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Hatte das mit dem aktuellen englischen Ableton Live Handbuch schon mal probiert, die Übersetzung ist nicht ganz perfekt. Durch die Quellverweise in dem Antworten kann man aber gut durch die 300 Seiten navigieren.
Also, irgendwann hört's mir dann doch auf mit der Hilfestellung durch K.I. Sonst verlerne ich zukünftig noch wie ich mir den Hintern abputze. Mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass sowas auch total faul macht.


Der Link sah nicht so schön aus, so ist besser. Das Ableton Handbuch hat sogar 900 Seiten. Diese Zusammenfassungsgeschichte finde ich KI-unterstützt schon interessant, sobald das ausgereift ist.

Mit der Frage "show me everything about midi and midi controller" finde ich mit rund 30 Quellverweisen:

Here's what the sources say about MIDI and MIDI controllers in Ableton Live:
General MIDI Information

A MIDI clip contains musical information in the form of MIDI notes and controller envelopes1. When MIDI is imported from a MIDI file, the data is incorporated into the Live Set, and the original file is not referenced thereafter1.

MIDI clips are composed in Live’s Clip Content Editor and edited using various utilities available in Clip View’s tabs/panels, the MIDI Note Editor, and the Velocity and Chance Editors2.

The MIDI Note Editor is where MIDI notes can be added3. The vertical axis contains the note ruler, which displays octaves C-2–C8, the subset of pitches used by a loaded tuning system, or a list of drum pads if a Drum Rack is loaded3.

You can use the computer keyboard to quickly navigate within the current selection MIDI Note Editor4.

Live offers messages for 128 banks with 128 sub-banks, each of which has 128 programs5.
MIDI Editing

There is a dedicated Editing MIDI chapter6.

The Transform tab/panel contains the Quantize tool which can be used to set either the current grid size or a specific meter value for sample quantization6.

MIDI notes can be quantized in Live in a variety of ways7:

Quantizing notes as you record them7.

Quantizing notes by moving them so that they snap to the visible grid lines7.

Using the Quantize MIDI Tool in Clip View’s Transform tab/panel for more granular control of note quantization7.

Quantizing by selecting a note or notes and choosing the Quantize command from the Edit menu, or using the Ctrl U (Win) / Cmd U (Mac) keyboard shortcut8.

MIDI Tools open further possibilities when it comes to working with MIDI content9. These scale-aware utilities can be accessed via the Transform and Generate tabs/panels of the Clip View9.
MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE)

MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) is an extension to the MIDI specification that enables attaching parameter control information to individual notes, instead of globally per MIDI channel10.

To enable Live to receive per-note expression from an MPE-capable MIDI controller, first enable MPE Mode in the Link, Tempo & MIDI Settings for that controller10.

The Clip View’s Note Expression tab allows viewing and editing five dimensions of MPE for each note in a clip: Pitch (per-note pitch bend), Slide (per-note Y-Axis), Pressure (Poly Aftertouch/MPE)11.
Tuning Systems

You will see a few tuning-specific options appear in the I/O section of MIDI tracks when a tuning system is loaded that let you customize your track and controller setups12.

The Bypass Tuning toggle can be used to ignore a tuning system for a specific MIDI track12.

As notes in a tuning system can differ from 12TET layouts, the Track Tuning MIDI Controller Layout settings allow you to specify which notes a controller can be mapped to, as well as create a custom layout if needed13.
External MIDI Devices and Controllers

Live can be controlled remotely by external MIDI control surfaces, such as MIDI keyboards or controller boxes14. Live also offers dedicated control via Ableton Push 1, Push 2, and Push 314.

To liberate the musician from the mouse, most of Live’s controls can be “remote-controlled“ via an external MIDI controller15.

Remote mappings are established in MIDI Map Mode, which is engaged by pressing the MIDI switch in the Control Bar15.

You can click on any mixer or effect control, and then assign it to a controller simply by sending the desired MIDI message (for example, by turning a knob on your MIDI control box)15.

MIDI keys that become part of remote control assignments can no longer be used as input for MIDI tracks16. This is a common cause of confusion that can be easily resolved by observing the Control Bar’s MIDI indicators16.

You can configure which MIDI ports are made available to Live using the Inputs and Outputs options in the MIDI section of the Link, Tempo & MIDI Settings17.

To use an input port for remote control of Live, make sure the corresponding switch in its Remote column is set to ”On.”18.

To test your setup, try sending some MIDI data to Live from your control surface. The Control Bar’s MIDI indicators will flash whenever Live recognizes an incoming MIDI message19.

