distortion/LoFi/4 Band EQ effects.

* "Analog" filters: SynthMaster now sounds warmer with the addition of "analog" LP/HP/BP/BS filters modelled after the famous "Ladder" filter. Aside from those, 1/2/3/4 stage Allpass and Comb filters are new additions as well.

* "Wavetable/Wavescanning" oscillators: With the addition of Wavetable/wavescanning synthesis in SynthMaster 2.0, now it is possible to create very complex and evolving sounds using multiple wavetables and sequencing between them.

* Flexible Modulation Options: It is possible to modulate almost every continuous parameter using LFOs, Envelopes, KeyScalers, MIDI Velocity, MIDI Aftertouch or MIDI Controllers; which makes it possible to create very complex sounds with SynthMaster 2.0

* Rich Wavetable Content: Aside from the 128 factory wavetables licensed from Galbanum, 320 user wavetables selected from the Muz3um for Rapture patch set also comes with SynthMaster 2.0

* Rich Preset Content: To show the power of SynthMaster 2.0, a team of professional sound designers formed by Scot Solida, LeLotusBleu Sound Design, Xenos Soundworks, CFA-Audio and KV331 Audio's own Teoman Pasinlioğlu'n have created more than 500 presets in a wide range of categories/genres.

* Preset Browser: With the addition of a preset browser users can now easily find the sound they're looking for by filtering through preset category, music style or preset author.

* Skin Editor: SynthMaster 2.0 comes with its skin editor which allows the users to customize the look of SynthMaster, or to create new skins with different layouts.

To celebrate the arrival of SynthMaster 2.0 and to show off the power of SynthMaster 2.0, KV331 Audio is holding a song contest between October 1st-25th. The top 3 winners of the contest will win cash prizes of $200/$150/$100, while all the other contestants will receive free SynthMaster 2.0 licenses. KV331 Audio have announced the rules of the song contest as follows:

1. Free SynthMaster 2.0 Licence: Candidates interested to submit songs to the contest can obtain a free SynthMaster 2.0 license from KV331 Audio by submitting the first 60 seconds of their demo song created using SynthMaster 2.0 Demo version to info@kv331audio.com

2. Submissions/Deadlines: Contestants should e-mail finished songs to info@kv331audio.com before October 26. During submission, they should include the following information as well:

* Music genre/style
* Host used
* Number of SynthMaster instances used
* External fx/drum (if used)

3. Voting: Between October 25th-31st, there will be public online voting on various music forums. The percentage of the public voting on the final result will be %25. The other %75 will be decided by KV331 Audio's internal judges, formed by members/moderators at MuzikTek.net

4. Payment method for top 3 winners: Payment will be made via PayPal.

5. Use of external effects: Allowed.

6. Use of other instruments: Only drums are allowed, no other external instruments can be used.

KV331 Audio will announce the results of the song contest on their web site and on online music forums on November 1st.
So far there are 5 entries for the song contest, you can listen to them to get a feeling of what SynthMaster 2.0 is capable of:

1: [mp3]www.kv331audio.com/SynthMaster/Songs/v2/SynthMaster2DemoSongByTimBesamusca.mp3[/mp3]
timnl85 schrieb:
The drums are samples, I compressed and eq'd the drums a little. The rest of the sounds are all synthmaster without any additional plugins.

2. [mp3]www.kv331audio.com/SynthMaster/Songs/v2/SynthMaster2DemoDesertDriveByScotSolida.mp3[/mp3]
Scot Solida schrieb:
I just finished a quick tune done with the beta of SynthMaster 2. Sort of a late Tangerine Dream or early Ian Boddy/Andy Pickford style.
All sounds are from SynthMaster. Thirteen instances in energyXT2. It performed admirably. No crashes or issues for me (on an iMac running Windows XP via Bootcamp).

3. http://www.kv331audio.com/SynthMaster/S ... eismic.wma
seismic1 schrieb:
10 instances running under EnergyXT2.5.1 - no other insruments/effects/

4. [mp3]www.kv331audio.com/SynthMaster/Songs/v2/Synthmaster2DemoSongByBranis.mp3[/mp3]
Branis schrieb:
I used 10 instances of Synthmaster and just one low freq drum loop sample that is barely audible at the beginning of the track.
There are no additional effects except TLs2095a-LA compressor on the drum buss and CLAS, MDA Image and TbT Pocket Limiter on the master channel. Done in energy XT2.

5. [mp3]www.kv331audio.com/SynthMaster/Songs/v2/SynthMaster2DemoHyperDreamsByEmirIsilay.mp3[/mp3]
Emir Isilay schrieb:
Sequencer: Cakewalk Sonar 8.3 Producer Edition
Synthmaster instances used: 12
Drums/Loops: Spectrasonics Stylus RMX ve Reason'dan REX files.
Effects: T-Racks 3 Compressor, Sonicbytes Gat'r (Gate FX), Audioease Altiverb 6 Reverb, Waves Renaissance Reverb ve Waves Renaissance EQ.
Hi fellows,

We have a new build that has important fixes and brand new presets by our sound designer Brian "Xenos" Lee. Please download this update if you are working with SM2 to enter the song contest! Even if you are not, just give it a try, it's the best bang for the buck :D

Here are the updates for our new build

1. UPDATE: Our preset count has gone up to 428, thanks to our sound designer Brian Xenos Lee Love Please keep in mind that some of the presets are still not normalized and metadata is missing information, but no worries we'll fix those in a couple of days! Smile

2. NEW: Preset metadata is now categories under 3 categories: Instrument Type, Attributes, Music Style

3. FIX: Turning on Distortion effect with drive parameter maxed out might cause DC build up on output sound, causing SM2 to be silent

4. FIX: Saving a preset causes preset browser to forget the current selected preset.

5. FIX: SynthMaster crashes when loading a preset than contains segmented waveform data. For this fix we disabled loading waveform data from presets temporarily.

6. FIX: SynthMaster crashes when a wavetable is selected for a wavetable osc and a note is already playing at the same time.

7. FIX: SynthMaster now resets all engine parameters when a preset is loaded.


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