microbug schrieb:Soundwave schrieb:imho kannst du so eine 250V nehmen, die darf dann aber nur 0.8 A haben. bin aber nicht der elektriker, es wird sich sicher bald jemand melden der wiklich ahnung hat.
Auf keinen Fall eine 250er Sicherung nehmen, siehe mein Posting oben. Spannung der Sicherung und des Trafos müssen übereinstimmen, sonst bietet die Sicherung keinen Schutz mehr vor Überspannung.
Hi MICROBUG: Kannst du mir bitte hierauf ein feedback geben, danke!!!

I checked at Farnell (components) this week, they have over 2000 fuses, but they have no 125V, 1600mA fast-acting fuses
But I am 100% sure now that a 250V, 1600mA fast acting fuse will protect your MPC, if you did accidentally plug the wrong voltage into it.
And the reason for this is, the Ampere rating of the fuse is the only thing that is important in this case. The 250V fuse will still blow if you connect your MPC to 230VAC mains voltage.
The 125VAC rating of the recommended fuse is the 'operating voltage'. It means that the fuse is guaranteed to operate safely at 125V. But that does not mean that a 125V fuse will blow at 250V.
One example is the SCSI fuse in the MPC3000 and S3000 samplers. This fuse needs to break at 1000mA. The voltage passing through the fuse will never be more than 5VDC, so you could use, say, a 16V fuse. But you can use a 250V fuse in there (I do) and it will blow when the current exceeds 1000mA at 5V (it definitely blows).
I will try to explain. Let us say that the MPC uses 1500mA maximum, when 125VAC is connected. And you use the 250V fuse, then connect your MPC to the wrong mains voltage:
- The MPC, when connected to 250VAC, will take 2x the current, 2x1500mA through the fuse, when the voltage is 2x 125V. The fuse will blow immediately.
So please, use a 250V 1600mA fuse, fast-acting, I promise that your MPC will be just as safe as before
I hope this helps, and please don't worry that a 250VAC fuse will not protect your MPC, because it will![]()
Das ist eine antwort, die ich auf deinen einwand erhalten habe.