All manual MIDI, computer keyboard and Macro Control mappings are managed by the Mapping Browser20.
Setting up MIDI Devices

The Link, Tempo & MIDI Settings are used to help Live recognize external devices for three separate and distinct purposes21:

Syncing the program with external devices, either via Ableton Link, Tempo Follower, or MIDI21.

Playing MIDI notes21.

Controlling parts of the interface remotely21.

Before making any MIDI assignments, you will need to set up Live to recognize your control surfaces16. This is done in the Link, Tempo & MIDI tab of Live’s Settings, which can be opened with the Ctrl , (Win) / Cmd , (Mac) keyboard shortcut16.

Control Surfaces are defined via the menus in the Link, Tempo & MIDI tab22. Up to six supported control surfaces can be used simultaneously in Live22.

Open the first chooser in the Control Surface column to see whether your control surface is supported natively by Live; if it is listed here, you can select it by name, and then define its MIDI input and output ports using the two columns to the right22.

You can use any number of MIDI ports for track input and output; the mixer’s In/Out choosers allow them to be addressed individually17.

When working with a control surface that provides physical or visual feedback, you will also need to enable the Remote switch for its output port18.

Once your controller is recognized by Live, you have completed the setup phase (but it is recommended that you take the time to select a Takeover Mode before you leave the Settings behind)19.
MIDI Indicators

Live’s Control Bar contains three pairs of indicator LEDs that tell you about incoming and outgoing MIDI23.

In every pair, the upper indicator flashes when a MIDI message is received, and the lower indicator flashes when a MIDI message is sent23.

The three indicator pairs represent, from left to right23:

MIDI Clock and Timecode signals that are used for synchronizing Live with other sequencers23.

MIDI messages that are used for remote-controlling Live’s user-interface elements23.

MIDI messages coming from and going to Live’s MIDI tracks23.
MIDI Remote Control

To liberate the musician from the mouse, most of Live’s controls can be remote-controlled with an external MIDI controller and the computer keyboard24.

Live can be controlled remotely by external MIDI control surfaces, such as MIDI keyboards or controller boxes14. Live also offers dedicated control via Ableton Push 1, Push 2, and Push 314.

Once your remote control setup has been defined in the Link, Tempo & MIDI Settings, giving MIDI controllers and notes remote control assignments is simple25:

Enter MIDI Map Mode by pressing the MIDI switch in Live’s upper right-hand corner25.

Notice that assignable elements of the interface become highlighted in blue, and that the Mapping Browser becomes available25.

Click on the Live parameter that you’d like to control via MIDI26.

Send a MIDI message by pressing a keyboard key, turning a knob, etc., on your MIDI controller26.

Exit MIDI Map Mode by pressing the MIDI switch once again26.

Activate Remote for a MIDI port’s input when27:

Creating custom MIDI mappings to be able to control parameters in Live27.

Using a MIDI keyboard to trigger MIDI Clips27.

Activate Remote for a MIDI port’s output when27:

Using MIDI controllers with LEDs that reflect the status of mapped Live parameters27.

Using MIDI controllers with motorized faders that reflect the status of mapped Live parameters27.

All manual MIDI, computer keyboard and Macro Control mappings are managed by the Mapping Browser20.
MIDI Clip Envelopes

Live allows you to edit and create MIDI controller data for the clip in the form of clip envelopes28.

Choose “MIDI Ctrl“ from a MIDI clip’s Device chooser and use the Control chooser next to it to select a specific MIDI controller29.

You can create new clip envelopes for any of the listed controllers by drawing steps or using breakpoints29.

Live supports most MIDI controller numbers up to 119, accessible via the scroll bar on the right side of the menu29.
Ableton Push

Live also offers dedicated control via Ableton Push 1, Push 2, and Push 314.
MIDI Clock and Sync

MIDI Clock works like a metronome ticking at a fast rate30.

When Sync is enabled for a port’s output, you can access a set of additional options by pressing the triangle next to the port’s name31.

You can adjust the MIDI Clock Sync Delay amount to add a delay to outgoing MIDI sync signals in milliseconds31.
MIDI Solutions

Live’s MIDI Solutions include [37.3]:

Jitter-free recording and playback [37.3].

Compensated playthrough [37.3].

A MIDI architecture that makes the most of available bandwidth [37.3].

MIDI Clock output with compensation [37.3].

Plug-in delay compensation [37.3].

An accurate internal clock [37.3].

The ability to use an external clock [37.3].

MPE Support [37.3].

Selbst das in dem Fall gut struktuierte Inhaltsverzeichnis hat fast 30 Seiten, der Begriff MIDI wird 1300 mal im PDF gefunden. Also eine "erste" Hilfe ist das schon.
Genau für Ableton 12 finde ich das auch sehr brauchbar. Ich habe wohl seit Ableton 4 nicht mehr die ganze Bedeinungsanleitung gelesen. Habe wahrscheinlich so einige Wissenslücken bei der letzten Version.
Beim Podcast kann man mit dem Button "Anpassen" noch Schwerpunkte setzen.

