Die ist doch süß -> Koka Beatbox

Hatten wir auch in der SequencerTalk Sendung vorgestellt, letzten Di.
Ich mag sie auch. Glaube er kann sie auch "bedienen", also spielen - und so passt das einfach.

Sieht ja immer alles "leicht" aus.
nun ja, genauer gesagt kann man dort für 10 euro das recht erwerben, ihn später für 555 euro erwerben zu dürfen...

der entscheidende punkt ist: es gibt eine website dazu mit allerlei info und kauf/reservierungsmögkeit, die sollte man hier auch verlinken - was soll die geheimniskrämerei...
Ist doch bei den YouTube link dabei.
Aber lieber @bartleby jetzt hast Du ja einen direkten Link eingefügt, vielen Dank.
Alles gut.
Das kann noch dauern, aber immerhin er macht weiter, cool.
Hi everyone, Koka here,

The production of the Pocket Beatbox is delayed due to the worldwide semiconductor shortage. I've done my best to get the chips! But everything seems to indicate that I'll just have to wait until the semiconductor market stabilises. This is to avoid unreasonable redevelopment and production costs.

I've refunded your booking fee, it will take a few days until funds appear on your account. However you keep your place in the queue. I thought that was the most ethical thing to do. I will be funding the Beatbox project myself anyway and don't want to keep your booking fees indefinitely. You'll hear from me when the chip market allows me to resume the project. If this does not happen soon, maybe I'll develop a new pure analogue pocket beatbox and offer it instead. Maybe something else. I can’t stop creating things, so time will tell.

In the meantime, a small thank you for supporting the beatbox project - a unique sample pack that's particularly close to my heart. I had the privilege of sampling bells in Oslo Cathedral for a day. On that day, the city had to listen to me sample the bells for many hours. Here's a DropBox link. I'll keep it up for a month. Ableton Live Sampler Instrument is included with the folder.

Special thanks to those of you who follow my work on social media. I continue to work hard on various artistic projects. By the way, I've now collected dozens of requests to offer my material - sample packs. I'm thinking of setting up a Koka's Sample Packs Patreon page so I can share the material with you. All beatbox bookers will get the first sample kit for free. I'll send you a download link once the Patreon page is set up.

Thank you very much!
Best warm regards from Oslo!
Stay creative!
