KAWAI K1r Patches speichern?? Wo/Wie??

Did anyone ever actually get SoundDiver to work with the K1r?

I am using SoundDiver 3.0.5 on Windows. It works fine for other synths, but I cannot for the life of me get the K1r to send its data via sysex toSoundDiver. When I ask SoundDiver to "Request" e.g. singles from the K1r, all the patches in SoundDiver stay empty.

My K1r has Eprom v1.3, which is supposedly the latest version. Any ideas to get SoundDiver to work?

Any other editors that do manage to request sysex from the K1r?

By the way, it *is* possible to use SoundDiver to edit singles from scratch by telling it to initialize a patch. bBt not being able to edit existing singles in the K1r really sucks.

There is also an editor for Windows XP called K1banked on the kawai.de site. That one for me only manages to send one single parameter change to a patch in the K1r. After changing just one parameter, no other changes have any effect.

I really do love the sound of the K1, but having a good editor and librarian would make things so much more convenient...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
To partially answer my own question: Midi Quest 11 for Windows appears to be working alright with the K1r, both as a bank and single editor. It's the best option I've found so far.
Back in time I used SoundDiver 3.0.5 on Windows to edit my K1r. I can't remember any issues. But I can't remember, if I tried to request data from the K1r. So not really that usefull answer ;-)
Thanks anyway for your reply, Swissdoc. For now I'm happy using the K1r with MidiQuest.

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