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Hier schon mal das Transkript:
So we are not completely sure how the universe began
but we have some ideas of
what could had be going on
right at the beginning.
We think it began at the Big Bang
when everything we see now in space was usually condensed down in this very small region
smaller than an atom
would had blown up to bigger as the sun
and we see how began the universe and began the expansion of the universe
the universe then expanded
and cooled down quite a lot
at a certain point
atoms can now form..
We got to believe
these things about the early universe
because we actually have observations
because we measure light thats been traveling
and so even if we look at the sun for example
the light from the sun set off 8 minutes ago
if we look further back in space we could look back even further
and we could actually look back as far as
this time that was only a few hundred thousand years of the BIG BANG
we can measure light from that time
and we can see how the universe looked back then
at the beginning of the universe, the universe was so hot
that atoms were split up into electron and a proton
and it would been like a soup or bit like a cloud
..that atoms can form together
and light could just travel out through space
This light thats been traveling for almost fourty billion years instead of
a few hundred thousand years of the BIG BANG
It travels through space
A different kind of light, microwave light,
such there are its micro waves
this light hitting us from all directions of the sky
everywhere we look
the temperature of this light is about minus 270 degrees, its really cold
The idea is, if this is an area of space
thats got a little more stuff in it
than another area, so its a little bit more densed as somewhere else,
than that is be able to start growing
Gravity does its job
so you have a region of space that is more densed
Gravity will act to pull in more stuff around that area
until you got have enough stuff
and it could start to collapse
and make objects like the first stars
by measuring this patterns and these ripples
we can figure out
how much of the universe is made off different materials
so we can work out how much of it is normal stuff that we are made off
and how much of it is weird stuff, that we dont understand
and that is the stuff we call dark matter
Dark energy
Dark energy
we also have made a better estimate of how fast the universe is expanding
so you have some some energetic initial Big Bang that starts its expansion
and then for ever more stuff in the universe should tend to slow down expansion
cause gravity kind of pulls in and tends to slow the things down
so we always really thought that the universe keeps slowing down and slowing down forever more
but we have now discovered the last 15 years
that there is this mysterious dark enery around
and that is now making the universe speed up again
so the expansion is now speeding up
but its doing it for the last billion years
but the weird thing about dark enery is
it seems to grow
So we are in this lucky situation that we think we can track
the universe all the way through its 40 billion year history
and the Big Bang
to were we are today our universe full of galaxies
about 5 billion years ago
we then had our own solar system beginning to form
it started off with an own sun coming to live
also its a very normal star then gradually
our solar system formed then around that star
this big disk of dust and rocks and junk that eventually combined together to form planets
and thats now been there for the last few billion years
our own sun has about 5 billion years left to live
so we got a while yet