(2006 Aleatoric BUG MUSIC Contest!) Win a ZO!


schwirrt gerade durch diverse maillisten, und ich erlaube mir das weiter zu verbreiten.

die chance zu nen günstigen ZO zu kommen:

(2006 Aleatoric BUG MUSIC Contest!) Win a ZO!
Posted by: "Cynthia" cyndustries
Wed Dec 6, 2006 8:46 pm (PST)
No one expects the Cynthia Bug Off Contest!
Fire-up your synthesizers and challenge yourself to record a wild and crazy piece of
electronic musicand enter it in the Cyndustries surprise 2006 Aleatoric Music Competition
which now begins!


(Enter now, the First Place Winner walks away with a brand new Cynthia Zeroscillator!)

~ January 4th 2007 Deadline for Entries ~


Between now and January 4th 2007, you have five-weeks to make a short piece of new
music,(up to 3-minutes long) supporting this year's theme of "WAR & PEACE".

The contest is totally "open season" technically, with any and all types of synthesis
allowed, that's laptops, modulars, keyboards, virtual or actual, whatever,
( just please do not exceed the 3-minute time limit).
Listeners across the web will vote for their favorite musical entries.

Aleatoric Music is named after "alea" the latin word for "dice", and is music guided
randomly or by chance, (described simply as, "Bug Music"by some people). We're
stretching this ruleto include new musical composition guided by humans as well,
(hey, that would be YOU!)

Just what ~can~ you do with your arsenal of gadgets? Let's hear it everybody,
you might even win a shiney new Zeroscillator!

On your mark, get set, and BLEEP!


Contest Rules
1. All entries must be no longer than exactly 3 minutes in length.
2. Equipment wise, anything goes! Analog or Digital, Softsynth or Hardware!
3. Cyndustries has the right to reject any material deemed offensive.
4. Only those who own the rights to the music may submit their music and in the interest of a clear playing field for all, we ask that the submitted piece must be originated with this contest in mind, (please do not submit any masterpieces that you have previously labored on for many months or years).
please do not submit any masterpieces that you have previously labored on for many months or years
wie soll denn dann gehen? soll man eine nummer heute produzieren und sie am gleichen tag einreichen, oder wie? Jedes fertige teil hat bereits eine vergangenheit von X ....hmm..
Between now and January 4th 2007, you have five-weeks to make a short piece of new
music,(up to 3-minutes long) supporting this year's theme of "WAR & PEACE".

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