Mist das Tageslimit für gratis Audiozusammenfassungen habe ich schon erreicht.
Habs mal gerade mit dem Handbuch unsere Software probiert, das als hierarchische Webseite aufgebaut ist. Da folgt das Ding leider nicht den Links in die Tiefe.
Also, irgendwann hört's mir dann doch auf mit der Hilfestellung durch K.I. Sonst verlerne ich zukünftig noch wie ich mir den Hintern abputze. Mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass sowas auch total faul macht.
Ich hoffe du bist konsequent und nutzt noch die Brockhaus Enzyklopädie
und navigierst mit analogen Landkarten ;-)
Ich mache das schon länger so, weil - für suchen und querlesen - das ist echt was für ne Maschine.
Daher - all hail the LLM - Tipp: man kann auch mit llama auf dem eigenen Rechner sowas machen (via Ollama auf dem Mac). Also man braucht kein eigenes Gerät dafür. Auf meinem "was ich eben grade offen habe" - iPad, Macbuch…
Ich hoffe du bist konsequent und nutzt noch die Brockhaus Enzyklopädie
und navigierst mit analogen Landkarten ;-)
Was mir einen echten Mehrwert bietet, und nicht nur Bequemlichkeit ist, das nutze ich natürlich auch. Sonst würde der Mensch wohl auch noch im Bach seine Wäsche waschen.

Weiß eigentlich jemand, was Letzteres für eine Schweinearbeit war? Nicht zu beneiden, die Damen damals...
Ich mache das schon länger so, weil - für suchen und querlesen - das ist echt was für ne Maschine.
Daher - all hail the LLM - Tipp: man kann auch mit llama auf dem eigenen Rechner sowas machen. Also man braucht kein eigenes Gerät dafür. Ich mach das auf meinem "was ich eben grade offen habe" - iPad, Macbuch…

Auch bei lokalen, autarken Anwendungen ist Bewegung. Der neue AMD Chip schlägt im AI-Benchmark die Nvidia RTX 4090.
Hauptsächlich aus dem Grund 96 GB RAM nutzen zu können, das bei 55 Watt Leistungsaufnahme.
Preislich im Mac Mini Pro Bereich.

@Moogulator Wie organisierst du das, bei Notebook LM ist es so, dass man entsprechend dem Produktnamen Arbeitsmappen anlegt, das habe ich jetzt für Bitwig und Ableton Handbücher separat gemacht und werde das jeweils mit weiteren Quellen ergänzen.
Für Synths z.B. würde ich auch einen Ordner machen, da stelle ich mir die Frage, wann wird es unübersichtlich durch Überschneidungen oder ist es sogar ein Vorteil, wenn ich nach der allgemeinen Suche "wie moduliere ich blabla" auf ein anderes Handbuch stoße und das einfach mit dem anderen Synth umsetze. So nach dem Motto, der kann das auch.

die ersten Produkte zu Strix Halo trudeln ein, leider erst ab Herbst:

ModellAI Max 385AI Max 395+AI Max 395+
RAM32 GB64 GB128 GB
GPURadeon 8050SRadeon 8060SRadeon 8060S
Preis1.279 €1.859 €2.329 €

als Barebone
IdR reicht da einfach das Haupt-PDF, in der Hoffnung, dass da die Updates mit eingearbeitet sind. Sonst gibt die KI natürlich Fehlinfo, sofern die Bedienschritte dadurch geändert sind.

Sonst musst du natürlich mit 2 Files arbeiten - Claude ist da auch ganz ok oder eben llama 3.2 auf dem Mac bei mir.
Bei dir wäre das natürlich schon leider das Ding mit viel Ram - das hilft viel bei AI Zeug, weil das alles in-RAM DB Deluxe ist.
Das Ding bei Apple könnte noch die ML Kern-Ecke sein, weiss nicht ob das genutzt wird mit llama oder anderen KIs auf dem eigenen Rechner - extern ist das sicherlich egal.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ja, das ist natürlich unterschiedlich je nach Version - es gibt ja auch eher immer mehr.
Da muss man ziemlich genau schauen und Server werden idR auch anders bestückt als der Rechner zuhause.
Das Zusammenfassen mehrerer Quellen funktioniert auch ganz gut, hier habe ich ein paar Handbücher von AudioThing importiert, die Frage

