
  1. rofilm

    Let´s join an international project!

    Hallo Bernie, nein, ich habe keinen bestimmten Event (oder Film oder irgendwas). Insgesamt will ich dem Projekt "Luft lassen". Es ist spannend zu sehen, wie es sich entwickelt. Die Teilnahme ist schon fuer mich ueberraschend zahlreich fuer die kurze Zeit. Auch die "Internationalitaet" nimmt...
  2. rofilm

    Let´s join an international project!

    Hallo Bernie! Zuerst einmal vielen Dank fuer Deine Frage. Die Details zum Projekt, soweit sowas vorher festschreibbar ist, hast Du ja auf meinen diesbezueglichen Webseiten gesehen, nehme ich an. Daher hier mal etwas zu meiner Herangehensweise. Ganz grundsaetzlich geht es bei diesem Projekt nicht...
  3. rofilm

    Let´s join an international project!

    Just a short information about how our project is developing. There are already sounds from the Czech republic, from Germany, from Poland, from Italy and from Iceland in the project so far. Thank you all. Please keep on sharing and telling around. We need to cover the whole world! Detailed...
  4. rofilm

    Let´s join an international project!

    Well now, some recordings have already arrived. Thank you all so far. I´ve also found the time to put two videos online. One from the Czech republich and one from Hannover, Germany (thank you Oliver!). I´m still collecting and will be doing that for quite a time, before I begin extracting sound...
  5. rofilm

    The Sound of the 80s, FM/PM, DX7 and More

    FM Workshop. I´ve just started producing Workshop 3. I´m dealing with some special problems right now (and how to explain them without maths). For example the occurrence of sidebands (partials) with lower frequencies as the fundamental at modulator frequencies of twice the carriers and higher...
  6. rofilm

    Let´s join an international project!

    Super, ollo! Ich freue mich auf Dein Material. Have a great day and a good time! Rolf
  7. rofilm

    Let´s join an international project!

    No account needed. Just to asnwer a frequent question concerning our project “The Sound of the Waters of the World”, here: file transfer. You don´t need a dropbox account to send me your files. Just tell me your email and I´ll send you a so called “file request” to your email. Then you can...
  8. rofilm

    Let´s join an international project!

    So, und jetzt habe ich auch die Loesung fuer Ollo: Ich habe jetzt einen Dropbox acount gemacht. Genauer gesagt: 2 Bei Dropbox kannst Du mir jetzt entweder an oder an Deine hochgeladenen files ankuendigen und ich lade die dann runter (falls ich das so...
  9. rofilm

    Let´s join an international project!

    Und jetzt wieder Wesentliches: das mit dem Hoster check ich ab und poste dann wieder hier. Habe einen grossartigen Tag und habe Spass (sagt man das so auch auf Deutsch?). Rolf
  10. rofilm

    Let´s join an international project!

    Na, da hat aber jemand schlecht gefruehstueckt! Erstens: die Website ist nicht kommerziell (oder siehst du da irgendeine Werbung?) Zweitens: der "Veranstalter" ist kein "Veranstalter" sondern Rolf Kasten (ich), ein Tscheche mit deutsch-englischem Familienbaum. Ein wenig auf der Website...
  11. rofilm

    Let´s join an international project!

    Im Hamburger Hafen wird es dazu genug zum Recorden geben, oder? Oder was ist denn mit der Havel? Habt einen grossartigen Tag und viel Spass! Rolf P.S.: Na, das mit der deutschen Sprache klappt ja noch so einigermassen.
  12. rofilm

    Let´s join an international project!

    "The Sound of the Waters of the World" Click, learn, decide and unite! Record with whatever you can get your hands on! Thank you! Have a great day and a good time! Rolf Please share the project in your networks!
  13. rofilm

    Softube´s MODULAR in-depth tutorials

    Part 8: Doepfer A_118 Noise, Random Voltage and Electronic B Softube Modular: The Tutorials, part 8 is online. This part deals with the Doepfer A-118 Noise and Random Voltage Module. I´m talking about noise to strings, ocean, waves, wind, percussion and tasty electronic bacon...
  14. rofilm

