Forum DJ - Playlist 0

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Bassdrive macht keinen Mux mehr :fresse:
Verdammter Mist!

Bei kommt nur Gelumpe... :mad:

Also 'ne Tied bei BeatBlender (SomaFM) reinlauschen. Passt zur Uhrzeit. schön, aber irgendwie zu relaxed... MAAANN - schon etwas ruppiger... aber.. hm...

HardstyleHB - auch tot:ge.idled...
Ich pack gleich die neue Heintje-CD rein, wenn das so weiter geht! :opa:

Fusion Radio Chicago - atemberaubende Qualität, aber Zocke mit 4/4-Beat. :gay:

Secret Agent @SomaFM - WAS is DAS denn? Jazz-Gebläse meets 303-GezirrPe. Klarer Fall von BOHR,ey - hier bleib ich 'ne Weile!

Next Track: Abstract HipHop made in France - auch leicht angejazzed, feinst!

Die Nacht, gerettet sie ist!
Aimee Mann - "The Moth"
Video in HD => hier

Katzendarm, Songwriting... eigentlic so gar nich meins. Aber die Frau hat was. Sie hat sogar sehr viel

Artists Aimee Mann, Michael Penn and their manager Michael Hausman formed United Musicians during the independent release of Aimee's album "Bachelor No. 2." Together, they saw the obstacles that faced a single artist label in a world of multinationals. They imagined a group of artists joining together to provide a level playing field, create a recognizable brand and ethos that would attract like-minded artists and music lovers while allowing the artists to retain control of their work.
Grad frisch ausm ELP-Shop und nun aufm Plattenteller:

Mystic Letter K "Prophecies" (H.Productions HPX03 2x12")
Hardcell & Grindvik "GAIN02" (Drumcode DCGAIN) -> Die A-Seite ist ein Oberhammerbrett...
Massive Attack -- Mezzanine

gleich schmeiß ich mal Tool rein... :katzendarm:

np: Photek - The Hidden Camera

Jahrelang von mir unterschätzt und nicht beachtet... :)

Ich fand ja schon das Original ("96:CD") sehr geil, aber was der Herr Brinkmann aus den Tracks gemacht hat, ist erste Sahne!

Concept 1, composed by Richie Hawtin, marked a yearlong correlation between musical development and the progression of time. The original series (1996) of 12 monthly twelve-inch singles comprised of 24 tracks, strictly limited to 2000 copies per release, was a timely musical emission of that moment. Before the compiled CD release of Concept 1 96:CD in February 1998, Thomas Brinkmann (Cologne, Germany) visited Windsor to play Hawtin some of his "Variations" of Concept 1. The results unfolded a new structure from the original material, exposing a new side of Hawtin's compositions.
Explaining his custom system to produce the Concept 1 Variations, Brinkmann notes, "I used a self-made turntable with 30 kilo plate, and two SME 309 Tone Arms utilizing both Ortofon and Van den Hul moving-coil pickups." Using the original Concept 1 records on his two-arm turntable, Thomas found unheard dynamics within these recordings. Even the imperfections of the vinyl pressing process find new character within his Variations. "The interventions with the actual vinyl are few: I slowed down the speed of the record and used the left pickup (arm) for the left channel, and the right pickup (arm) for the right channel. I found out that the use of different pickup systems for both channels is important for the sound," Brinkmann adds. "It's possible to hear a melodic displacement between the channels."

Re-thinking the depth of sound, Thomas said, "I don't believe in creativity, but in sensibility. We have to invent the things to make them visible or audible, even though they had been there before, only invisible and inaudible." Through his unique angle of attention, Thomas has allowed us to hear what he hears, something that was there but unheard until now. Summing up his technique, Thomas mentions, "With a little intervention and displacement of elements, the Concepts are sounding different. The same information they had before, but two times present. Like the idea of cloning and twins: still Richie's DNA with a little mutation. A different groove."

Kann man übrigens bei reinhören...

So, und jetzt die "DE9:Transitions" (da passt eher NOW WATCHING)... :D

Sheet One, Musik, Artifakts (BC), Consumed, Closer ... NONSTOP :D
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