What products from Audiothing are included in this notebook and what do they do?
The notebook includes information on several AudioThing products and their functions:
  • Frostbite 2: It is a spectral freezing plugin that includes a Ring Modulator and a Feedback module, and it can be used to create ambient textures, soundscapes, or frozen reverbs. It has three freezing modes: spectral, reverb, and convolution.
  • Moon Echo: It is a delay plugin which simulates the use of the moon as a reflector for radio waves. It is based on a communication technique that results in crunchy and lively echoes.
  • Noises: This is an experimental instrument designed to bring a world of noise into music production. It features a crossfader between eight sounds in each bank and a sequencer to control a knob.
  • Space Strip: It is a multi-effect plugin with six modules: Contour, Vibe, Slapback, Ambience, Ensemble, and Stereo. It is optimized for adding depth and space to sounds.
  • The Orb: This is a formant filter plugin which simulates the characteristics of the human voice. It can transform sounds into vowel-like, formant-filtered sounds.
  • Things - Bubbles: This is a filter bank effect plugin for experimental sound design using up to 10 band pass filters with controllable resonance and dedicated delays.
  • Things - Crusher: This is a filter and bit crusher effect plugin inspired by the effect section of Noises. It features a multimode filter and a bit crusher.
  • Things - Flip EQ: This is a tilting EQ plugin with mid/side mode. Turning the knob changes the balance between highs and lows.
  • Things - Motor: This plugin effect uses side-chaining to combine two signals, affecting volume and spatial position.
  • Things - Texture: This is a granular reverb with pitch shifting and mid/side mode that can transform sounds into ambient soundscapes.
  • Things - Voice: This is a one-knob compressor for voice-over and vocals, based on the channel strip Dials.
  • Valves: This is a vintage valve emulation plugin that includes a multimode resonant filter and a cabinet/EQ section. It can add authentic tube character to tracks.
  • Wires: This is an accurately modeled 1970s Soviet wire recorder. It can transform audio to create unusual echoes or lofi beats.

Show me only the filter plug-ins
Here is a list of filter plug-ins from AudioThing, based on the provided sources:
  • Frostbite 2: It is a spectral freezing plugin that includes a Ring Modulator and a Feedback module. It has three freezing modes: spectral, reverb, and convolution. The Filter parameters include Mode (LowPass, HighPass, BandPass, and Notch), Cutoff, and Resonance.
  • Things - Bubbles: This is a filter bank effect plugin for experimental sound design using up to 10 band pass filters with controllable resonance and dedicated delays.
  • Things - Crusher: This is a filter and bit crusher effect plugin. It features a multimode filter (lowpass, highpass, bandpass, notch) with 2 or 4-pole and an output gain, along with a bit crusher.
  • The Orb: This is a formant filter plugin which simulates the characteristics of the human voice. It can transform sounds into vowel-like, formant-filtered sounds. The Orb features a set of three band pass filters.
  • Valves: This is a vintage valve emulation plugin that includes a multimode resonant filter and a cabinet/EQ section. The filter section is modeled after a classic ladder filter (2-pole or 4-pole) with multiple modes: low pass, high pass, bandpass and notch.

The Flip EQ is also a filter
Yes, Things - Flip EQ is indeed a filter plugin. It is described as an easy-to-use tilting EQ plugin with mid/side mode. It functions by emphasizing either the high or low frequencies. Turning the main knob to the right boosts highs and attenuates lows, while turning it to the left boosts lows and cuts highs. The cutoff frequency of the EQ can be adjusted with the Cutoff control.

Show me only the filter plug-ins (2. Versuch)
Here is a list of filter plug-ins from AudioThing, based on the provided sources and our conversation history:
  • Frostbite 2: It is a spectral freezing plugin that includes a Ring Modulator and a Feedback module. It has three freezing modes: spectral, reverb, and convolution. The Filter parameters include Mode (LowPass, HighPass, BandPass, and Notch), Cutoff, and Resonance.
  • Things - Bubbles: This is a filter bank effect plugin for experimental sound design using up to 10 band pass filters with controllable resonance and dedicated delays.
  • Things - Crusher: This is a filter and bit crusher effect plugin. It features a multimode filter (lowpass, highpass, bandpass, notch) with 2 or 4-pole and an output gain, along with a bit crusher.
  • The Orb: This is a formant filter plugin which simulates the characteristics of the human voice. It can transform sounds into vowel-like, formant-filtered sounds. The Orb features a set of three band pass filters.
  • Valves: This is a vintage valve emulation plugin that includes a multimode resonant filter and a cabinet/EQ section. The filter section is modeled after a classic ladder filter (2-pole or 4-pole) with multiple modes: low pass, high pass, bandpass and notch.
  • Things - Flip EQ: This is a tilting EQ plugin with mid/side mode. It functions by emphasizing either the high or low frequencies. The cutoff frequency of the EQ can be adjusted with the Cutoff control.

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