    Softube´s MODULAR in-depth tutorials

    Part 7 is online: Doepfer A-147 VCLFO Part 7 of my tutorials about Softube´s Modular is online now. It´s about the Doepfer A-147 VCLFO Module, its functionality, its feedback behaviour and some deeper insides in RESET and CV feedback. Combinations of more than only...
  15. rofilm

    Softube´s MODULAR in-depth tutorials

    Part 6 is online! Doepfer A-140 ADSR module Part 6 of my series of tutorials about Softube´s Modular is online: It´s about the Doepfer A140 ADSR module and some uncommon applications. Timeline: 00:00 Introduction 01:12 4 Stages 02:00 Gate 03:26 Gate and...
  16. rofilm

    u-he´s ZEBRA Patch Analysis

    Part 2 is online now The second part of my series about the factory presets of u-he´s ZEBRA is online: Timeline: 00:00 Introduction 00:43 The 3 Components 02:57 Component 1. OSC1 03:49 The Wave Table 06:24 Frequency Ratios, Part 1 07:05 OSC Modes 10:07...
  17. rofilm

    Softube´s MODULAR in-depth tutorials

    Part 5: Doepfer A-108 VCF6 filter module Part 5 of my tutorials about Softube´s Modular is online now. I deal with the filter module Doepfer A-108 VCF8. Timeline: 00:00 Introduction 00:12 Overview 03:40 Basic Terms: Cutoff and roll off 05:00 Basic Terms...
  18. rofilm

    Softube´s MODULAR in-depth tutorials

    Tutorial 4: Doepfer A-132-3 DVCA Part 4 of my series of tutorials about Softube´s MODULAR is online now. It´s about the amplifier module Doepfer A-132-3 DVCA: Timeline: 00:00 Introduction 00:30 A Warning 01:30 Module Overview 02:20 Gain and Amplification...
  19. rofilm

    Softube´s MODULAR in-depth tutorials

    Part 3 of the in-depth tutorials about Softube´s MODULAR is online now. It´s about the oscillator Doepfer A-110 module. Please look at the timeline for more details: Timeline: 00:00 Intro 00:24 Wave Forms 04:08 Range and Tune 05:50 CV 1 and CV 2 06:22...
  20. rofilm

    Softube´s MODULAR in-depth tutorials

    The series of in-depth tutorials about Softube´s MODULAR has started with the first 2 tutorials going online today: Part 1: Installation, Overview and GUI Part 2: File Management and Basic Concepts of Modular Synthesis Timeline and...
  21. rofilm

    The Sound of the 80s, FM/PM, DX7 and More

    Workshop 2 is online. 1 hour, 23 minutes and 18 seconds long, 50 pages of script and hours and hours of work – hard, but I loved it!!! - 1 day earlier than announced the second workshop is online now: I thank you very much for watching workshop 1 (more than 20...
  22. rofilm

    u-he´s ZEBRA Patch Analysis

    As I´m quite surprised about how many people have watched my patch analysis of BAZILLE´s (factory) patches, I have decided to start a second series of patch analysis, this time it´s about ZEBRA. The first part is online now: Instead of a lot of words: here is the...
  23. rofilm

    The Sound of the 80s, FM/PM, DX7 and More

    Thank you for 15 hours of watching my Workshop (part 1) ! I am already producing workshop 2. The date of release is set to Monday, 18. July 2016 (One week later than originally planned, but it is a fix date now,) Have a great day and a good time! Rolf
  24. rofilm

    The Sound of the 80s, FM/PM, DX7 and More

    Yes, that´s indeed a common and wide spread prejudice.
  25. rofilm

    The Sound of the 80s, FM/PM, DX7 and More

    Hm, interesting aspects. Thank you. I´ll think about it. I have to consider how it fits in my long-term concept of online presence (which is not only focussed on gaining a lot of views/followers etc.) however. But I´ll surely consider your opinion. Again: Thanks a lot! Have a great day and a...
  26. rofilm

    The Sound of the 80s, FM/PM, DX7 and More

    Thank you for your comment. I agree with you in that the typical YouTube user doesn´t watch a single video for nearly an hour. But my concept is somewhat different, as is my target audience. First of all, this series of workshops is going to be about 7 hours - all in all. Every workshop is...
  27. rofilm

