Mar io
Hallo zusammen,
ich möchte euch kurzentschlossen eine neue EP vorstellen, diesmal auf keinem Label erschienen sondern kostenlos bzw. "Name your Price" bei Bandcamp und Soundcloud. Es würde mich feuen wenn ihr mal reinhört, in Zeiten wie diesen wollte ich gerne etwas "zurück" geben, den ein oder anderen erreicht die EP noch in der Isolation...und wenn es nur einigen ein Lächeln auf das Gesicht zaubert ist schon viel gewonnen.
Viel spaß damit!
Bandcamp Link:
Soundcloud Link:
With "Joy Of Existence" Mar io presents an EP with five tracks in April 2020, which are given free to download and with the hope that they will spend some enjoyable moments in times of isolation.
Artist: Mar io
Name: "Joy Of Existence"
Format: 5 Track EP, digital, mp3 and wav
Available via: Bandcamp and Soundcloud exclusive
Release: 15/04/2020
"Joy Of Existence" on Bandcamp :
(free .wav download)
Release Info:
It starts with the floor burner "The Deeper Inside", who has inhaled the acid and ethno touch deeply and bravely strides forward, even after the lockdown. The title track then melodically extends the chosen path and lets the message arrive before being abruptly slowed down in the third part of the EP. Here you can breathe again and briefly stay in the middle of nowhere, while title number four is about reproduction and the somewhat more crooked part begins. In conclusion, I welcome you in the future, because there we are now, 2020 and much smarter. Let's make something out of it!
Mar io´s latest releases:…lcnJhIFJlY29yZHM/1
ich möchte euch kurzentschlossen eine neue EP vorstellen, diesmal auf keinem Label erschienen sondern kostenlos bzw. "Name your Price" bei Bandcamp und Soundcloud. Es würde mich feuen wenn ihr mal reinhört, in Zeiten wie diesen wollte ich gerne etwas "zurück" geben, den ein oder anderen erreicht die EP noch in der Isolation...und wenn es nur einigen ein Lächeln auf das Gesicht zaubert ist schon viel gewonnen.
Viel spaß damit!
Bandcamp Link:
Soundcloud Link:

Mar io
Cloud/Promo: Free Downloads: Styles: Tech House, Deep House, Downbeat Roots: Amiga Demo Scene, Protracker and Modules, 9
With "Joy Of Existence" Mar io presents an EP with five tracks in April 2020, which are given free to download and with the hope that they will spend some enjoyable moments in times of isolation.
Artist: Mar io
Name: "Joy Of Existence"
Format: 5 Track EP, digital, mp3 and wav
Available via: Bandcamp and Soundcloud exclusive
Release: 15/04/2020
"Joy Of Existence" on Bandcamp :
(free .wav download)
Release Info:
It starts with the floor burner "The Deeper Inside", who has inhaled the acid and ethno touch deeply and bravely strides forward, even after the lockdown. The title track then melodically extends the chosen path and lets the message arrive before being abruptly slowed down in the third part of the EP. Here you can breathe again and briefly stay in the middle of nowhere, while title number four is about reproduction and the somewhat more crooked part begins. In conclusion, I welcome you in the future, because there we are now, 2020 and much smarter. Let's make something out of it!
Mar io´s latest releases:…lcnJhIFJlY29yZHM/1