Forum-DJ - Playlist 1 | Seite 5 | Synthesizer @ Sequencer-Forum

Forum-DJ - Playlist 1

Die schönste weibliche Stimme, die ich seit langem gehört habe. Ich bin verliebt..
LA based duo making sexwave music. Doing it without a crowd since 2008

Los Angeles dark electronic duo Intimatchine at Complex for Manufactured in LA - 09/02/2016

Bin übrigens auf die aufmerksam geworden, wegen eines Unboxing-Videos des Drumbrutes... (Auch eine Möglichkeit..)
We're a Los Angeles based electronic duo who uses both analog and digital table-top synths. As fans of Arturia's Mini/Microbrute we were hoping for the same quality of sound and performance in the DrumBrute. Although the machine is fun to play, we found the sounds lacking in character and depth - falling short of our favored (not analog) Elektron Machinedrum SPS-1 MKII.

The DrumBrute's sequencer and individual drum outputs could make it useful in the studio - especially for someone who doesn't already own the equivalent hardware.

Wär schön wenn jemand was anderes auflegen würde, gerne was ganz, ganz anderes....