    The Sound of the 80s, FM/PM, DX7 and More

    It is done again! The Power of FM/PM, Workshop 1 is online. Watch it! Enjoy it! Join it! And here´s the timeline: 00:00 Introduction 00:51 Column 1 00:53 The VST DEXED 01:20 Download and Installation 02:00 Overview 03:35...
  28. rofilm

    The Sound of the 80s, FM/PM, DX7 and More

    The first Workshop is nearly produced and will be online 31 May 2016. A detailed content will be published then (also here on this forum). As there is only one week left to register for the workshop, a general overview shall be given already now: Workshop 1, part 1: DEXED – a quick tour across...
  29. rofilm

    The Sound of the 80s, FM/PM, DX7 and More

    Thanks to the discussions with and the help of a lot of people (sound designers, producers, musicians, people from companies - not to forget my friends) I´ve changed the concept a little and the name completely. I call the workshop "The Power of FM/PM" and the name tells you a little about the...
  30. rofilm

    The Sound of the 80s, FM/PM, DX7 and More

    A lot of them used FM/PM synthesis back in the 80s. Mainly the Yamaha DX machines. Al Jarreau, Chicago, Simply Red, Michael Jackson (he used it a lot), Depeche Mode, Level 42, Sting, Tangerine Dream etc. they all used sounds, typical for FM/PM in those days. But to respond even here to some...
  31. rofilm

    u-he´s BAZILLE Patch Analysis

    Part 4 of my series analysing the patches shipped with the VST BAZILLE by u-he is online. This time I don´t only analyse the sound design, but modify the preset according to our needs. Instead of a lot of words: here is the timeline: 00:00 Intro and Content...
  32. rofilm

    The Sound of the 80s, FM/PM, DX7 and More

    Announcing a new online workshop starting in May: “The Sound of the 80s, FM/PM, Yamaha DX7 and More” Info and registration (FOR FREE): I am looking forward to meeting you there. Have a great day and a good time! Rolf
  33. rofilm

    CrusherX - granular sounddesign

    For the friends of granular synthesis and granular approaches to music: Part 15 of my series of Tutorials about CrusherX is online. I talk about the quantization modes and the PM field. Timeline: 00:00 Intro 01:05 The Quantization modes 02:04 The GRAIN...
  34. rofilm

    u-he´s BAZILLE Patch Analysis

    Ja, naeher anschauen lohnt sich bestimmt. Man entdeckt immer wieder neue Sachen, neue Moeglichkeiten, je mehr man sich damit beschaefftigt. Have a good time. Rolf
  35. rofilm

    u-he´s BAZILLE Patch Analysis

    Part 3 of the series “Analysing u-he Bazille´s patches” is online. It´s about the most complex patch in this series so far. Instead of a lot of words: here is the timeline of the video: 00:00 Introduction 00:55 multi layer modulation 03:20 the individual paths...
  36. rofilm

    CrusherX - granular sounddesign

    Re: CrusherX - granular sounddesign tutorial 14 Again for the lovers of granular sound experiments: Part 14 of my series about CrusherX is online: It´s about the modulation functionalities of CrusherX. Instead of a long description I show you the Timeline: 00:00...
  37. rofilm

    CrusherX - granular sounddesign

    For the lovers of granular sound experiments: Part 13 of my series about CrusherX is online: 1CwgOLj5bQM Instead of a long description I show you the Timeline: 00:00 Intro 00:47 The Spline Window 02:04 Applying Overdrive 02:38 Waveshaping 03:40 Placing and Removing Points, "Symmetric", Spline...
  38. rofilm

    u-he´s BAZILLE Patch Analysis

    Part 2 of the series “Analysing u-he Bazille´s patches” is online. I´m analysing the preset “AJ Analog Power”. Two interludes are included to – at least in short – talk about modulating with white noise and modulating the OSC´s FM (pitch). P.S. Das Ruckeln ist jetzt...
  39. rofilm

    u-he´s BAZILLE Patch Analysis

    Yo, das Ruckeln stell ich noch irgendwie ab. Danke fuer die Antwort. Rolf
  40. rofilm

    u-he´s BAZILLE Patch Analysis

    The series has started: u-he´s BAZILLE modular FM synthesizer VST. Patch analysis part 1: I´m looking forward to your comments here, or on YouTube. I´m trying to do a good job. But without your help/response it won´t work out. Thank you in advance and have a great...